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Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_ir3eesd wrote

Tip: those plastic films you can put over windows truly do help. They’re ugly as heck but they work


Waggmans OP t1_ir3u1tk wrote

Unfortunately I live in a converted school with oversized windows, part of the problem. Nobody wants to do anything in here.


wittgensteins-boat t1_ir56uus wrote

But you are not nobody.
The cost of the plastic film or kit can save on heat if you install yourself.


Waggmans OP t1_ir5t4rc wrote

You haven’t seen my windows.


wittgensteins-boat t1_ir6hqtz wrote

I am guessing 3 feet wide and 8 feet high, and huge, the the source of heat loss in a big way.


Waggmans OP t1_ir7ka6r wrote

>13ft. Some go up to 20ft. School converted to condos. I can’t do it myself,


wittgensteins-boat t1_ir97mpt wrote

Curtains are also have an insulating effect.

Shades mounted at reachable heights do the same, even at partial coverage.

Is there no ladder in the entire building?

The amount of heat loss merits paying a handy person to install something to reduce your costs.