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Top_Jeweler_553 t1_iu4go3f wrote

I just moved into an older house in MA and we had a pretty bad mouse problem. HOWEVER, we adopted a cat from the local shelter and he was able to catch a couple and we haven’t seen a mouse since! I have heard that just the smell of the cats will deter the mice from wanting to explore your living areas. Granted the mice are probably still in the house but they are contained to the basement.


[deleted] t1_iu4hlfu wrote

They are behind the walls in the insulation, eventually you will hear them at night scratching. Don't fool yourself. A cat can only do so much.

Edit: However, I am all for saving a cat or two. Not an option for some. Cat is a common allergy for humans.


bubalusarnee t1_iuelgg6 wrote

> Cat is a common allergy for human.

mouse feces is a common disease vector for humans


LowkeyPony t1_iu4nbsm wrote

I wish. I have three cats. Still have mice. I don't see them, unless one of the cats actually decides to hunt. But they are in the walls. We've been in our place 21 years. Blocked holes, openings. They still get in. I no longer use kill bait though, since I like the neighborhood hawks etc and don't want them dead. So I bought quick kill, no touch traps. Had one in my room, heard the snap one night. Kinda ick, but as cute as mice are. They are very ick.