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MrRileyJr t1_itrsw8b wrote

And I know quite a few people that work remotely for companies in other states but live here and get paid well.

Is this a big issue? This isn't something I've heard of most places doing.


UncleCustard t1_itrtuia wrote

You can get paid well depending on your field. But if the goal is to make the most money you can in your field, you have to live in a place with a higher cost of living.


MrRileyJr t1_itrw9rr wrote

None of what you have said has made a good argument against my initial point that to solve the housing/rent problem you need to expand west & not always build up. It would also solve or help alleviate many other issues. All of your points hinder on personal opinions and the company (and everything is on a company by company basis).


UncleCustard t1_itrxg0u wrote

Moving west is only going to create a bigger problem. More traffic going east in the AM and more going west in the PM. Remote work isn't prevalent enough to fix that. You basically said "move where the job market doesn't pay well or drive 3 hours a day to make a good paycheck." If remote work was the solution your idea MIGHT play out well. But it's not the solution.


MrRileyJr t1_its0qq9 wrote

No matter what is done it will cause temporary discomfort and annoyance to somebody, no way around that. If traffic is the biggest issue you foresee then it is a fairly weak one, traffic will always exist and this would actually spread it out more.

The only valid point of your argument is that out west there aren't as many jobs that pay well...but there are some & overall that's a self-fulfilling prophecy because nobody wants to move out there and force that to start happening. There are still jobs though, and remote work is becoming more and more prevalent. All the issues people have with the western half of the state would start to disappear or get significantly better if it had more people moving out there.

There's no easy solution for all the issues the Eastern half of the state has, but people ignore one of them simply because of some crappy mindset. If people refuse to do things that would actually help the situation or offer solutions that make sense then wtf are you doing?

So tell me, what is the solution?

PS: Way to put words in my mouth.


UncleCustard t1_its1luu wrote

Solution? More people should get abortions. We should have incentivized you genetics. Do not give tax breaks to those who have children. Tax them at a higher rate. 5% per child. Use that money to fund the infrastructure we need to support them. Those who don't have kids should get tax breaks. Extra week of vacation. Special lanes on the roads. Discounts on utilities.


MrRileyJr t1_its96oj wrote

I wish I could say this response was a surprise...

Anything actual to add?