Don't quote me on this, but thinking back to the last time I collected benefits I was technically still employed, we just didn't have available work most weeks. When claiming benefits, I could honestly state I looked for work because I would ask my boss each night, if there was work tomorrow. No? Ok then.
So you are/were actively seeking employment there just won't be any for 7 weeks. I believe you can still collect.
You would stop claiming the week you actually started working. For example, if you work this week, you would not make a claim on Sunday unless you only worked part-time hours. Depending on your wage, you may be entitled to some type of unemployment compensation to offset the short week.
You're welcome. If you have any questions going forward please don't hesitate to direct message me as I'm pretty well versed in the unemployment world. My industry has seasonal layoff
RandmScienz t1_irbo0u6 wrote
Yes. Employment only counts against you when you actually have hours and income on the books