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[deleted] t1_iud1rdh wrote



cowghost OP t1_iud26nr wrote

I moved from Ohio here and its so much better. I would never, ever go back to a red state. They had shit like this but worse if you were a worker. I used to work 9 hours a day as a teacher with no legal lunch break.

There is no extra fee that i saw, and honesty its a step to start to fix a legit problem with waste managment but they need to have infistructure in place. Like have textile drop boxes at every t station if your going to do this.


theOGlib t1_iud4s2d wrote

The state has no interest in actually solving the problem, that's why there's no infrastructure. If there was to be infrastructure there would certainly be a fee, which means maybe it wouldn't have passed because people don't want to pay the fee. So, the state passed this law so that people would "feel" like the problem is being addressed and they would go and continue voting for said ridiculousness.
