Submitted by [deleted] t3_ycrbl3 in massachusetts
Submitted by [deleted] t3_ycrbl3 in massachusetts
Almost as important as voting. And your employer is required to give you the day off and I believe still pay you for the time off.
I wrote the wrong day in my calendar once and missed my jury duty date. A full few years later I got something in the mail saying I had to call to make it up or else there would be repercussions. (I don't remember the repercussions) I called the number, they gave me a list of dates and asked if any of them would work for me to do jury duty. I picked a date and fulfilled my duty.
If you work in Massachusetts as a full-time, part-time, temporary, or casual employee, your employer must pay you your regular wages for any work missed for the first 3 days of your service. After the third day, the state may compensate jurors at the rate of $50 per day. This pay is taxable.
How about you act like an adult and do the right Fucking thing. You will most likely not end up on a jury and do you want to worry about having a warrant out for you?
I forgot and missed it once a long time ago and it ended up being a day where they dismissed everyone.
Just show up, odds are you will not be chosen the first day and will get to go home.
Sucks if you’re self employed though, lol.
You don’t get a warrant out for you lol it’s at most a 2k fine, have a jury duty card in front of me
I think I'll up vote this one
A couple of times they showed on TV that warrants for peoples arrest were issued at they had to serve a few days in jail for no showing (this was Boston courts.)
Just say you have ptsd they won’t pick you
Why do people hate jury duty? You get a day off of work, you get a break in your routine, yes it's a bit inconvenient, but you're doing good for the legal system and all those involved.
Not to mention if you get picked you may get free food, lodging, more days off of work, possible pay, maybe an interesting case.
Sit back, read a book, watch a show/movie, or derp around on social media and wait for your name to be called.
Am I missing any negatives?
they can issue a bench warrant but almost never happens
I’m self employed and just went and told them I was self employed they let me go home.
Vote by mail?
No clue o-o Hard time finding people who post about getting in trouble for skipping Jury Duty.
BUT Every state have different rules or punishment.
Fine from $500 to $2,000 + Time serve in Jail.
From what I read on Massachusetts site o-o There's 5 steps.
Just do what I did.. Just GO, The sooner you get it over with the better you have to stress over it.
First week they didn't call my number. So I didn't need to show up.
Second week. They called my number on Tuesday. Went for 3 days. I didn't get pick for a case and they dismissed me on Thursday. Since I.. I guess it is my second week lol they won't make you stay for 3 weeks unless you get pick to be on a case that go over beyond your second week. But I wasn't on a case :D
Do not take jury duty lightly it is your civic duty and yeah they will really make you a hard time if ya miss in purpose….
Read up on jury nullification
Jurors have the power to check overzealous prosecution
The courts are so back up right now, that it’s highly doubtful that they waste time and resources chasing people who don’t show up to jury duty. They have bigger fish to fry.
>Am I missing any negatives?
Your employer must pay your regular wages for the first 3 days of your service, but after that, you get $50 per day. If you get on a major trial, you could be there for weeks... and may not be able to afford it.
If you could stipulate going in that you're available for x days, that would probably relieve a lot of people and increase compliance.
My buddy got a warrant and arrested and had to see a judge because he didn't show because they sent it to the wrong house. The judge threw it out but still a head ache
Just show up.
There’s a worse thing then the state coming after you, and that’s the state sucking you into its bureaucracy. For example, they charge you a fine, and maybe decide to put a hold on renewing your drivers license. Then you get to deal with the RMV! I’m sure there’s all sorts of trouble you can get into that would be longer and harder to resolve compared to just showing up.
Compared to other states, I believe we’ve got a pretty decent system for getting called for jury duty. It’s not that frequent, and most people I know usually get sent home anyways.
And if you’re self employed you eat it
You’re not allowed to bring your electronics
Nah, gonna do early voting.
How about not swearing or acting like a know it all. I am asking because a family member who is critically/terminally ill just received notice. As their primary caregiver now I have to chase down a doctors note, where to send it, etc. I asked here because it may not be worth the effort.
But hey thanks for your opinion I guess.
There’s an easy way to avoid jury duty. Don’t be on the list of potential jurors. That census card they send to you each year asking for the names of all residents in the house or apartment; don’t send it back. It says right on it that failure to send it back may result in removal from voting list. It’s also used to create a juror pool. Not being able to vote is a small price to pay for not getting called for jury duty.
Well that’s not true at all
I had a warrant for not showing up! So that's not true.
Oh fr? I stand corrected. That sucks though lol prob should’ve went
call the number and tell them you are unable to show that day, they usually will push it off until next year
>After the third day, the state may compensate jurors at the rate of $50 per day.
Sucks that the state doesn't even pay its own minimum wage.
I was a juror on a domestic murder trial. Went home each night, no free food and they confiscated everyone’s phone during the trial. I wondered how would I’ve gotten properly compensated if I’d been self employed? I believe we should have a system of full time professional jurors who are trained in law and how to disregard lawyerly tactics. As it is, there are cases where it will be hard to find a jury who hasn’t heard of the case and has not made up their minds. Trained, professional jurors will be trained in setting aside their biases; sort of like if you take a debating class, you’re taught to switch sides and argue the opposing point of view.
You can bring them to the holding area but not into court. The last time I had duty the holding area for your devices was suspect
I was issued a warrant when I was in my early 20’s. Knew some officers, so they let me know about it. Fixed it next day but still on my record.
I’ve dealt with Federal jury duty and got out of it twice saying I’ve had a documented case of Covid… which is 100% true. Still having health problems afterwards and doctors know very little how Covid affects folks in the long term… so that’s my strategy moving forward. I’ll argue that all day in front of a judge if they want to push the issue… because there’s no way for them to dispute it.
goPACK17 t1_itnw5ze wrote
I didn't show up for jury duty once.... I'm writing this comment with a smuggled phone from my jail cell.