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WCannon88 t1_iubndws wrote

Lol yeah I'm sure you're a high payer, heard door dash pays very well for unskilled labor


vartanarsen t1_iubxbf8 wrote

Lmao dd is my weekend hustle, oh never mind you know nothing of hustling when all you collect is handouts from my paycheck. Well this time thanks to citizens for limited taxation. I get some of my hard earned money back to myself, I know , what a novel concept to communists like yourself


WCannon88 t1_iubzzzr wrote

Lol alright bud, best of luck to you. DD on the weekends, full time troll


smashy_smashy t1_iuctrp0 wrote

Lol right? Iā€™m a scientist and I work with a bunch of engineers, MDs and Lawyers. All of the directors and VPs I know are delivering for door dash on the weekend as a side hustle!


Calliesdad20 t1_iucnp27 wrote

Anytime rich people have to pay any tax they whine like a bunch of babies


Ill_Yogurtcloset_982 t1_iud1rse wrote

lmoa. dd is your weekend hustle. ha. anyone that makes a high income would not subject themselves to making 15$/hr doing door dash. you wanna be 1 percenter