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TheGrandExquisitor t1_iskj42e wrote


Tip theft is a serious issue in the service industry and it often goes unchecked. I know of a few places that openly steal tips from employees.


Peeeculiar t1_iskkj0b wrote

Any credible cases of tip theft should be referred to the office of the AG. They take this stuff incredibly seriously - it's typically pretty easy to prove and makes for great press for the office when then can call out and fine a business for this.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_isklimn wrote

I mean, in theory. Most people don't have any faith in the system though. And you can get fired easily for doing this.


ARoundForEveryone t1_islw7l7 wrote

And usually your tip doesn't go entirely to your server. The waitstaff usually tips out the bartenders, bussers, and sometimes hosts/hostesses out of their pocket when they cash out for their shift. Often this doesn't mean handing over money personally, but having someone in the office either figure it out for them or just gather it all up in one place, and then the recipient picking it up later when it's all calculated.

Source: Was a busboy in high school, my sister is a waitress, and my mother managed a restaurant for a million years.