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dignitytogether OP t1_islcymd wrote

Employers are not explicitly liable for the psychological harm of their employees, nor do they want to be. Employers choose to avoid a perceived threat of liability over human well-being.

Sign up for a Saturday, October 22 Lives Lost to Workplace Bullying and Mobbing protest in your area or start one:

Sign the petition to pass the Workplace Psychological Safety Act:


Kill_Religion_ASAP t1_islsv9x wrote

What kind of miserable person gets angry at people who are doing the heavy lifting for labor rights?

Are you that sad?

Do you want Uncle Bezos or Townie Mike or Healthcare Karen to fuck you over that badly?

What is it, Internet King?


PuritanSettler1620 t1_islvrkw wrote

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_islwad7 wrote

Im going to be honest I don't support your law. I think if people are mean to you at work that sucks but it's not your workplaces job to figure that out. If they are physically harming you then call the police but if they are just saying mean stuff ignore them or quit.


FTHomes t1_islylut wrote

You've got my vote


PuritanSettler1620 t1_ism3oqo wrote

I looked up the proposed legislation, it is an extension of the nanny state in an effort to "disrupt social hierarchies at work" and is a pseudo socialist attempt to hamper the opperations of business in this commonwealth. I will be writing to my State senator to vote against this bill and amendment.


GiveBells t1_ism7yea wrote

you are clearly not as progressive as you think you are lmao. “survival of the fittest”? ever consider that in almost every case of workplace bullying or harassment the employee is shit out of luck as union membership is below 13% in the US?


r0k0v t1_ismcyqx wrote

It ain’t always as simple as just standing up for yourself my guy. It isn’t always survival of the fittest either. I’ve been in a situation as a muscular 6ft tall dude of having an older guy try to push me around. Mainly he acted like a dick because he was intimidated by me and I pushed him and challenged him when he was using faulty engineering logic. I set him straight several times, he didn’t change his behavior. Then I escalated to my boss, he didn’t do shit. After that I successfully ignored him for over a year.

All it took was one incident where I stood up for myself and tried to set him straight for things to escalate. Instead of being reasonable the dude threatened to fight me, a fight which he very clearly would have lost. I backed away from it and reported it. The company’s HR didn’t do anything despite him having a known bad attitude. If management won’t do shit, and a douchbag never thinks their in the wrong, what recourse do you have?

For some bullies the only way to set them straight is to put them in their place, sometimes physically. If The workplace isn’t middle school though and unfortunately it’s not appropriate to teach douchebags a lesson by force. As much as I would have wanted to that, that would have been assault and would have been completely inappropriate.

So kindly go fuck off with your mightier than thou tough guy attitude, it isn’t always that simple. Clearly you haven’t had the mis fortunate of working with a real asshole.


ImmoralityPet t1_ismqg38 wrote

>I’m all set, thank you!

Proceeds to go to that sub and post insults.

You're literally a bully, lmao. No wonder you don't like it. Absolutely no reason for you to even interact with that sub except that you wanted to bully some people.


DismalSpread100 t1_ismyc0f wrote

Employers should not be held liable for pussies feelings. If you don't like your job leave.


DUIguy87 t1_isnk6n3 wrote

Account hyper focused on only one topic. Active in multiple state subs. Requests petition be signed by handing out personal info. Posts have all the grassrootsy style join us we’re doing X thing. New accounts popping up and going after dissenters…

Lets keep things above board here so someone who genuinely wants to do the right thing doesn’t cause themselves heartache by following your links; or worse be later asked donate to some scam 501 charity that exists only as some sociopath’s slush fund.

Who’s paying you OP?


One-Coast8927 t1_isnzyy4 wrote

This law is a great way to make employers hire less women, less gay people and trans people given that mental health related issues are predominantly found in this 3 subsectors of the population. Why would a right minded person hire someone who is more probable to cause me legal issues in the future, even if I'm at fault or not.


One-Coast8927 t1_iso1hre wrote

No. Sexual harassment is a result of a trasable act. Ex. I touch your butt. Mental health is a result of multiplicity of acts, factors, and events. If I say you're ugly, you may or may not get suicidal, that depends on how other aspects of your life influence my statement. Aspects that I don't know of because it's part of your private life.


One-Coast8927 t1_isoikdt wrote

The matter persist. It's not traceable, due to the multiplicity of factors and events that affects mental health issues. With our current knowledge of social behavior you can't say with exactitude how much does work influence the mental health problem and how much is it influence by factors outside of work. If the workplace is just the last drop, will you appoint all the liability to the workplace or only 1% of the guilt? Let's say I hire a new guy. He had some underlying mental health issues that no one knows about. Then I say something that cause him to go suicidal. A prima facie is my fault, but in reality I was just the very small tiping point. How can you evaluate if I share just 1% or 100% of the fault.


danmac1152 t1_ispc9bl wrote

Maybe if a lot of people actually put some effort, care, and pride in their job then people won’t have to get on them about sucking. Granted some people are genuinely targeted for silly reasons. But I’ve seen more than a few times, that negative, unmotivated, never heard of responsibility or accountability type of person, cry how they’re being bullied when spoken to about their performance
