moderntechguy t1_iukre0c wrote
Reply to comment by Db3ma in Eversource CEO asks Biden to take emergency action on New England natural gas supply by OmarLittleFinger
Well put. Biden isn't going to do anything. We're in for a rough winter.
OkMudDrankin t1_ium6mzn wrote
Please explain what you think Joe Biden could possibly do? What should he nationalize the energy sector? Then we can be like Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela? Or actually Norway. Then republicans like you would call him a communist. Literally can’t win with you psychos.
Db3ma t1_iunboam wrote
Huh? For starters Joe could undo what he has done to get We The People to where we are, eh?
moderntechguy t1_ium8ggr wrote
- He shouldn't have been elected.
- He shouldn't have shut down the Keystone pipeline.
- He shouldn't have ceased issuing new drilling leases on federal lands and offshore (or making their restrictions so onerous as to make them unattractive).
- He shouldn't have consistently said we are detransitioning from a fossil fuel economy which disincentivizes banks and other investors from investing into long term fossil fuel projects such as drilling, exploration, and refineries.
- He shouldn't be supporting sanctions against Russia which only hurt Europe and our other allies while Russia has plenty of other customers for its oil and gas and is making as much money as it ever was.
- He should start an open season on drilling and fracking in America.
- He should offer interest free loans for new refineries since that's the main issue with why gasoline and diesel prices are so high, guaranteed by the US government so if he reduces demand, no private investment is lost.
- He should approve every fucking pipeline, including natural gas, and pass laws that state that local governments cannot stop pipeline construction as they are part of national security.
- He should repeal the Jones Act.
Basically, it's a combination of Biden fucked up bad and got us into this situation (thank you Massachusetts voters) and now he needs to do a complete u-turn and embrace fossil fuels.
OkMudDrankin t1_iumb3n0 wrote
That’s how democracy’s works sorry your side lost.
The keystone pipeline would literally have 0 effect on New England energy prices.
There are over 9000 permits currently not being used to drill for oil. Stop watching Fox News
How is the president of the United States making a commitment to transition to RENEWABLES possibly considered a bad thing in your tiny mind?
First of all the decision to sanction Russia was not a “Joe Biden decision”. The entire continent of Europe thinks maybe an 8th package of sanctions is a good idea but you’re right blame Joe Biden like the fucking idiot that you are., Secondly your stupidly incorrect statement about the Russian economy. The Russian economy shrank 4% in 2022 FOUR PERCENT! oil profits are just keeping the coffers filled enough to keep sending grunts into their demise.
Again why would ANYONE invest into a dying industry. I can tell you obviously are not in charge of making important financial decisions because if it was up to you we would have oil pumping ghost towns like they do in china.
Again why would you ever consider making large investments into dying industries. Please my friend revise your investment strategies. And curious do you actually have any money in the market that you invest yourself or lemme guess no you lost it all lmao?
Oh man you’re really stuck up on the fossil fuel thing huh? Literally no investment bank will give energy companies a large sum of money to produce more fossil fuels. You sound like a complete fucking moron man. FOSSIL FUELS WILL BE GONE IN 50 years. We should’ve started making the renewable transition 20 years ago. Get over it man. This has nothing to do with Biden and everything to do with 20 years of shitty environmental policy.
And yes you’re right at a time when Americans couldn’t be more fucked financially we should just give our most secured and in some cases much higher paying jobs to other countries citizens instead of our own. You know that doesn’t sound very conservative of you.
Again you want to blame anyone for the energy crisis blame Putin for invading Ukraine, blame opec for cutting production. But Joe Biden has done literally everything he could to help. From releasing 1 million barrels a day. America has produced more oil than any country in the world in 2022 but please tell me how we need to be drilling for more right?
[deleted] t1_iumbjog wrote
[deleted] t1_iumbzad wrote
OkMudDrankin t1_iumcjyt wrote
Jesus Christ man so is it up to Joe Biden, to go out and build the American flagged LNG ships or is it up to some American company that literally only cares about making profits not actually helping out Americans? Like why don’t you direct your anger towards Big oil that spent so long lobbying against renewables did everything in there power to squeeze Americans for all they were worth at the pump and now that there’s an energy crisis you want to blame Biden who’s been president for TWO YEARS. Democrats have been pushing green energy for 40 years and now that it’s finally come full circle trumptards like you want to blame Biden. Well no I won’t fall into the homogeneous zygotic thinking, and No I won’t be freezing to death because unlike morons like you my house has solar panels and is extremely energy efficient.
[deleted] t1_iumds98 wrote
OkMudDrankin t1_iumf2dy wrote
Ok the nuclear plants were voted on by dumbass citizens that don’t know anything about how energy works like you. And it had nothing to do with environmentalists and everything to do with conservative NIMBYS. Stop blaming dems for trying to actually transition away from fossil fuels because it inconveniences you somewhat meanwhile who gives a fuck about our grandkids and great grandkids, as long as I can save some money on electric every month. Hey bud there’s tons of ways to go solar. If your electric bill is so expensive then finance a system. Take out an equity loan. Just stop fucking bitching and blaming Biden for everything it makes you sound pathetic. Like “wahhh it’s everyone else’s fault why I’m getting fucked” , no I can almost guarantee you have taken 0 steps to protect yourself from the energy crisis. You don’t need to be well off to take advantage of solar either. I sell solar and there are 0 outta pocket cost programs where you can start saving money right now. Feel free to DM and I’ll explain how you can benefit so you can stop crying about Joe Biden on Reddit.
[deleted] t1_iumgbtp wrote
OkMudDrankin t1_iumgkq5 wrote
Do you think the only way to get solar is to live in a single family home? There are plenty of condos with solar/renewable energy. Maybe try talking to the people in charge of your condo. Maybe get some of your neighbors together maybe organize maybe do something to actually make a change instead of just complaining about Joe Biden. Like this is what’s so pathetic about American politics nowadays in a country where you can literally do anything you just choose to do nothing.
[deleted] t1_iumgtku wrote
OkMudDrankin t1_iumhfzv wrote
Again you’re literally just lying about solar lmao. I’m not sure why. I’m sure your condo is less than 1500 sq ft it does not use that much electricity man. Literally I bet you don’t even know how many kWh you used last month. But you’re gonna sit here and try to lecture me on energy. Maybe be more mindful of your own energy use? And if your condo is thirty stories tall that means plenty of sunlight so there won’t be an issue there. Stop making excuses.
Joseph_Fidler_Walsh t1_iunxhqb wrote
We are sick of the energy monopolies in mass. They don’t care about us, they just want our money. They want to do whatever they can to hold on to their power. I mean for fuck sakes EVERSOURCE IS ON THE COMMITTEE THAT AWARDS THE CONTRACTS TO ENERGY COMPANIES!
“One of bills National Grid opposed will make solar more accessible to lower income residents.”
“ National Grid – a UK-based utility that sells electricity and gas to 20 million customers in New York and New England – also lobbied this year against a Massachusetts bill that seeks to exempt larger solar energy producers from the net metering cap.”
“ National Grid lobbied this year in opposition to another bill by Representative Haddad enhancing the offshore wind industry by increasing the megawatts of wind energy procured by Massachusetts and reforming the state’s offshore wind procurement process by removing utilities from the selection committee that awards power supply bids.”
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