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[deleted] t1_iumbr1m wrote

You know that the government has handed out thousands of drilling permits, but the oil companies don’t want to use them, right? Other than opening a government owned oil company, there’s nothing we can do to increase the supply of oil and gas.


Creepy-Ad2944 t1_iumlhsm wrote

You do realize we’re talking about natural gas this has nothing to do with oil


[deleted] t1_iun3796 wrote

where do you think Natural Gas comes from? It's a byproduct of oil drilling. Natural gas is produced by oil fields.


Creepy-Ad2944 t1_iun4lqb wrote

Try again Saudi Arabia produces zero natural gas along with Texas


[deleted] t1_iun7g2m wrote

Many oil wells burn their natural gas at the well, because they don't have the capture mechanisms in place.

Natural gas is produced when crude oil is depressurized. Isolated natural gas fields do exist, at a much deeper depth than oil fields, and so they require much more work to obtain.
5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas is burned at the well worldwide, and another 2 trillion cubic feet is simply vented to the atmosphere, every year. We could increase the worldwide gas supply by 10% by simply capturing waste gas.


Creepy-Ad2944 t1_iun8xvh wrote

I think you may be confusing methane yes natural gas


[deleted] t1_iunnjxt wrote

Natural Gas is refined methane.


Creepy-Ad2944 t1_iunq3sl wrote

Wikipedia really


[deleted] t1_iunuglj wrote

I'm sorry I can't find a reference on Truth Social or Parler or whatever you think is an acceptable source. I've provided references for everything I've tried to explain to you, and your answers appear to be typed out with your phone jammed fully up your own ass. Get a clue or go back to New Hampshire.


Creepy-Ad2944 t1_iunvaeo wrote

Born in Boston lived here all my life, back too gasoline prices have nothing to do with natural gas prices, that’s like saying bread is expensive because the chicken farmers are making so much money. Skinny Jeans, man purse and a scooter, the girls must be chasing you