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Quirky_Butterfly_946 t1_iunibt7 wrote

That's interesting as my recyclables have been rejected before for having something in the bin that they don't recycle.

You can't hide a mattress in a garbage bag, and clothes/textiles may get by if only a few, but throwing away anything that will fill a garbage bag may get caught.

If people want to have these picked up, they "must contact a trucking company" meaning $$$$$$

So under the guise of green/recyclables MA residents have just incurred another payment. When will people wake up and see the state has their hands in your wallets every single thing you do


PuddleCrank t1_iunkit7 wrote

I was gonna say something about how having tainted recycling is not the same as throwing away a shirt, but you seem to think you're entitled to trash magically disappearing for a fixed rate forever, so good luck with that.
