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InitialFoot t1_iwja56o wrote

Yes, they are awful. I bought a pair of night driving glasses and they help tremendously.


Lazy_Suggestion6287 t1_iwk2010 wrote

Aren’t they just yellow tinted glasses ?


Waggmans t1_iwk998v wrote

Yeah, they’re yellow. I don’t know if they do anything else but they do help. I picked a pair up at Job Lot for $5.


Waggmans t1_iwmrc4w wrote

I had cataract surgery and before that headlights would reflect off my cataracts. It got so bad I couldn’t drive at night.

I’m thinking about buying a pair of prescription night driving glasses. Probably better than the cheapie $5 ones I have.


bubblehashguy t1_iwkq3vj wrote

Mine are polarized too. Not just yellow.

They make a huge difference. They're not perfect. But much better.


Wonthropt t1_iwm2168 wrote

I literally wear my sunglasses at night because of this


PakkyT t1_iwmu6kk wrote

Thanks Corey but we already knew that.


Wonthropt t1_iwmzy6h wrote

Yes the song plays in my head every time I put them on at night. Wicked annoying


InitialFoot t1_iwl6olt wrote

Hi, I see other people have answered your question. They are yellow tinted and dull the glare and allow you to see despite the glare. As others mentioned they are not perfect but they allow you to maintain a level of visibility that you would not have otherwise. Mine were an impulse purchase from Walgreens so I know I paid more than I should have. They were $20. You can probably get them cheaper and in a better style. Mine are unabomber style with yellow tint.... but it's dark when I wear them. Lol