Ill_Long5021 t1_ixjdkk6 wrote
The excuse is they don’t have a database with info on misconduct. How difficult is that? Police are supposed to protect and serve.
[deleted] t1_ixjgu3x wrote
Meta_Vetta t1_ixkzvn1 wrote
Reddit is so lost. How does this get upvotes? Your irrational and over exaggerated. This is how our society crumbles. Do you have faith in the dollar? I hope you understand decency
stoplightrave t1_ixljbje wrote
Because it's no exaggeration at all. The US supreme court ruled that police have no obligation to help people or protect them from harm. That's a fact.
[deleted] t1_ixmhz2a wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqofit wrote
[deleted] t1_ixqoi4m wrote
Meta_Vetta t1_iy0ypmk wrote
How would eliminating police offers promote decency?
[deleted] t1_iy0z2ve wrote
TzarKazm t1_ixjidy7 wrote
> Police are supposed to protect and serve.
I mean I guess. But it's not a motto of the police. It just happened to be the motto of Los Angeles. Since that's where they film most TV shows and movies, the motto made it into a lot of media.
Fall River's motto is "we'll try" which seems appropriate for most police.
ReactsWithWords t1_ixk3vsl wrote
The runners-up for their slogan contest:
- Yeah, Whatever.
- Look Out! A Black Guy!
- Ask Me About My Jacked-Up Jeep
- With Great Power Comes Great Weapons Like This Taser Here. Watch!
TzarKazm t1_ixkgdzk wrote
"We might show up"
"It's a civil matter"
"We need more (and bigger) guns"
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_ixkkf5e wrote
“It’s a civil matter” is the one. Should just put that on the cruisers at this point.
LackingUtility t1_ixkyth9 wrote
“Stop resisting!”
TzarKazm t1_ixm7c6k wrote
Ooo yea that's a good one.
warlocc_ t1_ixjmzeh wrote
Most don't put in that much effort.
TzarKazm t1_ixjnhh8 wrote
If you say "yea, we'll try" in the most sarcastic voice possible it seems to fit with most of my interactions with police.
Meta_Vetta t1_ixkyyn4 wrote
You should do a ride along with a police officer
Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixlumi1 wrote
Idk even I’d get bored scrolling my phone all day at the road work site
TzarKazm t1_ixm7hlo wrote
Are you offering? I have had a lot of people say that, but it never actually happens.
BlaineTog t1_ixkfk3y wrote
> Fall River's motto is "we'll try" which seems appropriate for most police.
Whoa, look at the overachievers over here!
Meta_Vetta t1_ixkyr3i wrote
This is the most irresponsible comment on Reddit. When you calm 911 are you going to say that? Most jobs don’t ask you to leave you “life” at the door. Stop being closed minded. FR has been a shot hole since the 1970s. If it’s the cops fault then your the a-hole for not leaving
femtoinfluencer t1_ixlrbdw wrote
TzarKazm t1_ixm757l wrote
Am I going to quiz the police on trivia when I call 911? Should I? Is that some sort of police code to get them to show up faster?
"Hello, 911".
"How many navy ships have been named Enterprise ?"
"Be right there sir".
NativeMasshole t1_ixjxbfd wrote
Here's the original article yahoo scraped this from.
It goes into a little more detail, but we do now have the POST Commission responsible for tracking this stuff and certifying officers. It seems they haven't been very transparent about what they're doing already though. One would hope they're just working through a backlog, having just been established and all, but the fact that it was this easy to find multiple cases they should have already pulled for review does not look good for them.
Ill_Long5021 t1_ixk2g6j wrote
Thanks for the article. I worked in Mass for a police department. I never saw anything like this, but they were not perfect. I could go on and on, but I’ll spare you.
jalepinocheezit t1_ixkqocz wrote
All I can think a Massachusetts resident please, do not spare me
Meta_Vetta t1_ixkz25i wrote
Do a ride along and live their life for a night.
Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixluxk5 wrote
Having a hard job doesn’t entitle you to be a sex pest, no matter how many cops think it does.
That being said, would love to see a cop do a “ride along” with say a server at a busy restaurant or with a special Ed teacher. It’s amazing how much higher the bar is for every other public facing profession.
Meta_Vetta t1_iy0y4kd wrote
Not commenting on the allegations but that hate towards our police. Yes we have bad apples, but most of these people save lives everyday while keeping our communities in check.
femtoinfluencer t1_ixlrdcr wrote
Stop covering for rapist scumbags.
witteefool t1_ixk57s2 wrote
There have been attempts to start a nationwide database on police misconduct but as you can imagine there’s a big backlash from certain “unions.” Right now it’s too easy for cops with records to hop from town to town and state to state.
thenameisboe t1_ixkmdqy wrote
The police have no obligation to protect you.
[deleted] t1_ixjvyp6 wrote
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