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WhatAboutJustBeKind t1_iv0ilw9 wrote

That’s sad to be honest that this is the best the USA can do

Yikes. Big yikes. Come on, we can do better than this dystopian nightmare that we call America…

Even in MA, the economic disparity and socioeconomic decay is glaringly obvious and shameful

Cheers to the downvoter who can’t handle this truth. Hey “at least we aren’t starving in Africa” amirite? Now those are some real American standards!


OptimalFlight101 t1_iv1vufm wrote

Medicaid is amazing in MA better than my private insurance as well as plenty of social net programs functioning better in MA than any other state. There are also many colleges especially cheap ones like community colleges and online courses if you want to get into at entry level for a career in numerous fields.

I don't see exactly where you have a problem. There are a lot of opportunities in this state. Just not the get rich quick ones you might be hoping for....

The biggest problem in this state is housing but when the population is growing and we actually have a supply shortage issue, this is what happens. Not to mention this is a national problem made worse by an inflation problem not easily fixed by one state.


WhatAboutJustBeKind t1_iv1ypbs wrote

This is spot on for how people delude themselves into accepting bare bones crumbs

Just wow. Your response is greatly appreciated!


Recent_Record t1_iv3jccg wrote

How are they wrong? Other than housing, it seems like every problem with Massachusetts exists in all other states and must be solved at the federal level.