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Bobbydadude01 t1_iwz3nzr wrote

nationalize the power grid


SomePolack t1_iwzvqxa wrote

Crazy that the things we all need to survive are managed by people solely motivated by profit. Even crazier that the government gives them handouts constantly and expects us to just make more money somehow? Even when they’re trying to increase interest rates and unemployment.

This economy is completely rigged, “capitalism” my ass.


Intrepid_Priority154 t1_ix0ue7a wrote

The issue the scarcity of natural gas which we use to generate power. The environmentalist shit down coal plants and refuse to allow or discuss nuclear. You reap what you sow.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2b9bt wrote

While I agree mostly, shutting down coal plants is a net positive. Refusing to build nuclear is a negative. But they aren’t attached to each other.


Mechanicjohn12 t1_ix0myhn wrote

This isn’t capitalism, this is corporatism and consumerism.

Capitalism in its essence is free trade; true capitalism would likely result in each county having its own power plants with the ability to offset the needs of others when they are under maintenance/repair, or case of catastrophic failure.


OldWrangler9033 t1_ix16en1 wrote

I have to agree with that. Ever sense economy focus switched to consumerism, common people are feeling greed and burn.


Tacoman404 t1_ix9kmy0 wrote

I know it’s a half measure but check if your municipality has an aggregate. You can get a lower rate if you select the aggregate as a source.