Submitted by JainaAusten t3_z642bx in massachusetts

For my husband's 50th birthday he really wants the McDonald's birthday cake from his childhood. Apparently only some McDonald's sell them. Does anyone know of a location that has them? I'm willing to drive.



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mini4x t1_ixzf68k wrote

Try one of the ones with the Playland things..

(crap I don't see any close to Boston)


nebirah t1_ixzi18f wrote

Birthday cake? Huh?


Ill_Long5021 t1_ixzix5d wrote

I’ve never heard of that cake. Good Luck finding it. Cute your husband is so sentimental.


ECroce08 t1_ixzj9vr wrote

I still have my old school McDonald’s tie from 30 years ago. My first job was McDonald’s meadowglen mall.


CheruthCutestory t1_ixzm0xa wrote

I have never heard of this until recently. But it’s apparently a thing. It’s not on the menu but available. So I’d try calling ahead to ones that have birthday parties.


95blackz26 t1_ixzmodr wrote

the only mcdonalds i have seen recently that had a playhouse was in spencer ma.


GringYo t1_ixzv20q wrote

Ah, a fellow man of culture.


majoroutage t1_ixzwc6v wrote

There's a McDonalds with a PlayPlace on the Seekonk/East Providence line. I had my birthday party there once as a kid. Last I checked, the PlayPlace has reopened, even though the website no longer has it listed.


PakkyT t1_ixzzp13 wrote

McD's in Westford (Boston Rd exit off 495 between Chelmsford and Littleton exits) has the playland area so probably do birthday parties and therefore probably have the cakes.


Livingontherock t1_iy01cjo wrote

There is a play place on Rte 18 in Weymouth, but I am 40 and have lived here all along and never heard of or seen a McDs cake. Shit, I am still salty I can't have fudge-y the whale from Carvel.


2BeaorNot2Bea t1_iy0deo4 wrote

If you download the McDonalds ap, all of the locations are listed and you get free fries in Fridays.


Mavericks_Mumma t1_iy0hocq wrote

Depending on where you’re located, maybe try the one in Westborough. It has a play place


legendsubie t1_iy0m59l wrote

Don’t forget to tuck him in to bed that night


SawDustAndSuds t1_iy0mpzc wrote

Try the location on route 1 in Norwood. They do the birthday parties at that one.


redpoppy42 t1_iy13nce wrote

I had at least two McDonald’s birthdays. The one I see now online is not the one of my youth. It had dried sugar figures on it and this current one looks like an edible photo.

I’d check for photos of the approximate year and get a bakery to make something similar. If I was requesting it, it would be for the sugar figures.


itsaworkalt t1_iy14mlp wrote

Literally a 3 minute drive from me, small world. Was pretty stunned to see it, other retro mcds stuff includes a spot in the drive through to toss your change for Ronald Mcdonald house circa 90s


Lazy-Ad-2530 t1_iy1mix2 wrote

Can you get a picture of one and have it made by someone else?


Pedromac t1_iy1nvmh wrote

Try calling corporate?


Bidiggity t1_iy1p3gq wrote

The one in Ayer does as well. It isn’t open currently because it was just remodeled but they put up a brand new play place sign on the outside and I imagine they would have taken down that part of the building if they weren’t planning on rebuilding it


tehutika t1_iy1vwij wrote

My partner, still giggling as I type, was the Birthday Party Girl at that McD’s from 95 to 98. She wasn’t the only person that ran them, but she did a lot of them. Do the years match up?


copperboom7 t1_iy1w6oi wrote

There's a McDonald's play place in Attleboro! Not sure if they still do cakes but they still had the birthday chair a few years back!


majoroutage t1_iy1wlid wrote

“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

  • C. S. Lewis

Lizzifer1230 t1_iy2rfdl wrote

I love this post 🥲 my birthday is such ass bc it’s 5 days after Christmas but one year my mom had my bday at McDonald’s. I remember bc my birthday usually wasn’t usually anything crazy. I remember the cake and I also go a toy from them. It wasn’t your run of the mill McDonald’s toy either. It was actually a really good quality toy. This was in 1991 in Cranston RI. Now excuse me while I go google McDonald’s birthday toys from 1991. 😂


Kodiak01 t1_iy4jydx wrote

Start by calling your local location and asking, they'll be likely to know.


jasonpalmieri99 t1_iy5lx3r wrote

Was it a chocolate sheet cake with white frosting and had these sugar pieces on top of the cake with like the entire McDonald's cast of characters?

My father owned the McDonald's on route 9 in Framingham from 1990-1996 and I would help out with weekend birthday parties. Each children would get a happy meal and it was always followed by those cakes. They were official McDonald's cakes. Hopefully this helps.

I miss their boxes of mini chocolate chip cookies. Not the best, but pretty good for McDonald's.