ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_ivt3c4e wrote
I have some detailed knowledge of what the plan is, it's going to be a very nice development when complete! Great improvent over what that area of town is now.
BannedMyName t1_ivt3rh8 wrote
This is a good thing I just do not trust Sal Lupoli to make it so
ak47workaccnt OP t1_ivt3rnb wrote
Do you work for TEC or for the town?
ak47workaccnt OP t1_ivt5aay wrote
It's a little worrying that on the front page of the TEC website they have a spotlight on what appears to be them "improving" a street by paving it and removing the trees.
ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_ivt5ys3 wrote
Neither, but it will be a great space for the town and the developer is committed to moving quickly on it!
somegridplayer t1_ivt7vks wrote
If I had to guess it's highlighting making that section of road more efficient and bringing in more customers to businesses. Look at the shitfight that is a Market Basket parking lot. Most people don't want to walk across a parking lot to get to a store, nevermind a couple blocks.
[deleted] t1_ivtmxui wrote
booksaboutthesame t1_ivts6ry wrote
And yet the site will still be majority parking lot!
booksaboutthesame t1_ivtt3g7 wrote
Because it's a terrible parking lot layout. No clear pathways for pedestrians through the bigger lots, no traffic calming implements aside from the rotary so folks just rip through, etc. It makes more sense for someone to get in their car and drive to the other stores than to walk, which defeats the purpose of The Point.
Lasshandra2 t1_ivu2r02 wrote
Parking is the main reason I shop elsewhere.
xjester8 t1_ivucnxj wrote
What’s happening with the mill across the street from ibm
DiopticTurtle t1_ivud4kb wrote
I grew up in Littleton and I think this will definitely help with that. I'll be checking it out when they get some residential options up for sure.
ak47workaccnt OP t1_ivuhnnn wrote
They're selling guns.
xjester8 t1_ivuk8vc wrote
Hopefully not for long
booksaboutthesame t1_ivusgf9 wrote
Where would you prefer folks buy their firearms?
ak47workaccnt OP t1_ivuvftf wrote
I'd prefer they not.
OldWrangler9033 t1_ivw9eau wrote
I hope it works out. I just hope doesn't turn out to be like the development at Rockingham Park in Salem, NH. They made the race track into a mix use space as well, it not as great as they talked up about it.
My bigger fear is the sheer traffic this place is going to generate.
bigredthesnorer t1_ivwe54x wrote
Way before IBM it was originally Digital's LKG1 and LKG2 facilities. Go ex-Deccies!
jrp55262 t1_ivwmtk2 wrote
Yup, I worked in that very building for a while there...
booksaboutthesame t1_ivy3nb4 wrote
Supposedly, there will be public transit options to get folks to the commuter rail station. It’d be rad if the town also started a bus route along 110 — including the Point, this development, etc.
Or we could just budget an extra 5-10 min into our travel time and not bitch about it.
OldWrangler9033 t1_iw0wcmp wrote
This is a small suburban town, no one wants crazy/busy like that but a few. Its cars driving area, bus would get stuck in the traffic if its that popular.
booksaboutthesame t1_iw2k4g7 wrote
Yeah, this whole area used to be "small rural/suburban towns," but that is changing (and has been changing for the past 20 years.) We can either stick our heads in the sand or be smart about it. Littleton has plenty of potential for growth without losing its rural charm (eg, Springdell Farm was just permitted to expand their composting operations, which will allow them to keep the farm.)
The best locations for growth are hubs like 119/495 and 110/495: easy on/off access to 495, most amenities are already right there (groceries, restaurants, offices, etc.) Adding a public transit/bus line option along 110 decreases traffic. Linking to the commuter rail further decreases traffic. Want less traffic? Build a robust public transit system.
OldWrangler9033 t1_iw4hl00 wrote
They won't have budget to support robust public transit is where I'm coming from this. I've worked in this town many times, in the very building their building this project in. Most of the folks who would been able to fund it used to work in that building. Now they don't want to, they work in Boston/Cambridge.
So they got their robust transportation system, but not there.
ak47workaccnt OP t1_ivt2le3 wrote
Looking forward to see how this turns out. Seems like it will go a long way towards making Littleton a more walkable town.