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Educational-List8475 t1_iy4dvz2 wrote

This sounds like predator poacher, the guy that goes around MA trying to catch child predators. Except he never calls the cops or anything, he just harasses them on camera. He should be more careful when accusing people of shit


Proof-Variation7005 t1_iy4n0u9 wrote

Eventually, someone is going to be mad enough to just teach him a lesson on the spot. That'll be the one video he's guaranteed not to upload.


bubalusarnee t1_iy4nh7z wrote

He's also trying to get beat up on camera.


[deleted] t1_iy4o6ue wrote



BrockVegas t1_iy5d4am wrote

He seems to have someone else recording him recording his... uh.... work.

He is going to get what he is asking for eventually, and probably a bit more. He's not exactly targeting those that make great choices.