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siwmasas t1_ixijdiu wrote

ah yes, the "fuck these people, me first" approach!

you sound like a real humanitarian!

What you don't seem to understand, is that these people are exactly the same as us, just from somewhere else, they're humans and they're here. Did you even bother to fucking read what he's proposing? This isn't a help the migrants only plan, it's expanding the state's capacity to handle anyone in need of housing.


pillbinge t1_ixji0s1 wrote

Humanitarians are far from perfect, and their numbing views are predicated on a lot of things they claim to dislike (imperialism, views of superiority, and so on). No one said "humanitarianism is great" other than humanitarians, or people who haven't really looked at the course of history.

Never mind that in order to help people, you should either help them where they are, since it'll always be cheaper, or you need to prepare. In this case, we aren't even prepared for our own people to live a proper life as expected in decades prior.

>it's expanding the state's capacity to handle anyone in need of housing.

It shouldn't help anyone in need of housing. It should help people with closer ties to the actual land and community.


DustyIT t1_ixkileo wrote

"you should either help them where they are, since it'll always be cheaper"

Cool, you got the special hookup with all the other state governor's to make them stop sending people, or....?

"It shouldn't help anyone in need of housing. It should help people with closer ties to the actual land and community."

What does this even mean? You already have a system to help people in Mass, including people who have been born and raised there, should they need help. This is just bolstering that system. What does your statement actually mean?


Kaio_ t1_ixk7d9y wrote

Us first, dude. He's proposing a very expensive funding bill. How about using that money on our infrastructure


siwmasas t1_ixkcf6f wrote

Oh piss off you loser magat. I'll take more potholes for a while if it means people aren't starving and or living outside in this cold. You're a terrible person


DarthMortum t1_ixjeh7a wrote

Says the hypocrite who has never been homeless in Massachusetts, doesn’t have to worry about rent because daddy has set up a trust fund and is already set for life. How cute of you.

If the governor can ensure that there will be no homeless person in Massachusetts ever, then yes by all means, let us all help and house anyone else.


siwmasas t1_ixjmtlp wrote

Lmao, far from it brochachio. Spent 3 months homeless in 2011, definitely not fun, I wouldn't recommend it. Work in the trades and own an old POS house now which I'm pouring my heart into. I'll vote for or support anything that helps the poor and expands access to health care and support for everyone, regardless of any increase in taxes.