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craigawoo t1_iy7rxrg wrote

That’s all people like you do… tell someone they’re dumb and racist. That’s original. I would have the same opinion if they were coming from Europe.

So again, what have you done in life what is your education and work experience?


Clear_Forever_2669 t1_iy84d47 wrote

You are dumb and racist, though.

You're demonstrating it.

You whine about immigrants because you're so pathetic that a disadvantaged immigrant to your own home country can do better than you with less resources, facing racism from inbred trash like you, and all while having access to barely a fraction of what you have.

No wonder you're such a whiny little bitch. You're a fragile loser.

Edit: lol the weak racist pussy blocked me and ran away like all fragile trash do when confronted. He didn't think anyone could see his post history until he was directly quoted.


craigawoo t1_iy8apec wrote

Big words from a coward who won’t answer a question. You must be a child. I thought I was having an adult conversation. We’re done…