Submitted by EthicalBribes t3_yvjdp5 in massachusetts

I'm from the Midwest and moved to NH but have driven several times in MA. Something a little bit different I've noticed driving in NH, ME, MA is the way drivers merge.

In Massachusetts, I've seen drivers hesitate to actually get onto the highway, almost as if there is a stop sign that they are obeying. I'm not sure if this is a difference in drivers education, a more cautious approach?

I was taught to attempt to be close or at the speed limit when getting onto the highway (but still yielding or adjusting speed) to fit into a gap in the traffic. This is how most people I know drive, and it is more predictable, you don't have to make someone come to a halt to let you merge if you seamlessly fit in.

I've witnessed this other "come to a dead stop" method even when traffic was very light and the driver had a VERY large open space to leisurely merge, they applied the brakes. I think this causes a disruption in the flow because the traffic has to guess if the merging car is going to speed up, slowly move forward, or still remain stopped. Then the cars in the right lane get fed up and merge to other lanes causing braking and slow downs.

Is this a Massachusetts education thing that I don't know about? Do you prefer to slow down when merging?



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Dizzy_Necessary8860 t1_iwentr0 wrote

I'm a driver's ed instructor in Mass. When merging on highway, I tell them to get up to highway speed by the top of the ramp, check mirrors, and signal onto the highway, only stopping for a hazard or stopped traffic. They are instructed to yield to traffic on the highway, but adjust speed and find a gap to slide into the travel lanes of the highway. Some students hesitate and stop or slow down and you are right, it causes other problems.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_iweonsx wrote

You’re doing it right. We were all taught your way also. Sorry this is happening to you. Not typical but once in a while people do that. No idea why. It’s definitely wrong to stop/hesitate. Very annoying and unsafe when they do. No, it’s not a thing here.


MikeD123999 t1_iweoxpa wrote

I think the person on the highway has the right of way and the person on the ramp technically is supposed to yield but if your up to speed then its easy to adjust your speed up and down so you can come in without causing disruption’s


EthicalBribes OP t1_iwepzxt wrote

I think I may be biased to it happening to me every time I drive in MA because I remain in the right most lane most of my traveling. So it would seem like it happens a lot vs if I was in the left lane I'd be oblivious.


Bostnfn t1_iweq8vq wrote

The people that slow down or stop on an onramp are idiots


deduplication t1_iwes9ps wrote

There is one section of rt 128 that is so poorly designed, where the onramps leave no room to merge - you need to stop on those usually unless you’re feeling suicidal.


Graflex01867 t1_iweswpf wrote

In the Midwest, you guys have highway on ramps that are long and straight enough to actually hit highway speeds at the end of the ramp.

Try that with our short, sharply-curved on ramps that were never designed for 70mph, and you’ll just drive yourself into the side of an unyielding truck at the end of the ramp - at highway speeds.

The rules are written for infrastructure we just don’t have. You can’t stop at the end of the ramp, but you have to remember there’s a good chance there’s nowhere to merge in to, and your lane may or may not end.


PakkyT t1_iwesyct wrote

Unfortunately most onramps in MA seem to have yield signs on them (usually well back from where you actually merge onto the highway) so that is part of the problem. And then there are some onramps where you simply can not get to speed and merge onto the road without dying such as Rt. 1 in the Saugus area or Rt. 2 in the Fitchburg area. The on-ramps come in a sharp curve and then only give you 50 feet before you are fully on the highway so no real way to gain any speed coming out of the curve onto the main road.


LackingUtility t1_iwetlei wrote

One potential reason you encounter it more here than than in the Midwest is that our on-ramps may be shorter due to lack of room, so stupid drivers may not have enough time to figure out where to slide into in traffic and lack the courage to just flour it.


Dizzy_Necessary8860 t1_iwevwoz wrote

I know exactly what and where you are referencing here. When traffic is stopped on the highway, doing a "zipper" merge is really the best way to keep the traffic moving- both the traffic already on the highway and the traffic trying to enter the highway from the ramp. Yes, the merging traffic from the ramp is required to yield- but in a practical sense, the traffic from the ramp would never move if every car on that ramp just yielded stopped and waited. All it takes is one or two aggressive drivers to gum up the works. It's all about being predictable... and aggressive drivers are not.


jjmasterred t1_iwexjj5 wrote

Parts of Rt 1 has no merging lane


cimson-otter t1_iwey5bn wrote

Mass has some of the worst drivers in the country.


pr1cklyp3ar t1_iwez31z wrote

Gee I sure hope it’s not a MA thing. I’m from MA & completely agree with you— you’re right, people are just idiots around here.


gerkin123 t1_iwf07qq wrote

The BRRRR sound of maybe hitting the rumble strips because you can't merge is loud so it's better to be rear-ended by the car behind you trying to merge, too.

Can't say how many times I've been a couple car lengths behind someone getting on the highway, turn to look at the flow of traffic and then had to slam the breaks because the car ahead stopped.


kissmekate48 t1_iwf0oxw wrote

I think it’s also inexperienced drivers who are fearful of merging. And of course there are some drivers who speed up to prevent incoming traffic from merging.


MazW t1_iwf0tqy wrote

I was taught to drive in Michigan where there are luxurious on ramps on which you have seemingly endless time to get up to 70 mph, and where other drivers have been taught to change lanes to allow you to merge. Furthermore, you can see the traffic up ahead as you enter the highway.

Here, the on ramps can be short, curved, and uphill, meaning both you cannot get to speed and you cannot see the traffic. Some of them actually have stop signs.

I speed up as much as possible and just muscle through, but I totally understand people who are entering at 40 mph, especially on 128 in the Danvers area for example.


JaKr8 t1_iwf0ya4 wrote

There's an onramp on 91south in Springfield by the Chevy dealership, it gives you about 20' to merge onto 91 before the onramp lane is cut off by an overpass.

I've seen some ridiculously close calls, but I still can't believe I've never seen an accident there.


Daily_the_Project21 t1_iwf1nvl wrote

>Is this a Massachusetts education thing that I don't know about?

No, they just suck.

I'm an instructor in MA, and I know several who tell students to slow down and wait for space, instead of merging correctly. I don't know why this is a thing.


hummingbirds_R_tasty t1_iwf8rph wrote

believe it or not there are some horrible onramps on 93 and 95 that have stop signs.

but i think your just talking about anxious drivers that are afraid of being sideswiped. yes we have those to.


shooters-sh00t t1_iwf9nlg wrote

Yep, idiot drivers. Also why do folks in the passing lane slow down at on-ramps? FOMO? This has caused so much backup along Rt3 north. I’m talking about you Derby st on-ramp and the 3 to 2 lane merge on the other side. Just drive people, stop staring at others.


MalyutkaB t1_iwfche6 wrote

Im on the west coast now and would gladly take drivers from mass over whatever the hell these drivers here are doing.


InevitableOne8421 t1_iwfdz0h wrote

Will never understand people who speed up to prevent someone from merging only to be stuck behind the car right in front. If I see someone picking up speed on an on-ramp just ahead of me, I’ll lift my foot off the accelerator to help smooth out traffic (like a sensible human).


landshark06 t1_iwfhyj4 wrote

Stopping before you merge on the highway is one thing. The real thing that drives (no pun intended) me insane is the jackasses that stop while they’re actively going through a rotary.


Ilikereddit15 t1_iwfj6oz wrote

I’ve lived here all my life and I can’t understand it…it’s very dangerous too. there are some on ramps that are poorly designed but most cars can handle getting up to 65 in under 8 seconds


beachwhistles t1_iwfx3vu wrote

It’s like swinging a baseball bat, just shut your eyes and go for it.


CaterpillarMedium674 t1_iwg2ai8 wrote

on ramps will have yield signs that get ignored because of how poorly designed a lot of our highways are. I get going with the flow of traffic to merge but there’s a yield sign for a reason, which means the person on the highway has the right of way. Shouldn’t have to jam on my breaks to allow someone to “merge”


nayrcire t1_iwg396n wrote

People are scared that they’re not going to be let on by assholes who think they own the road. When I’m merging, I’m merging. There’s no way around it. You’re either letting me on or we’re colliding.


Piffle-2986 t1_iwg4su4 wrote

The yield sign doesn’t work here


ZaphodG t1_iwg5iqh wrote

The Massachusetts driver’s handbook says:

• Yield the right-of-way to drivers already on the highway

In dense traffic, the car coming up the on-ramp has nowhere to go. They have no choice but to come to a complete stop.

Elsewhere in the country, drivers in the right lane will change lanes when someone is coming up an on ramp. This is a sign of weakness in Massachusetts.


EthicalBribes OP t1_iwg67tf wrote

I do think it could be fear or they've been in an accident on the highway previously.

I've seen the right lane people slow to give a merging car space to enter, and it's a clear invitation but the merging car refuses or will even slow down more, it's maddening.


Thomas_Perscors t1_iwg75gx wrote

I’m from Michigan too. I’ve never seen anyone come to a stop in MA or really go below 40 while merging, unless traffic is bad.

What’s different, in my experience, is the way Michigan drivers will floor it to 80 on the entrance ramp and then make a beeline to the fast lane.

I almost never see that out here. People tend to change lanes slower and less frequently. There isn’t as much racing to get one car length ahead.


bss4life20 t1_iwg7wbh wrote

Aside from what everyone else here has said, there’s also a ton of people that use the right lane to pass at high speeds so you never know if you’ll be attempting to merge when someone going 80 miles an hour decides to take the right lane 500 ft before the ramp


PolarBlueberry t1_iwg7x64 wrote

On the Merritt Parkway in CT, almost all on ramps have stop signs. Not that MA drivers frequent it, but an example of a stop to merge highway in New England. I think what you’re seeing is generally hesitation due to short merge land and congestion.


[deleted] t1_iwg8jv7 wrote

My mom yelled at me after I got my license that I wasn’t doing it and I told her this very question, I’m not going anywhere, and my drivers ed instructor never taught me that


Lucybruin t1_iwg8spk wrote

If you’re already at the speed or approaching speed of traffic, how do you yield if you need to? The answer is you don’t and that’s why there are so many wrecks in the morning when all the amateurs trying to get to work at the same time You’re going 60 looking over your left shoulder to see if there’s room then you look ahead and the traffic is stopped to yield. I always thought it was better to have a line of traffic on a ramp, then to have 5 miles on the highway because an asshole couldn’t yield. common sense is in short supply nowadays.


Lucybruin t1_iwg8z5h wrote

In the Midwest, the highways were planned after looking at the disaster we have here we’re only now catching up adding merge lanes Enjoy it still the best place to live !


sloppyredditor t1_iwga2ep wrote

You were taught correctly by educated people who learned from our mistakes.

The morons who decided we should merge in a 100 foot run-up under a bridge (instead of AFTER the bridge) and exit immediately after a bridge (instead of BEFORE it) were not.


kissmekate48 t1_iwgartp wrote

I've been broadsided on a highway by someone changing lanes without looking, and it's definitely made me wary of what other drivers will do without warning. It's amazing there aren't more accidents. When I see someone stopped on an on-ramp, I suspect they are a new, terrified driver.


cathouse1320again t1_iwgbv1p wrote

I lived for a rather short time in Minneapolis, imagine my chagrin and utter fucking shock, I looked over my left shoulder to gage traffic entering I-94. I got up to highway speed. They had a fucking stop sign at the end of the ramp, I damn near killed an entire family, somehow I got around them, but it’s 35 years later now and I’m still not over it! I was so happy to move back to massachusetts where on-ramps actually work


AhBuckleThis t1_iwgho0m wrote

If you really want to see how bad people are at driving, tow a trailer. The amount of people that cut you off, stop really quick in front of you, expect you to get out of their way when they are merging onto the highway is unreal.


highlander666666 t1_iwghwja wrote

Merging when you can But are few places on North shore were need to stop .Getting on Rt128 from Danvers or Peabody mall depending on traffic .Need to stop. Road is skinny... Theyhave been under construction now believe they making it better...All so A place on rt one coming of rotary to get on rt one thet same ramp has people coming off 128 and 95 . there can be big line times were I had to stop had close calls getting hit witness accidents on that ramp.Which can tie up traffic for hours!


aranamac t1_iwgi5a2 wrote

Did you grow up in Mass?

I learned to drive in Southern California. I feel so much safer driving out there than here in Mass. every day I’ve got someone on 95 swerving or drifting into my lane, or suddenly drove 45 in the middle lane while everyone else goes 75, or the “can’t slow down below 95 or I’ll die” folks who weave in and out around you out of nowhere, or the sudden stops from 85 to 0. I’m starting to get anxious and freaked out when I drive here, and I’ve driven extensively all over the country. This is the first place I’ve felt unsafe daily driving.


MazW t1_iwgjk1s wrote

I think the only reason we don't see people entering traffic at 80 mph out here is because it's not possible. But who knows. I have read MA is comparatively low on fatal accidents, so maybe drivers are actually better here.


Blue_Ducktape t1_iwgke5a wrote

Born and raised here and I would like to apologize for my fellow mass holes. I've been in a few pile ups because of the incredible amount of hesitation mixing equal parts impatience, one of which several people died, because one driver got too nervous to merge at speed. I've done a lot of traveling in the last few years and I've come to learn most of the country will just go around you if you're driving like that. Which I appreciate, I was in Tucson last February and I was doing 80 through the desert at 1am when the car behind me started to pass me so I let off a bit cause I had no idea where I was, as they passed me I realized it was a cop, and as I realized it was a cop I also noticed he was flipping me off for doing 80 on a single lane road through the desert. Honestly, made my night cause massachusetts drivers make me feel like everybody has an exhaust leak at their headers and they're absolutely going to blame you for it.


mortaymortay t1_iwgkhi3 wrote

My biggest pet peeve about MA drivers: They will speed up to pass you as you try to merge, only to hit their breaks so they can take the exit - instead of slowing down and getting behind you so you can speed up to merge and they can take the exit ramp.


GregtheHamster t1_iwgmj6t wrote

Another point, people don't zipper merge here . Its rare when you see a good zipper. Our roads are packed, people arent nice, a lot of drivers rather hit their brakes and wait for a good opening instead of forcing a zipper merge, especially if a driver wont let you in.
There have been so many times I've tried to merge onto a highway at speed, and drivers refuse to move out of the right lane and will force you into the breakdown, its bizarre,


Balkanoboy t1_iwgox0m wrote

Route 24 is notorious for having a small radius on and off-ramps


sound_of_apocalypto t1_iwgq3u0 wrote

There are yield signs. That can sometimes mean stopping if necessary. It's unsafe, but sometimes trying to merge into traffic when no one will let you in is also unsafe.

There are a lot of different types of on ramp situations so there is probably no one-size-fits-all solution that will always be safe.

There's an on ramp in Vermont that has very low visibility to see what sort of traffic you need to merge into until you get past some rocks. On the highway you're trying to merge into there are signs for through traffic to stay to the left, which helps a little. But a lot of people need to stay in the right lane because they're planning to get off at the next exit a quarter mile away. For some reason the people using this on ramp seem to think the solution is to come flying out of the on ramp at about 80+ mph (speed limit on that section of highway is 55 mph).

There are lots of unique situations out there.


MalyutkaB t1_iwgqmff wrote

I did grow up in mass. Over on the west coast it has the same problem where people merge at 10 mph followed by immediately changing 3-4 lanes to get into the passing lane then slowing down to 10 mph under the speed limit. Then someone gets mad and starts shooting at that car causing a huge accident.

Also even the most minor fender bender will cause an hour backup from the worst rubbernecking Ive ever witnessed in my life.

A 20 mile drive here always takes over an hour for whatever reason. I just hate how unnagressive and oblivious the drivers are here.


melanarchy t1_iwgqmyb wrote

On ramps are yields for oncoming traffic. Yield means stop. (Unless it's clear to go, then you don't have to stop first) In MA just assume the driver in front of you will stop at ANY yield.


internetTroll151 t1_iwgs1n6 wrote

You were taught correctly.

People are scared to drive here.


dontcomeback82 t1_iwgs4mc wrote

If you are trying to merge, putting on a turn signal up here is a sign for everyone in that lane to pass you immediately. You have to save it for when you have an opening and hit them with a surprise merge


Low-Donut-9883 t1_iwgsj0e wrote

There are very few merge lanes on the older routes (Route 1, 128 north), so yes, pausing before merging, is often necessary.


NAIBA75 t1_iwgt0zn wrote

This drives me kinda crazy as a European. I learned that you have to use the ramp to speed up asap so you can merge without bothering incoming traffic. Even if there is a yield sign early in the ramp sometimes. But a lot of drivers here drive down the entire ramp like slowpokes and then slowly merge at the end of it. What the heck! Are they too cheap to just hit the gas and GO?


pleasedtoseedetrees t1_iwguzik wrote

I live in this area and you have to just jump in. Stopping is ridiculous. I got rear-ended merging onto 128 north from the 95 south before the Lowell Street exit because the car in front of me stopped. I stopped but the guy behind me didn't and he totalled his car into the back of my SUV. It's a highway on ramp, you can't just come to a grinding halt.


Spiralstatic32 t1_iwgv3eb wrote

I’m living in the USA but I’m British. This is something that I’ve noticed too, but mostly I’ve noticed that even when it is safe for the car to do so, they don’t want to move to the other lane to let you join.

I’d say 90% of the time, and that causes me and others to slow. It feels so unsafe, I don’t want join the highway at 30mph


bubblehashguy t1_iwgvjb7 wrote

People are just dumb.

There's an on ramp near me without a divider. It's a 1/4mi long lane divided by a solid white line. Almost no one uses the on ramp lane. They wait at the beginning & pull out right in front of you nice & slow while you're doing 70.

I had to pass a guy in that lane one time. Pulled right out in front of me. It was either switch to the on ramp lane or rear end him hard. I had cars in the other lane next to me. I passed him, in the lane he should've been in, like he was standing still. I had no choice.

Happens all the time. That was just the closest call.


forrealz42 t1_iwgy5p0 wrote

I mean, a lot of these places (128), the speed limit is like 50. People trying to merge at 80 and beeline to the fast lane (while normal in Michigan) just come across as super aggressive here.


Statest16 t1_iwh2w6x wrote

Is not drivers but the sheer amount of traffic ,often there is little choice but to stop.I have never seen anyone stop for a yield sign when it was safe to proceed.

In New York it's even more pronounced not always but sometimes you will see actual stop signs at merges instead of a yield.On the Saw Millv PKWY they have stop lights at entrance areas.


It's traffic not drivers


BlaineTog t1_iwh543j wrote

I grew up in the SF Bay Area and I totally agree. Drivers out here scare the shit out of me. Not nearly as much as Connecticut or New York drivers, and then there's NH drivers who clearly have no will to live, but at least 1 out of every 5 drivers in Mass. has no business being on the road. Driving when I'm back in California is so much less stressful.


Kodiak01 t1_iwhbtk5 wrote

There is a ramp on Rt 9 in Middletown, CT that actually DOES have a stop sign. The accidents are so numerous, they're finally going to take the extra land to extend it into a proper merging length.

Now for real fun, come on down and experience the Merritt Parkway!


blalala543 t1_iwhgeff wrote

I try to do the “pedal off to lightly decelerate” to let people in if they look like they’re actually accelerating, and they just end up braking and matching my speed and I have to speed up so many times that I just speed up at this point l. It’s so frustrating


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwhiedg wrote

The only highway where I can think of this happening is on 128 north of the 95 split where there are actual stop signs on the on ramp. Everywhere else no one even yields when getting on and expects other drivers to move over and let them on.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_iwhim3e wrote

I was taught way back when (2000) to put your left blinker on when merging on to the highway because it will make the cars on the highway more likely to move over for you. No idea if that's true or not.


thafunkyhomosapien t1_iwhrkcr wrote

I did my driver's test in 1999, and am originally from one of the lovely towns in central Mass that has both an RMV and is conveniently located right on rt. 2. I most definitely had to go on the highway for my driver's test. Not all my peers did, but I did. Definitely depended on the officer you got back then. (do they still have state troopers sit in the passenger seat or is it someone from the RMV?)


Wise_Check6255 t1_iwi1hwm wrote

It's a combination of things. Some people are just scared and suck at driving. Another reason though is that Massachusetts drivers can be very stubborn and think they own the road, so they refuse to provide space for other drivers to merge, because the law says that the motorist on the highway has the right of way. Which is why I think we need to make a new traffic law saying that you have to allow other traffic to merge if it's safe.


COVID_2019 t1_iwi39sw wrote

>Try that with our short, sharply-curved on ramps

Is this particularly bad in the North Shore area? I remember driving up Salem a few times when I was younger and thought the on ramps were a joke. Like <40 feet for merging distance. Maybe I was young and just attributed it to the area, but I never liked driving north shore anyway.


bobmcrobber t1_iwi4lc0 wrote

My mom always does this, even on 495 where the acceleration lanes are quite long...


GaleTheThird t1_iwimlfs wrote

> I’ve never seen anyone come to a stop in MA or really go below 40 while merging, unless traffic is bad.

I get stuck behind someone merging on the highway at 30-35 almost every day it feels like


niknight_ml t1_iwja4lz wrote

In their defense, the East Longmeadow rotary is the second worst rotary design I've ever seen (the worst being the old Kelley Square in Worcester). It's less a rotary than it is a random amalgamation of streets that come together in a trapezoidal shape.


rideonsnow t1_iwk2ynx wrote

The thing to realize about drivers in this state is that they give zero shits about anyone else. The road is their personal paradise and you can just fuck off.

This pretty much explains all the complaints about commuting, be it by car, bike, train or whatever. The state is full of solipsistic assholes.