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OP t1_j1uqhxs wrote


t1_j1v2nln wrote

OK. Are their any issues? Like a reason they might want your kids to go to EE (early intervention)?

Speech delay, some issues with motor skills, etc?


OP t1_j1v2xeu wrote

Speech and social issues mostly. He was in ee before we moved but in indiana it wasn't through the school for 2 year olds.


t1_j1va87x wrote

OK, so for that age he'll be in "early childhood" services. Contact your local school district and just let them know you've moved and have a child who was in EE in another state and probably needs an evaluation.

They should be able to point you in the right direction.


OP t1_j1vakwn wrote

That sounds like a good plan. I can't believe how helpful you all were. In one morning I went from clueless to having several good places to start


t1_j1vd643 wrote

No prob! You've got this!

Also, join a local mom's/parents group on facebook in your school district. They may even have a special needs group. My kid needed services and those parents have seen it all so they know exactly how everything works and will be a really good resource.