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chadwickipedia t1_j1bzuxk wrote

Wow, do people really want to see this movie? Is it in 3D?


COVID_2019 t1_j1cw5o4 wrote

I didn't know the film had this much negative feedback until this thread. Why would people not want to see this movie? The only new films that came out the past week is I Want to Dance, Puss in Boots, The Whale, and Babylon. Avatar has the most general audience appeal imo and seeing it in IMAX is a great experience.


hatersbelearners t1_j1d5405 wrote

Because Avatar was shit and this will likely be no different?


COVID_2019 t1_j1d5k5f wrote

Let people love their lives. If they want to see it, let them see it. The fuck is wrong with this thread?


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cfomf wrote

Wow, do people really want to see the sequel to the biggest movie of all time? Wow


chadwickipedia t1_j1d50ep wrote

10 years ago. Avatar CGI hasn’t aged well and the story was meh/a ripoff. James Cameron has been so pretentious about continuing to make these for so long that I couldn’t care less. Will watch when I can stream it.


GaleTheThird t1_j1djm4j wrote

> Avatar CGI hasn’t aged well

What? I watched the rerelease of the first one a couple months ago at Jordan's and it absolutely holds up. Especially with the 3D really creating a "window into the world" effect.

> Will watch when I can stream it.

You're going to be missing out. This is one of those movies that's massively better in theaters then streaming at home, even if you have a good setup

Anyways, to answer the original question the first weekend box office was ~$440m so a lot of people have been going to see it


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1djffm wrote

Hey, I’ll just watch the most beautiful thing ever put on film on a small TV in my living room at some point and then critique it from there because that’ll be valid. I promise society doesn’t need people like you. Just fuck off in some corner. The world has enough negativity thanks


chadwickipedia t1_j1djwek wrote

> the most beautiful thing ever put on film

Completely subjective, but since you sound like a fanboy I hope you enjoy it


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dkefz wrote

Do yourself a favor and get out of this Internet mentality that you have. I’ve never even heard somebody say the word fanboy in person. I like a movie. Crazy. I like what everyone is unanimously calling the most gorgeous thing ever to be put on film. Super crazy


chadwickipedia t1_j1dknl7 wrote

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and can be around those who can help you.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dkuqr wrote

Thanks for making it really obvious that was you that did that so I can report you for abusing that. you have a good day though


chadwickipedia t1_j1dlagw wrote

Please, get some help. No one should get worked up about others opinions this much


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dlhqt wrote

Sir I’m just going to block you. you have a good day.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_j1docgq wrote

Its being marketed like crazy so a lot of people are like "yea I guess." Just like the first one. The marketing also includes the "spectacle" of the effects and 3d.