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toxodon t1_j1cexqh wrote

It's not about the movie dude, it's about going to a crowded theater again post-pandemic. People miss the experience of it. Watching movies with only a few people at home is a really different experience. We lost a lot of theaters to the pandemic and it's good people are supporting them again.


ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_j1cs8ux wrote

Yup, I LOVE the experience of going to the movies.


somegridplayer t1_j1cxyak wrote

"Thank god, I can sit around a bunch of people I would never want to be near but here I am paying for it. What an experience!"


COVID_2019 t1_j1d53u4 wrote

Go in the middle of the week after a workday and not on opening week. Literally you and maybe one other person. Or just don't go.


claimsnthings t1_j1d7s54 wrote

I rewatched some ridiculous comedy from the early 2000s on streaming the other day. I thought back to the days of seeing comedies in theaters and how fun it could be. It was an experience, laughing with strangers, getting out of the house, shared experience kind of thing. Idk. But I also miss going to Blockbuster so maybe I’m just NUTS


DinkandDrunk t1_j1dtgv2 wrote

Depends on the movie and the crowd. If you can promise me a crowd that will react to the movie appropriately but otherwise SHUT THE FUCK UP, then I love the movies.

I’m not even that old, but at 32 I’ve basically limited myself to middle of the day movies where there are little to no other people there. Much better experience when there isn’t chatter in the background or worse yet, teenagers just dropping all pretense of being respectful of others experience.