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archangelzero2222 t1_j1b8p2v wrote

Real question why? Being honest everyone I know who saw it said it was a boring movie. Seeing the trailer plot wise felt average to me. I don't get the appeal how so many other movie trailers don't get this level of attention but turn out better. I'd argue top gun 2 was a great movie but the cinema here didn't have queues like that even with word of mouth being really good


[deleted] t1_j1bc89h wrote

Cool! Nice to see people gathering to the theater.


BozoDidtheW t1_j1be2nf wrote

Crazy thought: maybe go see it before passing judgement?

It was fucking awesome and I genuinely don't understand how much of a curmudgeon someone would have to be to not enjoy it. It's more of a roller coaster than a criterion collection but roller coasters are dope. I can't think of how you could spend $15 better.


Shapen361 t1_j1bjax0 wrote

Holy cow. I was planning on seeing it next Thursday and thought I could maybe get there an hour early to get good seats. Maybe not.


Objective-Ad4009 t1_j1bl1xd wrote

Only place I want to see movies anymore is at a furniture store.


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_j1bmg2u wrote

These are the same people who just can't wait and will rush out and wait in line overnight for the latest iPhone, graphics card, Xbox release, sneaker, etc.

It's not going anywhere for awhile. What's the hurry? So you can chat it up with your coworkers the next day about how awesome it was?

Wait a couple of weeks and you can still enjoy it without the crowd and hassles.


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_j1bn49h wrote

You can't reserve seats ahead of time? I don't go to movies that often but going online, picking the best time and date, looking at a seating chart and choosing my seat has to be the best thing since sound was added to movies.


Unlikely_Let2616 t1_j1bn9in wrote

I saw the first one there tripping balls and had a full pyschotic break thinking I was the avatar for the following year


Unlikely_Let2616 t1_j1br10n wrote

It was in 3D and I was hypnotized floating around with Jake Suelly. I started to question if humans could become avatars and later after I was home smoking I realized I was an avatar to some Gods and eventually I ended up in the hospital on meds with psychosis but it all started there from that flix at Jordans. Did you enjoy a kellys roast beef while there?


Paperdiego t1_j1brpgy wrote

Great movie. Watched it on Tuesday at the AMC IMAX at south bay center.


camdenofcamdentown t1_j1burhs wrote

Very important question: do they still have Dippin Dots there? Asking for a friend


Tara_is_a_Potato OP t1_j1buw5i wrote

That reminds me of this old co-worker I had at a retail store and we'd get fucked up after work sometimes. This one time we were tripping and he told me there was a girl out there for him and he was going to get her, so I was like, okay. The next day he didn't come into work because apparently he saw a girl in a window that night so he broke into her house to get at her, and ended up fighting with her father and getting sent to a psych ward. Anyway I prefer the Kelly's Roast Beef at Revere Beach.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_j1bwwff wrote

I hate avatar the blue creatures make me so mad like who do they think they are that they can defy humanity if I were in charge I would have bombed them back to the stone and age and burned their stupid tree from orbit. I will be boycotting this movie because I hate the blue ones and want them to die.


TheSukis t1_j1bwxl6 wrote

Damn, I remember waiting in that very spot to see the first movie. Feels like a lifetime ago.


Ajgrob t1_j1bxb8n wrote

I took an edible and went to see it at the weekend, had a blast. It’s a really enjoyable movie and the 3D underwater stuff is next level. Could of done without spending $50 on snacks though 😀


Tara_is_a_Potato OP t1_j1bxbiy wrote

yeah bro fantasy is dumb and doesn't belong in fictional movies. If I saw a blue creature in America, I would bomb the crap out of it right here in America, in order to protect America, no matter how many centuries of fallout there might be, because I hate those blue creatures and I love America.


of_patrol_bot t1_j1bxcbl wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


hurricanehershel t1_j1bxcs1 wrote

Really don’t understand why they don’t offer reserved seating


-Im-A-Little-Teapot_ t1_j1bxtnj wrote

It gets better ...‘Avatar 2’ called out for ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘white savior complex’

I was debating on whether to go and see it or not (coincidentally, I did see the first one at Jordans), but this 'woke' shit is getting out of hand and only sways me even more to go and see it.

At least this time around the Majestic 7 in Watertown is a 15 minute walk, 5 minute drive from me.


bunkerbash t1_j1by9wo wrote

People should see Puss in Boots 2 instead. It’s friggin terrific


lorimar t1_j1byito wrote

Story wasn't the greatest, but it looked amazing on that screen


swiftdude t1_j1bylr5 wrote

Perfect when you’re stuck with your family and you need 3 hours of silence


chadwickipedia t1_j1bzuxk wrote

Wow, do people really want to see this movie? Is it in 3D?


itsgreater9000 t1_j1bzv8g wrote

heard it was like getting waterboarded with ocean-colored cement


Waggmans t1_j1c0td4 wrote

I went to purchase a ticket online and discovered they’re only open 3-4 days a week, so no Christmas or New Years showings.


majoroutage t1_j1c3802 wrote

>no Christmas or New Years showings

Yes, how dare they close so employees can spend holidays with their families.

Also, Massachusetts still has blue laws on the books, it may not even be legal for them to be open.

EDIT. I just checked and they are closed Christmas but not New Year's. And Blue Law closings apply to Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, just FYI.


Waggmans t1_j1c4ggl wrote

Movie theaters traditionally do the most business over the holidays, particularly Christmas and New Years. They were open those days pre-pandemic.

I worked at the AMC Framingham and they were open 365 days a year.


iwillfollowu t1_j1c7kau wrote

Saw it at this very place last week. Such an odd experience walking through that place just to catch a movie.


dborhegyi t1_j1cadn2 wrote

Best movie theater I have ever been to. Jordan's is a "hidden" gem.


lil_squeeb t1_j1cd08q wrote

Just got home from seeing it imax 3d.. was an amazing movie


toxodon t1_j1cexqh wrote

It's not about the movie dude, it's about going to a crowded theater again post-pandemic. People miss the experience of it. Watching movies with only a few people at home is a really different experience. We lost a lot of theaters to the pandemic and it's good people are supporting them again.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cfv8s wrote

Hey man, can you explain to me why you like ketchup and I don’t. Hey man can you explain to me why you like this song and I don’t. Do you get what I’m getting at here? Or does it need to be broken down further for you? Even more so you’re asking why would somebody want to see the sequel to the biggest movie of all time. That sounds like a pretty easy wire right there


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cg040 wrote

So should we have to stop at the first chocolate chip cookie? Because I’ve had a lot and they all taste different, and I have a favorite. But they’re still the same variety of cookie. I like this version of the story. Maybe I don’t even like ferngully did you ever think about that. This is my favorite chocolate chip cookie. You can have yours


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cg2k4 wrote

It doesn’t matter, it’s the most visually stunning thing that’s ever been on a movie screen. And you only get to experience it this one time until whatever release. Just do yourself a favor and go see it. Stop relying on other people’s opinions to drive yours


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cg8c1 wrote

Damn homie you sound like a sad person that’s upset the other people are having a good time doing something. And if that’s not the case, you sure are coming off that way. You might want to do some self reflection if you care about that kind of thing.


TheDancingRobot t1_j1cjbq0 wrote

Thankfully comments (opinions) never could. But I do appreciate reading how people react to massively complex initiatives put forth and how they do so in singular sentences - plus the rhetoric they use based on assumptions. It's entertaining to read.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1ckdhb wrote

are you a robot? If you’re not a robot you’re really just made a comment that was like full of generic statements that have been regurgitated hundreds and hundreds of thousands of times by now. btw forgettable, is subjective, I’ve seen the movie at least 80 times in the past 13 years. So no I didn’t forget anything. And just a heads up, yes being the biggest grossing movie of all time, Literally makes it special. plus All of the other technological advances created to make the films. That also make it special. Hey my guy it’s just a movie it can’t hurt you, it’s OK. You’ll be OK. I’m sorry people enjoying things upsets you.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1ckmy2 wrote

Think about it this way. How many iterations of a chocolate chip cookie are there? Hundreds of thousands? So no this movie didn’t invent a new cookie. It’s a chocolate chip cookie. But it’s the most delicious chocolate chip cookie I’ve ever had.


bostonbananarama t1_j1cm97h wrote

> are you a robot?


> If you’re not a robot...

I just said I wasn't a robot, I can pick stop lights and crosswalks out of photographs and everything.

>’re really just made a comment that was like full of generic statements that have been regurgitated hundreds and hundreds of thousands of times by now. btw forgettable, is subjective,

Hundreds of thousands of people saying a movie is forgettable certainly isn't a good thing.

> I’ve seen the movie at least 80 times in the past 13 years. So no I didn’t forget anything.

That's sad. See different movies, there are lots of better movies out there.

> And just a heads up, yes being the biggest grossing movie of all time, Literally makes it special.

Not really. If you adjust for inflation, it's not the highest grossing movie. If you don't adjust for inflation, it will be surpassed in the next few years.

> plus All of the other technological advances created to make the films. That also make it special.

Yes, it was technically impressive, that's literally the only positive. That's almost exactly the critic consensus from rotten tomatoes.

> It might be more impressive on a technical level than as a piece of storytelling...

Technically impressive, but as a film it's rather pedestrian.

> Hey my guy it’s just a movie it can’t hurt you, it’s OK. You’ll be OK. I’m sorry people enjoying things upsets you.

Good to know. Like whatever you want. I was simply pointing out that saying that it was the "biggest movie" of all time, is really an overstatement.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1cmjhy wrote

Now ask yourself, what makes anything you think you have to say, important enough for me to read any of that? Hey, I liked avatar I don’t care if you didn’t enough people did to make it the biggest movie ever. You can’t change that. I love every second of this new one. If you are reading this and you are upset that someone else likes a movie that you don’t. you are a sad human. Nothing you can say you can change that, you have a good evening.


bostonbananarama t1_j1cna0r wrote

> Now ask yourself, what makes anything you think you have to say, important enough for me to read any of that?

Because you did. Not only that, but you responded. The worst of all, you know I'm right.

Have a good night!


COVID_2019 t1_j1cw5o4 wrote

I didn't know the film had this much negative feedback until this thread. Why would people not want to see this movie? The only new films that came out the past week is I Want to Dance, Puss in Boots, The Whale, and Babylon. Avatar has the most general audience appeal imo and seeing it in IMAX is a great experience.


derdoktor t1_j1cytz1 wrote

Dances With Wolves in Space, pt. 2


Z0idberg_MD t1_j1czt0r wrote

COVID has largely disappeared as a significant health event for full vaccinated/boosted individuals. Go walk into literally any place anywhere and no one is masked. And most workplaces aren't wearing masks. Even hospitals like MGH allow employees to be unmasked in non-patient areas.

So idk why that should be a notable feature of this photo.


derdoktor t1_j1czvns wrote

Everyone please meet someone who has never read a decent critique of the first avatar and thinks anyone who points out that the story is not a whole lot more than a retelling of every other story about the white guy who goes native and teaches the natives how to be better natives than they could have been without the white guy Superman is „woke“.

Guess what genius, this is a discussion about narratives that has been going on a lot longer than whenever some wingnut snowflake came up with the term „woke“ to describe any discussion they have trouble following


Davidicus12 t1_j1d37h7 wrote

They are their for the everyday low prices. Nobody wants to see Avatar


chadwickipedia t1_j1d50ep wrote

10 years ago. Avatar CGI hasn’t aged well and the story was meh/a ripoff. James Cameron has been so pretentious about continuing to make these for so long that I couldn’t care less. Will watch when I can stream it.


COVID_2019 t1_j1d5gmq wrote

That's most of this thread tbh. Snarky "Of course I want to sit with a bunch of other maskless strangers who will ruin the movie instead of watching it at home" and "Why would anyone want to see Avatar 2?! I can't believe it?!!!".


Z0idberg_MD t1_j1d61ms wrote

My dude, those are frankly normal things that happen in the winter. And while yes, of course they are more common this year than ever before, they are more common because we wore masks for two years. We either doff the masks now, get through this winter and go back to our historical norm, or we continue to wear masks and run into the same issues year after year.

I would also like to point out that you’ve conceded we are not talking about truly serious illnesses where people are getting sick and dying. Which was the reason that we essentially compelled everyone, whether via policy or stigma, to wear masks. (I fully supported those policies btw during covid)

If you don’t want to ruin your own holiday, wear a mask. Simple as that. But to try and tell everyone in society that they need to wear a mask because you and your family might get a cold or a stomach bug and not get together on Christmas day, honestly, that’s not a compelling reason.


claimsnthings t1_j1d7s54 wrote

I rewatched some ridiculous comedy from the early 2000s on streaming the other day. I thought back to the days of seeing comedies in theaters and how fun it could be. It was an experience, laughing with strangers, getting out of the house, shared experience kind of thing. Idk. But I also miss going to Blockbuster so maybe I’m just NUTS


Lamplord72 t1_j1d9l3s wrote

If people think James Cameron is pretentious just wait until they read the comments in a reddit thread


discoslimjim t1_j1dbmxp wrote

Can’t get enough of their commercials. Hey come have a muffin and play with my tube.


Embarrassed-Bid-2425 t1_j1ddhfc wrote

I selfishly love this because the more people seeing it the better chance we gonna get those sequels 🤞🏻this thread though really doesn't have too many people who enjoyed the movie I guess 😅


amphetaminesfailure t1_j1ddviu wrote

Ever been on the ride in Disney? One of the most mind-blowing 3D motion rides there is. Feeling the wind on your face, water splashing on you, you even feel the mountain banshee you're supposed to be riding "breathing" in and out.

Incredible ride. Miserable wait time though if you're there on a busy day. I waited 3.5 hours. I think it's the only ride that Disney installed bathrooms halfway through the line, because people were pissing themselves.


JasperDyne t1_j1df8hd wrote

Many churches expect you to tithe anywhere from 5%-15% of your income, so even an IMAX screening of Avatar for a family of four is much cheaper. Bonus that you don’t have to worry about your kids getting a little “extra enumenical attention” from the clergy.


sneakylyric t1_j1dhr4x wrote

Lol the first movie was pretty, but it's just space Pocahontas.


Z0idberg_MD t1_j1dhsit wrote

Dude, you need to give up on this sub. This and the Boston sub Reddit are filled with reactionary, fearful individuals. Literally, the largest academic medical centers in the country are not requiring masks currently. This is not science or data driven. It’s all Zeitgeist bullshit.


GaleTheThird t1_j1dj46h wrote

Last Saturday at the Reading theater we got there two hours early, were still 20ish people back from the front of the line, and there were quite a few people behind us within 10 minutes. It might be a bit less busy next weekend but who knows


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dj6hb wrote

Yeah, I responded with a generic message that wasn’t specific to anything you said I’m sure. You really are full of yourself huh dude, or given the level of cuntyness. You’re either a really zesty man or you’re probably a woman. either way I hope that translates well IRL.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1djffm wrote

Hey, I’ll just watch the most beautiful thing ever put on film on a small TV in my living room at some point and then critique it from there because that’ll be valid. I promise society doesn’t need people like you. Just fuck off in some corner. The world has enough negativity thanks


GaleTheThird t1_j1djm4j wrote

> Avatar CGI hasn’t aged well

What? I watched the rerelease of the first one a couple months ago at Jordan's and it absolutely holds up. Especially with the 3D really creating a "window into the world" effect.

> Will watch when I can stream it.

You're going to be missing out. This is one of those movies that's massively better in theaters then streaming at home, even if you have a good setup

Anyways, to answer the original question the first weekend box office was ~$440m so a lot of people have been going to see it


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1djnaf wrote

I’m really not about to sit here and try to explain to you, what literally everybody is saying about this movie, even people that seem to hate it cannot deny that it is visually breathtaking. For three hours. Just go see it dude it’s a movie not surgery


GaleTheThird t1_j1djsom wrote

> For as much money as it made, it has had zero cultural significance. It was an entirely forgettable movie.

But it looked amazing and was a great movie to see in the theaters, and people are likely expecting the same here. I'd say it absolutely meets that bar


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dkefz wrote

Do yourself a favor and get out of this Internet mentality that you have. I’ve never even heard somebody say the word fanboy in person. I like a movie. Crazy. I like what everyone is unanimously calling the most gorgeous thing ever to be put on film. Super crazy


nixiedust t1_j1dnmvo wrote

Yeah, I've started wearing a mask again. I don't want to be paranoid but numbers are high, half the people I know are sick and I've got other health stuff. Hope everyone takes care!


SSA78 t1_j1ds6g8 wrote

When I saw the first Avatar at the IMAX in Reading almost the entire parking lot lit up before the movie before it was legal.

I'm sure the only thing that's changed is the potency


DinkandDrunk t1_j1dt3kg wrote

When was the last truly great James Cameron film? Terminator 2?

Even Aliens, while a great movie, took a great sci-fi survival horror and dampened it with generic action movie flavor.

I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t seen 100% of his filmography, but based on what I have it seems like he’s kind of overrated.


DinkandDrunk t1_j1dtgv2 wrote

Depends on the movie and the crowd. If you can promise me a crowd that will react to the movie appropriately but otherwise SHUT THE FUCK UP, then I love the movies.

I’m not even that old, but at 32 I’ve basically limited myself to middle of the day movies where there are little to no other people there. Much better experience when there isn’t chatter in the background or worse yet, teenagers just dropping all pretense of being respectful of others experience.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dubx8 wrote

Hey man, that’s cool. I like movies and right now the most visually stunning movie to ever exist is in movie theaters on giant screens. I didn’t feel like missing that. But if you want to then hey that’s cool man.


ThatUglyGuy12 t1_j1dv1u0 wrote

Living in Denver, I miss the fuck out of Jordan's IMAX. I used to go to the one in Reading and I can honestly say that was the ONLY place I would see movies. And even though most theaters now have assigned seating, I was perfectly okay with showing up an hour before to make sure I got a great seat because I really thought it was worth it.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dvi1u wrote

I really hope it’s some point in your life you realize your opinion is not a fact. Because I can go on YouTube or any other thread. Or I could just literally link you to a video with 1 million views on it that says avatar aged incredibly well visually. So what makes your opinion more valid than that? And again opinion. visually pretty is enough for I and millions and millions of other people to see it apparently or else it wouldn’t have the number that it has.


DinkandDrunk t1_j1dw55e wrote

You’re acting like it’s a crime against film not to see this movie and the only reason you can provide is that it’s visually appealing. Have you considered that some people rank visuals lower on their priorities for how they spend 3 hours of their lives than you do? I understand what I say is an opinion. My opinion. In my opinion, I won’t like this movie and I don’t think CGI ages very well. So I won’t bother going to see it. You can feel free to go see it and I hope it’s been everything you expected. But you’re weirdly judgmental of people not wanting to go see the pretty blue people.


YeaItsBig4L t1_j1dwfz4 wrote

I’m not gonna lie, I don’t care about your opinion on this topic enough to read any of that. You can fool yourself into thinking I did. We’re talking about a movie I like. There’s nothing you can say that’s going to change that so at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter


bunkerbash t1_j1dzt92 wrote

I have a lot of friends who worked on it at Dreamworks. In my opinion, it’s in the top 3 movies DW has ever made- with Shrek and how to train your dragon. I went to an early screening last month and went in with fairly low expectations and was just blown away. Trust me, it’s astonishingly excellent.


UKisBEST t1_j1e019m wrote

Of course Massachusetts lines up to let anti-human propaganda wash over them.


Bigdaddymatty311 t1_j1e30bz wrote

There is an AMC legit across the street from there? What gives?


Mikes_Movies_ t1_j1e4ms1 wrote

Saw it at a Regal Cinema. I really wish I saw it in IMAX but it was still a visual spectacle even on a less than ideal screen.

The movie was surprisingly a lot better than I thought it was gonna be.


jcal9 t1_j1e8pby wrote

My guess is they want to sell as many tickets as possible? It's not uncommon for me to want to see a movie at a certain time, go online to pick my seats, find that only the front row is available, and then close the screen without buying anything

If you make people buy tickets and line up, they don't know where they will sit, but since they've purchased the tix already, they feel obligated to go in.

I've nothing to base this on, just guessing.


xtrasauceyo t1_j1ee8rj wrote

This is why I book XPLUS at showcase in Blackstone Valley. All reserved seats that are nice and comfy without the long line.


nobletrout0 t1_j1ejo0e wrote

That’s about 100 people who are going to have a very 3 hour nap


watch1_ott1 t1_j1ek7ep wrote

It’s great to see the movie theater industry coming back


archangelzero2222 t1_j1g4xws wrote

So reviews shouldnt exist got you. No harm in public vote and opinion to get the jist in how a movie is tracking. As I said here the ppl who saw it and told me say it's boring and sucked but the visuals were stunning simple as that