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jp_jellyroll t1_izkczzn wrote

Not all competition is created equal though. Amazon was a direct competitor against mom-and-pop shops. Look how that ended up for the consumer.

The same thing will happen with bars & restaurants if we're not careful. Larger chains with assloads of capital, hyper-efficient business models, and zero personality will drive out all of the local bars & restaurants who can't compete with $1 shots, half-price booze / food, etc.

They'll be the only places left just like Walmart or Amazon and we'll wonder why there aren't anymore good places to eat or cool bars to hang out at.


drizzlefoot321 t1_izm3mjy wrote

Well, your blending a couple different arguments here. I'm no Amazon apologist, but Amazon isn't bad for the consumer. bad for their employees I would say, bad for the environment, bad for people as a society, maybe, but not bad for the "consumer". I can get paper towels delivered to my house for cheaper than I could get at the mom and pop. In the pure context of a consumer, how am I worse off?