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TheGrandExquisitor t1_izocj8m wrote

I'm from Seattle and feel that way. Like, how does Seattle have better nightlife than Boston?


FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_izsokna wrote

I've come to appreciate that Boston offers many things. Nightlife however is not one of them.


TheGrandExquisitor t1_izt5t96 wrote

It is weird. Just from my perspective. Seattle was always considered a second tier city. The big bois had all the nightlife and crazy fun. LA, NY, Chicago, and I assumed Boston. I mean it had to, right? All those schools and such.


Turns out Boston hates fun and is stuck in 1930.



FitzwilliamTDarcy t1_iztrnxo wrote

Maybe if more college students were 21?


TheGrandExquisitor t1_izu3nms wrote

That ain't it.

I did grad school in Boston. There is a HUGE demand for nightlife of all kinds.

The problem is, Boston, and Mass in general hate fun and anything new.