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ThreeDogs2022 t1_izpz8is wrote

Population density probably? Aldi serves a niche population but big y and stop & shop are well established in the area. Market Basket probably doesn't think the numbers are there to add additional groceries. And we're pretty sparse out here especially thru franklin county and the berkshires.


sydiko t1_izqa4ez wrote

I think this is the answer right here - Stop and Shop and Big Y are already well established for the populace out west.


11BMasshole OP t1_izq06ki wrote

Hannafords is all over Maine and Vermont, don’t think population density is the issue. Market Basket is kind of like a price rite type store, but I still think they’d do well in Hampden and Hampshire Counties. And possibly in the Greenfield area. There might even be a MB in Orange if my memory serves me correctly.


Bobbydadude01 t1_izq0xwf wrote

What's near the Hannafords in Maine? Where my grandparents live there's a Hannafords but there is nothing else.

Usually, whoever is there first for rural areas stays. It's not worth the risk for other companies to try and set up shop.


ThreeDogs2022 t1_izqijvc wrote

There's a Market Basket in Athol. And in those places where MB is all over, are there also Big Y and Stop & Shop? Population density is directly related to potential demand. Stop & Shop and Big Y have the market eaten up in western MA. Another grocery store won't make any money.


Lbolt187 t1_izv1iq6 wrote

there are a few Hannafords in franklin county if I recall but thats about it