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jgraz88 t1_izu8v69 wrote



Banea-Vaedr t1_izu9nhr wrote

Meanwhile the fine lads in Sandisfield still find the time and energy to deal race their tractors


Seaworthiness222 t1_izucf85 wrote

The roads are weirdly slippery tonight.

Even the dudes on facebook that are always trashing people that ask if the roads are bad, are like "It's fucking slippery out" and then referred to the many accidents they saw.

Seems like DPWs didn't pretreat much since it was only going to be a couple inches but some kind of Mass winter magic made some flurries into pretty slippery roads.


pillbinge t1_izudbzf wrote

The colors don't mean anything outside of a range of dates and data. It's red because around this time, it's usually faster, but when the rate suddenly changes, all Google informs you of is that change. That's why a road that's fairly slow will be green if it's normally slow. People are driving slower because you're supposed to; even speed limits are for maximal conditions (sun, clear skies, no precipitation).

You'd have to be a dipshit even by MA standards to try and push it when weather conditions are worse and changing right in front of you.


Critical-Barracuda92 t1_izudmnt wrote

They didn’t pretreat any of the roads and it’s 25deg out. Everything turned into an ice rink.


Unfair_Isopod534 t1_izufept wrote

It's super slippery. I drove between Brighton and Southie. Fucking slippery. Also, this modified sport Honda was having trouble going up a tiny hill. I might even get the video off of my dash cam. Either dude spent all his monies on modification and couldn't afford good tires or they did too many burns outs.


DangleBopp t1_izug32g wrote

I'm a delivery driver who just got off my shift, and the roads were crazy as I was leaving


Capt_Indecisive_ t1_izughag wrote

I've had to call 911 twice already tonight. I guess its everyone's first day


flockofseagulls42 t1_izughpf wrote

Rt2 was a ice mess, 140 even worse. No side roads treated. A few accidents on my way. Not even a storm...not a good sign as to our winter ahead.


Fair-Physics3577 t1_izugve8 wrote

So it’s not just my city’s DPW that took the day off…


360Picture t1_izuiiny wrote

I'm going to say it once, speed kills. As a driver you can always slow down.

Safe driving typically involves reducing speed in rain, snow and night time.


WaldenFont t1_izuj42a wrote

I just cane down the hill behind my house and had no brakes at all. ABS worked perfectly, car just wouldn't stop. Thank god the folks in front of me started moving.


heffnog t1_izujf2b wrote

Really slippery out tonight. And I have Blizzaks. Guess the cold weather and no pretreating of the roads = accidents


ArmlessGeodude t1_izuk6mn wrote

I slid straight through a red light. Fortunately the intersection was empty.


Crazyhellga t1_izule23 wrote

The drive that normally takes me 30 minutes took 80 tonight. Seemed like every major east-west road was blocked by accidents. And when I went around, my ABS lights were coming on all the frigging time, and on one tiny hill, not even steep, my car barely made it. I decided to play it safe and went on major roads the rest of the way... I don't think it's accumulation, I think it's slippery underneath, and I think lots of people were caught unawares. I didn't expect snow, only saw the forecast when I was already out the door this morning, and no one in class knew about it either. Wonder if road maintenance people were equally caught with their pants down... Only one stretch of road was in good shape, about 2 miles out of 20.

On the upside, I didn't observe anyone doing anything stupid on the road... everyone was going slowly though most didn't maintain good distance (it's Massachusetts after all!).


wixetrock t1_izuluku wrote

I didn't see the warnings and 128 was an ice rink. You could tell there was no pre treatment, let alone much. Given that when I looked at the weather in the am and it was meh, and then a few hours laters, warning came up everywhere, i'm guessing we were all caught a little flat footed.

I think I passed 30+ cars on the side of the road and my car felt like it was slipping and sliding for most of the ride.


MaybeBurn t1_izuo9h3 wrote

You mean just slight ice-skating rinks on the road


TheDancingRobot t1_izuokci wrote

The first snow of the year is always one of the most dangerous - The roads are not treated, there's no layer of salt, there's no sand - They're all smooth - and a lot of out of state students and first drivers have not ever witnessed witnessed snow and they're driving with - what they think it is traction just because they have 4WD, AWD, or a light SUV. There will most likely be a significant number of accidents.


warmadh t1_izuq1pd wrote

Too many auto insurance makes money on this mess.


skyhoppercc t1_izuqvwc wrote

Wife’s been stuck in the pike for a few hours coming from Boston to western mass


pab_guy t1_izurqih wrote

I was on 128 and just regenerative braking alone was enough to start sliding...


andr_wr t1_izus4z7 wrote

Visibility is down down down. The snow is light but very wet and surfaces are cold cold cold.


Vitroswhyuask t1_izus517 wrote

Rt 9 in framingham towards 495. The hills were all iced up and lots of cars could not make it up. Stopped left and right ones, where some pulled over, but it was brutal weaving in and out of the holiday festival of hazard lights. Opposite side of the road had same problem. 25 degrees and a fresh powder over ice. I made it though but it sucks for those that didnt have good tires or awd


hatersbelearners t1_izuu5b4 wrote

More and more transplants in the state make winter driving here absolutely fucking miserable.

Drove from Granby to Cambridge this afternoon and it took me over three hours because no one knows how to drive anymore. Stuck behind so many people going ~15mph when roads were safe for 40.


joey0live t1_izuup8d wrote

6 accidents so far in my town.. wth


hippocampus237 t1_izuv0v4 wrote

I almost had an accident tonight on 128 and witnessed someone go up and over a guard rail. Definitely slippery!


funferalia t1_izux1k0 wrote

Stop & Shop and the local packy were full. Just in case a Blizzard comes. 😆

Also, many drivers let their tires get too worn. Very Dangerous.


mattgm1995 t1_izux5ol wrote

Driving home tonight. Accidents closed roads, people off on ramps, no trucks treating. What are we, the south??


BlindBeard t1_izux94o wrote

Just got home. The Pike and 495 were pretty bad except near 95 (there's always this weird warm air current coming up 95 where it meets 495). I think it's because it's so cold. There was some piling up between the first and second lanes on 495 near the pike and it was rough.

I'd much rather drive on a road with 2" of snow on it on a nice 35 degree day than a "flurry" at night time and ~23 degrees.


vartanarsen t1_izuyikt wrote

Schools delaying or closing? My wife’s a teacher , don’t want her risking it tomorrow morning


willk95 t1_izuyru0 wrote

Today was my first time driving my car in real snow. I freaked out when the brakes seemingly weren't working, so I ended up going 15 mph on my way home tonight.


ms2102 t1_izuz2cp wrote

I don't have my winters on yet and the roads weren't super well pretreated in my area. I ain't driving but I'd have to go mad slow...


Alfajiri_1776-1453 t1_izuzy37 wrote

You know, I know how to drive in snow and even I was caught off guard with how slippery the roads were at 4 when I was heading home. I mean, I drove fine, but I could see sliding marks in the snow from where others had trouble on the hills. Low gear, low gear!


Mre1905 t1_izv0kzg wrote

Happens every year with the first snow no matter how little. The state forgets to treat the roads. It was an ice rink on 128 around 5 o'clock. People were going 20mph sliding all around the place.


PureSalgado t1_izv0r1p wrote

bro it’s mass what do you expect, one of my friends saw two people spin out on I believe I-95


archeusdevine t1_izv135k wrote

I left an hour earlier than I needed to for Logan. I'm so glad I did.


RandomRandomPenguin t1_izv1l02 wrote

The roads were surprisingly slippery. I had brand new winter tires put on last week and my car is heavy as shit, and I could even tell it was a bit slippery. Tons of people stalling out on side road hills


oceanwave4444 t1_izv200u wrote

The roads got super slick super fast, and I’ve got great tires lol


Triumph790 t1_izv257w wrote

I always point to incidents like this when people say they don’t use snow tires in New England…you don’t need them until you do. I think drivers here get lulled into a false sense of security because we generally have excellent snow removal, but the plows can’t be everywhere at all times and towns and cities don’t always get it right when it comes to pretreating the roads. I always had snow tires on my cars in Colorado, and I use them here in Mass. Be prepared, folks.


AndSoItBegins-Again t1_izv2fze wrote

The roads were really bad. My gf called me from the road and she said kept just sliding all over the place uncontrollably.

Add in an unusually heavy amount of traffic before the flurries (much of this was already yellow and red before the flurries) because of Christmas shoppers as well as a handful of accidents because of the slippery conditions and this is what you get.


NoMoLerking t1_izv2h6p wrote

So many accidents on 128. Crazy. Drove past 2 cars spun out and smushed together in the left lane. Go 100 yards and people are doing 60 and weaving in and out of traffic. Dude. What do you think happened to those last two guys?


AchillesDev t1_izv2pte wrote

It has nothing to do with the snow accumulation (there isn’t much) and everything to do with the roads not being treated yet and the temps being low enough for ice to form pretty easily.


julchak t1_izv2tyu wrote

Ha, I have a Subaru and had winter tires in the past but didn't get a new set last winter. Needless to say I was on my all-seasons which are near the end of their life and wasn't sure if it was my tires or the roads being crazy I see today, but I was sliding laterally after coming to a stop and am currently looking into buying another set of winter tires after that haha. Glad to hear that someone with blizzaks was having trouble out there as well and it wasn't just my tires


funsk8mom t1_izv31gv wrote

Drove from Weston to Worcester and the roads in Weston and Wayland were pretty bad. Sudbury and Hudson were better. They treated in the Worcester/Shrewsbury area yesterday with the beet juice stuff but I don’t find that it even works


pr1cklyp3ar t1_izv37wr wrote

Mass drivers are impossibly pathetic…


Triumph790 t1_izv4van wrote

The chemical compounds in snow tires keep the rubber softer in cold temperatures and help improve traction, cornering, and stopping on ice (as well as snow). I can guarantee folks would have better control of their vehicles this evening if they had a good snow tire. They just work. It’s the reason Quebec requires them by law - prior to making them mandatory I recall they conducted a study that found something like 80% of winter accidents were caused by the small percentage of drivers who didn’t use them.


madgr1ff t1_izv691t wrote

I live at the bottom of a hill with an intersection, an accident happened within an hour of the snow starting. Cars just couldn't stop on the sheet of ice on the roads it was mayhem.


BlackstoneValleyDM t1_izv70e6 wrote

My ride from Watertown to Worcester this evening was just shy of 2.5 hours long. Accidents all over the place. Was definitely slick


PearIJam t1_izv7bs1 wrote

First drive in the snow today with my General Altimax Artics. The road was just a different color as far as I was concerned. Even if I only drive in snowy conditions a dozen times this year, it’s such a solid investment having a winter set of wheels and tires.


heffnog t1_izv7ifs wrote

I mean, yes, roads can be bad even with winters, but it does make a world of difference. So I highly would suggest getting a set. I live in NH, and work in Mass so it was important for me especially having a FWD sedan


heffnog t1_izv7mt9 wrote

Yup! Downgraded to 16s on my FWD 2019 Mazda 3, from the stock 18s on A/S performance tires - wow, what a difference extra tread and sidewall makes


PearIJam t1_izv8922 wrote

I almost look forward to driving in the snow with proper tires. I don’t look forward to being stuck behind someone going 10 mph in a 45 because they have no business being on the road.


qwrrty t1_izv932k wrote

Speaking for myself, I downvoted your comment because, in the context of this post, it's terrible advice. If you're in a snowstorm (or any kind of storm) and the road conditions have deteriorated, you slow down. Period.

If the rest of traffic are still going at 70-80mph, that does not mean that slowing down was a bad idea. It means that you should get off that road as soon as you can. You do not tell people who are driving slowly in a snowstorm that _they_ might cause an accident because some other morons are still driving like it's the Indianapolis Speedway.


zshybabez t1_izv9b7o wrote

I was seeing some pretty reckless driving on 95 south until we passed two cars that had badly spun out and I let me tell you, everyone slowed WAY down after that lol


UltravioletClearance t1_izv9ctp wrote

I remember the absolute hell that was driving from Southborough to New Bedford during the first snow of the season in 2020. What was predicted as a dusting turned into 3 inches of snow, no roads were treated, and 495, 24, and 140 all had a solid sheet of ice on them. It took 3.5 hours to get home. Decided then and there I'm working remote for the rest of my life.


qwrrty t1_izv9jnk wrote

For what it's worth, I saw the forecast for 1" of snow tonight yesterday morning. (I remember because at first I misread it and thought it was for Saturday night, and only caught my error when I'd already started to adjust my Saturday plans.)

I assume that DPW can't pivot on a dime to prep the roads if snow has come earlier than expected, but I'm also a little surprised if they weren't prepared by December 1. Supply chain issues possibly?


Sbatio t1_izvazds wrote

/r/LowellMA Connecter looking Green


msdstc t1_izvdlqn wrote

Yeah the roads were questionable but how have people not figured out how this works? I saw so many people spin out it was ridiculous. All local plates too. Cmon now.


Granolapitcher t1_izvdut8 wrote

Route 9 was not treated in Shrewsbury. Road was fucked Both directions


robikini t1_izve2l7 wrote

I was in a four car accident around 530, and the Fitchburg cop said we were accident #40 so far.


HoloCantAim t1_izveezx wrote

Yeah, it was awful. I left Providence for Boston to pick something up at 3PM and didn't get home until 8PM. They didn't salt anything. I saw 8 car crashes. One almost crash right in front of me. Shout out to the old BMW that swerved across the road like eight times but caught it.


roguestella t1_izvf3b5 wrote

While driving on the highway today, I saw five accidents, including one right next to us. My husband had just said, "This weather really sucks. I always see accidents in this kind of small, early snowstorm." I turned my head to look at the car next to us that was not stopping as it approached the vehicle ahead of it. And I said, "you mean like that one?" as it smashed into the car in front.

Be safe out there!


Smiitherz t1_izvfabs wrote

Just be glad you're not in the DC area. A flurry of this magnitude would require activation of the national guard.


atelopuslimosus t1_izvfux9 wrote

As others have said, there was a lack of pretreated roads. Couple this with my usual maxim about Boston drivers: They drive in rain like it's snow, in snow like it's rain, and in sun like nothing matters.


mini4x t1_izvgbmr wrote

And still nobody needs snow tires because 'I have all wheel drive'


medforddad t1_izvgm7h wrote

Were you out on the roads tonight? It doesn't matter how much it snowed, the roads were super slippery.

I was going like 20mph on the way home and slid a good distance when I had to stop a few times. The antilock brakes really kicked in. I saw a bunch of emergency vehicles out and drove past a minor accident.


HazyDavey68 t1_izvh0m1 wrote

Imagine this at rush hour and tell me why people shouldn’t be working from home anymore.


medforddad t1_izvhgf7 wrote

The road conditions were way worse than what you'd be led to think based just on seeing the snow come down. It honestly just looked like some flurries to me, but the roads were like an ice rink.

I've driven in much heavier snow and the surface conditions weren't as close to as bad.


plasticpaddy1029 t1_izvhpyp wrote

Bro I had to miss a fucking show in New Hampshire tonight I'm fucking pissed.


The66thDopefish t1_izvjj52 wrote

This was our first time driving our 2021 Rogue AWD and with all-season tires it was precarious. We almost slid off the road going through Palmer. I can’t imagine why almost no DPWs were on the ball with this storm.


PruneFormal6098 t1_izvkqds wrote

Usually when you get these early season snowfalls, it's slushy slop and near freezing. It's well below freezing right now. The snow is fluffy, icy powder. The ground was just warm enough to melt the first bit of snow into black ice. Your no-season tires are hard as rocks because it's bloody cold out. The roads weren't salted (nor should they have been based on the forecast, IMO).

People also generally lose their fucking minds around this time of year. Sunday Christmas shoppers are a pox. Live around one of the big malls and you'll become a grinch within a week. All these Mercedes SUVs being driven by a sentient bottle of Xanax...

We've had two very mild winters with a couple big storms that everyone worked from home for. There's literally millions of transplants at this point, that learned to drive in China or Florida, and have no idea how to drive in snow. Massachusetts drivers are currently about as trustworthy at driving in snow as your average Atlanta driver. The road surface also resembles those Atlanta snowfalls we love to make fun of: dust on crust. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

The plow drivers should go on strike soon and let Darwin clean this mess up, if you ask me. We need another Blizzard of 78 event where people have to abandon their cars. Too many people have lost their respect for mother nature...


Traditional-Oven4092 t1_izvljid wrote

Very slippery, almost hit a lady stopping at a stop sign because she stopped for way too long. It weirdly slippery tonight, drive cautiously.


DeezNutzzz333 t1_izvlodf wrote

You’d figure people would know this light stuff melts as soon as it hits the pavement. Better yet, assume new englanders know how to drive In this weather. They don’t.


luceri t1_izvm981 wrote

Was renting a truck running around the North Shore tonight, saw quite a few accidents and idiots on the road. One guy going 5mph down the offramp nearly got decked by a box truck for doing such because it was not easy to stop.


majoroutage t1_izvmg2q wrote

Frozen bridges make everyone drive like Ted Kennedy.


Crazyhellga t1_izvmx0n wrote

That's why I decided not to get on 95/Turnpike and take local roads instead. I knew that the likelihood of encountering a moron who believes themselves immortal is the highest on the interstate. And there is one ramp that I don't like even in dry weather, so no way was I testing it in this slippery mess.


Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_izvob6e wrote

It's like eveone is stuck behind someone going really slow & they can't get around them.


Bullseye_Baugh t1_izvxqix wrote

Wasn't a slight flurry here, friend. I don't even live at elevation and we got more than half a foot. A lot more than the "chance of snow" the weatherman predicted.


ggtffhhhjhg t1_izw61be wrote

I had to pass an entrance to a shopping plaza on 125 going under 30 because I couldn’t break in time and the traction control was going on after I was fully stopped at lights. The conditions started getting bad in the northern part of Essex County around 6.


PersonalFudge9059 t1_izw7tjd wrote

Light flurries you say? I’m a delivery driver, so I drove through all of the snow we got tonight, saw many accidents, lots of first responders rushing around and both my Corolla and my sisters RAV4 had issues on the road due to a really odd slippery condition. Hell, I saw 5-6klbs AWD SUV’s with winter tires getting fucked by the roads, which made me feel better lol.


Myztic84 t1_izwelxe wrote

I think the roads were treated last night. I hope the morning commute isn't as awful.


MyssterNassty t1_izwgwr1 wrote

I mean come on, this is New England, we don't get snow, give the drivers a break. LOL


SicWiks t1_izwhhmo wrote

None of the roads were taken care of at all in the Worcester area and people somehow forget how to drive in it


Icy_Abies552 t1_izwi031 wrote

Not sure where all these people live but my local DPW started pretreating on Saturday and I saw Mass DOT out there Sunday afternoon/night. People need to slow down. The amount of accidents I see on a normal week with no precip are higher than Ive ever seen in my life. Im not surprised by this at all.


Bayoris t1_izwk2ag wrote

What do you expect? People are going to slow down when the roads are slippery and dangerous because they don’t want to die.


Beck316 t1_izwm3y4 wrote

It's the first snow of the season. It's always a clusterf-


naturally-blu t1_izwoj1m wrote

did the exact same thing except I was only stopped by the guardrail at the bottom of my street. very sad day to slowly watch my car slide by my driveway and slowly crunch under the rail. happy winter.


RawDoggRamen t1_izwp48h wrote

I did a 360 in a rotary in Medford going 15-18 mph. In a 4wheel drive jeep with pretty aggressive tires I put on last week.

I also saw about 15 accidents on my way to quincy. And it took over an hour. Crazy.


Nirokusan t1_izwp6vt wrote

I miraculously avoided all of this - I've been living under a rock lately and had no idea it was going to snow. Came down from NH right before it began and stayed at my parents' house until it was wrapping up. Even then the ride back up 93 was slower than usual.


PUNKF10YD t1_izwplag wrote

Yeah buts it’s never snowed before? I can’t drive in the snow! I’m FREAKING OUT! /s


skieth86 t1_izwrg5a wrote

Remember, just because you can say Cachow, does NOT make you Lightning McQueen.


Frenchdu t1_izww84k wrote

Quick reminder to everybody! Change tires and wipers for this upcoming winter season. Better safe then sorry, better a car then no car


Kgaset t1_izwxk6a wrote

It was dark, roads were not well-salted in preparation, I'm always going to take that with an abundance of caution.


melkipersr t1_izx15k9 wrote

It was awful. Either the roads were really bad, or folks were just extremely unprepared for winter driving (or both), but driving in from NYC yesterday was downright terrifying in stretches, and I have a very good snow car.


PetroarZed t1_izx1b6c wrote

The texture on the snow was slick, at least when I went out to see the first snow, somewhere between sleet and snow. It wasn't clumpy and wet like sleet, but it wasn't delicate flakes either.


Benjiming t1_izx1yhx wrote

Flights were diverted last night cause of this… 🥴


SailorJerry57 t1_izx2t7w wrote

Most of Worcester was completely impassable, even on the small hills. It was all ice under the snow


AutoMorbirator t1_izx38gh wrote

I experienced that pulling out of my driveway last year. I was coming out of my (poorly treated by me) driveway and saw a truck coming down the street. I was already going less than 5mph because I could tell I was slipping, so I started breaking 30ft+ from the end of my driveway, but my driveway was sloped and I could not stop on the ice. At all. It was almost like my breaks were cut. My options were drive into my fence to the left or drive into a 6ft high stone wall on the right.

The truck also refused to stop and nearly slammed into me... so the dude got out, blocked my car in the street, and started yelling at me. The near-accident all took place over about 5-10 seconds, which is a long freaking time to avoid an accident. It all happened literally and figuratively so slowly, but this guy just refused to stop to avoid a collision out of principle. I don't think I've ever been so pissed at another driver.


singbowl1 t1_izx3xnh wrote

Zero visibility and I don't know if it was slippery


nem086 t1_izx4mql wrote

93 South and Rte 3 were slow but no accidents though everyone was going slow. Did see one on the curve turn on Comm Ave to Storrow and the fire truck was slipping on the road.


binocular_gems t1_izx7vt0 wrote

A lot of roads were really bad last night. First snow of the year is usually one of the worst. I had trouble getting our Mazda 3 up a street that was barely inclined, just had no traction. Main roads were in good shape near me.


zootgirl t1_izxc2wz wrote

Sorry, I laughed at "very sad day to slowly watch my car slide by my driveway" because that's the exact same reaction I had. I only wish we had a guardrail at the bottom of our street, we'd just slide straight onto Mass Ave.


jp_jellyroll t1_izxdhg7 wrote

I don't know why I find this so funny.

Picturing a man very casually tossing a bumper into his trunk like a shopping bag and going to the repair shop like, "Hey, guy, put that back on for me?"


J-daddy96 t1_izxe2nq wrote

Happens every year with the first snowfall


TheKyleBaxter t1_izxfffg wrote

True but the roads got pretty slick and it was a Sunday so not your normal drivers, necessarily.


corgibutt19 t1_izxtfdn wrote

Headed home on 495 yesterday and had a semi tailgating me the entire ride despite trying to give him space to get by. First time I've been super terrified driving in bad weather thanks to this schmuck.

Slow the fuck down and give people more space than you think they need.


symmetry81 t1_izxxii1 wrote

I was taking a Greyhound back from New York last night, we definitely did not arrive on time.


DeezNutzzz333 t1_izxzzts wrote

I hope you’re right because I don’t want to see you or any of the bozos on the down vote wagon lose their jobs. But as far as a systems engineer goes that’s been a wfh type of position for ages. I’m not talking about skilled workers such as yourself… But the sales people and similar type positions that used to fill hundreds of cubicles across Boston and every other city like it. Do you think the huge biotech industry in this area couldn’t be outsourced to countries with highly skilled people for half the price? Come on. You’re kidding yourself. I did t just pull this idea out of my ass. I work in almost every building in and around the city. Within the past 6 months I’ve heard the same conversation twice. Once at a large insurance company on Berkeley street, and once on State St at one of the largest banks in the country. Obviously I can’t prove either conversation happened, so at this point it’s just an opinion. But if you feel so strongly that I’m wrong, screen shot this and let’s revisit this subject in say…. January 2025 ?


NooStringsAttached t1_izy35tt wrote

The roads were bad. I travelled by car from north of the city down to south shore and it was 1.5 hours vs what was meant to be 45 min and it was so slippery and everyone was going 20-25 mph, only closer to my exit on route 3 were we going 40. Never saw plow or sander or salt truck or anything.


custard45 t1_izy7uym wrote

Us too with a 2021 Rogue! I was concerned the maybe the stock all season tires weren’t up to snuff… but reading through this thread maybe they aren’t terrible and it was just the icy conditions. Better with winter tires I assume but you can only do so much about ice on untreated roads…


The66thDopefish t1_izy84gi wrote

We just bought ours certified pre-owned less than two weeks ago, so I presumed that the tires would be new and properly inflated…which, come to find out this morning, they aren’t, so I suspect that played some role as well.


kamui_zangetsu t1_izyfs8z wrote

They definitely did not pretreat I was on 293 in NH and that’s was so slippery but coming back on 93/495 it was better but slowed down


b_______e t1_izyft1t wrote

Needham was so bad last night! I had to drive from Needham to Dorchester around 630 and the trip from Great Plain Ave to 128 was just an absolute nightmare, every car just sliding and spinning like crazy. I had to stop and collect myself at one point after a real bad turn. Tis the season I guess


Sargenater89 t1_izygg3j wrote

I plowed that flurry for 15 hours it came just enough to overwhelm the salt every couple hours it was annoying


naenaeman69420 t1_izygyna wrote

Roads were very slick and i can confidently romp through the snow in my vehicle and i slid sideways a couple times, also saw a plow truck off the road which isn’t a very good sign


jaycarter617 t1_izyraw3 wrote

Insurance claim rates after Sunday📈


gnaolin t1_izyz8py wrote

Welcome to post pandemic apocolypse

Capitalism fucked us hard, can’t afford to salt any more

Can’t afford to pay workers

Can’t afford to find workers

Can’t afford happy coworkers

Can’t afford benefits

Can’t afford sick days

Can’t afford flexibility

Can’t afford human dignity

Can’t afford a short commute

Can’t afford time at home

Can’t afford a family

Can’t afford healthcare

Can’t afford education

Can’t afford daycare

Can’t afford compassion

Can’t afford to help

Can’t afford to care

Can’t afford a happy society

Can’t afford a healthy society

Can’t afford a peaceful society

Hey at least the CEO can afford that second house (and more!)


gnaolin t1_izz74ia wrote

A functional society that didn’t solely use its citizens as bare bones commercial labor fodder would have foreseen this without even thinking :)


wixetrock t1_izzbs88 wrote

I see you are also a person who has had it with the American oligarchy. While I’m most likely closer to social democracy than any other form of government; I’m pretty tired of living through the hellscape of idolizing billionaires at the detriment of we the people.


tom_echo t1_izzgtl8 wrote

Those early season storms are usually extra slippery because they’re layers of ice and water. Also everyone has almost 9mo of non winter driving habits to break.


Sayoria t1_j05ucka wrote

Not the trees apparently. They still green.