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KP8387 t1_j1rn686 wrote

What’s amusing about libs who constantly make excuses for inconsiderate and illegal behavior is that they always brake out the violin and lecture everyone about those hard working hourly employees who barely makes ends meet. Okay, I agree that those people have a difficult time keeping their sick kids home from school. Do you care to comment on everyone else who does it? How about the salaried employees who could afford to lose a day of work? Do they exist also or is that ignored by you because it doesn’t fit your political agenda?


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rrhwm wrote

Not sure what your point is troll😂

Can you make coherent point? Or just say “libs” and get all whataboutism thinking you “got me”?



KP8387 t1_j1rxaju wrote

You don’t get my point? Are you being dishonest or are you just not very intelligent?

You are fake news.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rydh7 wrote

Thank you so much for this entertainment! 😂


KP8387 t1_j1s10ag wrote

You are welcome. MSNBC is broadcasting now if you would like to be fed your daily talking points. I hear that climate change is a crisis according to jet fuel burning politicians who own multiple homes is today’s message.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rrojn wrote

Aren’t you conservatives all about personal responsibility? If teachers don’t like sick kids in their schools, they should just get another job! 😂


KP8387 t1_j1rxqov wrote

I’m not conservative. You are.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1ry9c9 wrote

“I’m rubber, you’re glue…”

SAD! 😂😂😂😂😂


KP8387 t1_j1s0l7h wrote

People’s illegal and immoral behavior is always justified if it fits a liberal’s political agenda. If the behavior does not, then it is unjustifiable. Examples where liberals support lawlessness and other immoral behavior include breaking immigration laws, adultery, Apple using low wage labor, liberals burning jet fuel while screaming about climate change, and sending kids to school to infect the elderly and vulnerable if they are an hourly employee.