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HOARDING_STACKING t1_j1pgq57 wrote

No. I feel completely fine. Sorry you're sick during the holidays.


movdqa t1_j1pwda8 wrote

I have not had it yet and nobody in my friends and family network have had it but it's probably a matter of time.


funsk8mom t1_j1q09or wrote

I’m a public school teacher and it’s everywhere. Parents aren’t keeping their kids home. A few parents said their pediatrician told them that once they were 24hr fever free to send them to school. Then we’re getting these pale, droopy eyed zombies with snot pouring from their noses hacking & sneezing everywhere.


itallendsintears t1_j1q1ibg wrote

I haven’t had the flu once in my entire life, so no. And I don’t get the vaccine, don’t social distance, and don’t ever ever use hand sanitizer.


Call555JackChop t1_j1q3xka wrote

My work has been ravaged by it but somehow I’m still out here dodging it like Neo in the Matrix


ItsHATTM t1_j1q41wi wrote

Everyone I know is sick or has someone sick in their household and it’s been that way for the last two weeks.


norbagul t1_j1q6ijz wrote

Not the flu but somehow I ended up with strep. I don't know from who or where, but I have it. Hooray


butthatwasbefore t1_j1qb8hl wrote

We postponed Christmas because half the family either has the flu or some other noxious disease.


Animallover4321 t1_j1qcakx wrote

And I’ve only had it once, caught from babysitting a toddler with the flu. I’ve gotten the vaccine every year since plus use hand sanitizer and social distance when appropriate. Anecdotal evidence aside actual evidence has shown following your guidance is much more likely to lead to the flu and other respiratory illnesses.


bemest t1_j1qdztt wrote

Wife had it a week ago. Tested positive for “A”. Fortunately I had the flu shot and didn’t get it.


funsk8mom t1_j1qe6rs wrote

Until they are well enough to function. Just because the fever is gone doesn’t mean they’re 100%. Sending a barely functioning zombie to school isn’t helpful. My personal favorite is the wide open faucet of snot pouring from their face and using their hand to wipe it and then wipe their snot soaked hand on the tables. That was fun to scrape off last week


1hopeful1 t1_j1qfsh7 wrote

Yes. I am on my second week of it and on the mend, I think. I had my flu shot, but I’m pretty sure it was some strain of flu that was slow moving. COVID tests were negative. It’s in my head now and I think on its way out. My husband has it too. We had an isolated Christmas dinner yesterday and then slept 13 hours lol. Today is better.


valley_G t1_j1qguyg wrote

Currently on the ER for it. Love the holiday season smh


Shnikes t1_j1qmnes wrote

The Flu will normally knock you on your ass. My whole family has been sick for a couple of months. RSV, Covid, and Pneumonia. My kids have been tested for the flu and no one had it. Many people call the typical cold the “flu” when in reality they don’t have it.


Shnikes t1_j1qn3rb wrote

Many people can’t afford not to send their kids to school. My kids are in daycare. As soon as they are fever free I’m sending them in. We can’t afford to take so much time off unfortunately.


IamTalking t1_j1qnlxx wrote

For the most part, they aren't spreading it when they have been fever free for 24hrs without medication, which is why it's the guideline. If you wait until kids aren't congested they'll be out of school until the spring


Roszo21 t1_j1qpcx4 wrote

It's uncomfortable to see a teacher be so judgmental when you don't know their family situation. There are plenty of parents who don't get paid sick leave at all, get minimal sick leave that they use up quickly due to sick kids, or are threatened by their bosses when they use it. There may not be much of an option.


nattarbox t1_j1qph0b wrote

No flu yet, but a 2 week lingering cold that won't leave.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qrty2 wrote

Because parents can’t afford to miss the work. That needs to be fixed before we can change the recommendations or the choices people make. Sending your kid to school still sick sounds like a stupid choice until you have decide whether your next paycheck will buy enough food, pay for rent, and keep the heat and electric on. Missing a day of work is the difference between having the electricity turned off for many families. I’ve personally been there


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qs2ex wrote

Seriously, if kids gross you out so much, and you hate the parents this much, you should consider a change in careers. Kids are ALWAYS snotty and gross, post pandemic or not. And your condescension towards poor parents is what really gross.


Linux-Is-Best t1_j1qseev wrote

I have been both flu and COVID-free since 2019.

It helps that I still work from home, wear a face mask, and social distance when able. It also helps that I am fully vaccinated (for both), so if I were exposed, I have had no symptoms and test negatively.

The last "cold-like" feeling I experienced was in 2021 and only lasted a few hours (less than a day).


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qsq37 wrote

How on earth are you a teacher and a mom, and you don’t realize that kids and school are permanent Petri dishes? The only way to stop kids from getting sick and spreading it at school is to stop having them go to school. Schools have ALWAYS been full of sick kids. Honestly, you do not have realistic expectations of schools and kids. Even colleges are hot spots… why do you think college kids need meningitis vaccinations?


funsk8mom t1_j1qtfy7 wrote

People forget that teachers aren’t immune to germs either. People forget that it’s our job to teach your children, not be their puke bucket, diarrhea scraper or booger catcher.

School is not babysitting so you can go to work. You made the choice to have children, you have to understand the sacrifice it takes to raise them. Teachers don’t get an unlimited amount of sick time and we certainly don’t get paid enough to be teacher, nurse and parent. We barely get paid enough survive on 1 job. Most teachers work 2-3 additional jobs.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1quah3 wrote

Find a way to pay for the parents to stay home! People who work hourly or service jobs don’t get paid if they don’t go in. How do you plan to change things so people can afford to stay home a full week with their sick kids? Until you have a plan for that, you are just complaining and doing nothing to fix the actual problem


mycatisminnie t1_j1quzkh wrote

If someone is hacking and boogering all over the place they should not be in public. Or take a cough suppressant or something. I can’t believe the amount of people that walk around spewing their phlegm everywhere. If they really have to be out in public, at least give them a cough suppressant or decongestant. People are so f’ing gross.

I get it, sometimes you still have to be out and about. What I don’t get is why these people can’t do the polite thing and take some medicine to suppress their symptoms while they’re around others. Or suck on a cough drop so you don’t need to cough all over the place. Gross


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qv2pi wrote

If teaching sucks that bad, find another job. Talking shit about children and their parents the way you do is not an acceptable response to a difficult job. If you hate that difficult job so much, change jobs. If you need extra jobs to survive, welcome to working in America. You’re not special just because you’re teacher. Do you think people who work hourly jobs don’t have to get exposed to people who are sick all the time in order to pay their bills?

You made the choice to be a teacher, if you didn’t understand the sacrifices involved, you shouldn’t have become a teacher. Just turning that comment about having children back on you… you do realize that some people get pregnant by accident, but you sure as hell didn’t become a teacher by accident, right?


Elecrockcity t1_j1qvo1m wrote

Oh no maybe we should shut the commonwealth down.


TinyEmergencyCake t1_j1qw9xr wrote

No. I wear an elastomeric and don't spend time in public around people.


TinyEmergencyCake t1_j1qwq1z wrote

The solution here is to make the schools upgrade ventilation systems with the arpa money they got specifically to upgrade ventilation systems.

This infighting with each has to stop because nobody is winning and the kids are still sick. If instead you both used this energy to demand the schools do the ventilation upgrades we'd actually make progress and the kids would be less sick


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1qwq3z wrote

The commenter above said that having children is a choice and that if we didn’t understand the sacrifices involved, we shouldn’t have had them. If they didn’t understand the sacrifices involved in being a teacher, which has always involved being around sick kids, they shouldn’t have become a teacher. The pandemic didn’t change the fact that sick kids go to school. The fact that teacher want to both be above reproach because they sacrifice so much, but not be expected to sacrifice bc PANDEMIC, is ridiculous. Do you think wait staff don’t get get exposed to sick people all the time? Retail? How much do you think that grocery store clerk gets paid? Lmao…


BeaArt78 t1_j1qwtuf wrote

Half the people i know right now


wombat5003 t1_j1qwwwo wrote

This week I have been a friggen pincushion… I got flu, Covid, shingles, and tetanus vaccines… man I felt terrible all week but better today. My poor arms!!!


Valuable-Baked t1_j1qwyoh wrote

Yes. Awful. Last person in my family to get it it ravaged us, I'm still in bed


Shnikes t1_j1qxn2q wrote

Can you explain? My wife is a teacher. She gets only so many paid sick days. Going without pay would hurt us financially. Mostly because of daycare itself. Because we either send the kids to daycare that we pay for or she takes too many sick days and we can’t pay for daycare. If we don’t pay daycare we lose our spot. If we can’t send our kids to for daycare then one of us needs to quit our jobs. If one of us needs to quit our jobs it makes it difficult to pay for our bills.

I’m just wondering how you’ve made these sacrifices unless your partner makes a significant amount of money that allows you to live life without worrying about money.


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1qys2p wrote

Sounds like the problem is more yours than the teacher's. Why should it be the teacher's responsibility to decide on any of this? It's probably more related to whoever you're voting for from town clerk to potus.

The change you're talking about will never happen because a teacher wants it. This teacher is just begging people to not spread disease. Pretty reasonable ask imo.


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1qzj98 wrote

It's condescending for you to expect everyone who works with kids to adore all kids. I am not surprised or offended that a person who spends their days with kids thinks they're heinous little cesspits.

I work with kids too. When the kids are heinous little cesspits, I assume they got it from their parents.


Anra7777 t1_j1r1vvw wrote

Nope. Being a homebody has its upsides.


redditor420_69 t1_j1r20rk wrote

Oh so the flu exists now? Interesting. I guess it disappeared in 2020-2021? Doesn’t sound very scientific


funsk8mom t1_j1r2bir wrote

When they were young I didn’t work. That’s the sacrifice I had to make. We had to survive on his paycheck and my savings. Daycare was too expensive for 4 kids and if they got sick then I was able to be home with them. He doesn’t make enough for me to have stayed home but it’s what worked.


sporky211 t1_j1r2hf1 wrote

I had it in October and it was one of the worst sicknesses vie ever had my brother and sister in separate households also got it within the last week and a couple coworkers have as well, its just that time of year


Osama_Bin_Latin t1_j1r4qd1 wrote

No. I never got the covid vax, so my immune system remains strong.


amandaflash t1_j1r4u86 wrote

My 7 year old was diagnosed with it yesterday morning. Flu A


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1r5vzz wrote

Dude, you got some serious issues. Did my comments set you off that bad? How many comments are you going to make talking shit about me? 😂😂😂

And the fact that you assume my kid is still in school and that I need a better job to take care of them is hysterical. People can have empathy without being in the fact same situation or have gotten out of poverty you know…

It’s clear I hit a nerve.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1r62dv wrote

Ventilation systems are a great idea! But to be honest, I didn’t waste much energy on this, and my career itself is focused on improving environmental conditions for future generations, so I do think I’m doing my share to better the world rather than just complaining


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1r6m2w wrote

I didn't say it was. I'm saying you're complaining about a public service that you pay taxes for. You don't have to use it if you don't like it. So if you have issue with it, the way to change things isn't by attacking a teachers who is frustrated with how stupid people are.


beeinabearcostume t1_j1r6u2x wrote

The only thing with the flu is that you can also get it from surfaces. So, masks are immensely helpful, but definitely want to wash hands/sanitize them as well. Elevator buttons, shopping carts, and gas pump handles and buttons are all pretty common surfaces someone can pick up a nasty bug.


IamTalking t1_j1r7b0g wrote

When you have improving symptoms and a resolution in fever >24hrs with no medication, that is our best guess for when you are no longer contagious. Again, this is the guideline. If people are upset with that, I'm not sure what to tell you, it's the same guidelines from school nurses to pediatricians.


corrado-sopranojr t1_j1r80ji wrote

It’s crazy, once covid went away everybody started getting the flu again!


IamTalking t1_j1r81sl wrote

The polite thing is to not spread an illness, meaning staying out of school while in the contagiousness period. Expecting parents to give their kids cough suppressants, which are generally a horrible idea for little kids, just to be "polite" is very weird. Kids can have boogers for month on end, do you want parents to load them up with Sudafed daily just to be polite?


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1r8k0z wrote

Ahhh!!! Don’t use public services that you paid for if you don’t like them! Great advice!

Or… promote programs that allow parents to stay home with their sick kids… Ill take the “Doing Something To Change the Public Service I Pay For and Vote About and SHOULD Be an Active Citizen in Trying to Improve Public Services” for $200 Alex!

God, you are hysterical… I pay for it, so I shouldn’t have any say in how it’s run? Lmao!


Ornery-Cheesecake-45 t1_j1r928f wrote

We had to stay home for Christmas due to my son being sick. He woke up early Saturday morning with a fever, sore throat, and vomiting. The fever and vomiting are gone, but the sore throat is lingering, although better than it was. Not sue if it's the flu or not, but we all got the flu shot and so far no one else has gotten sick. He did do a Covid test and that was negative.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1r94ai wrote

I love how you make my point for me… they ARE totally different. A career choice is always a choice, being a parent isn’t always a choice. You can change your career, but you rarely get to change things once you are a parent. So, yeah, choosing to be a teacher is something that you shouldn’t do if you aren’t prepared for the sacrifices. I work in public service. I know what we put in and what we get out. Lmao… don’t make the choice and then think teachers are any more special than any other public servant.

And it sure is easier to change careers than change being a parent. 😂😂😂


malapriapism4hours t1_j1r9eby wrote

I feel your pain, but diseases have a way of spreading despite taking reasonable precautions. We realized my son was sick Thursday evening and kept him home Friday. Despite him being seemingly fine on Thursday morning, he may have been contagious while presymptomatic.


ArmlessGeodude t1_j1r9gdy wrote

Since you're slow, I'm calling you out for attacking a teacher. You seem to have some modicum of understanding about how to actually address the problem, but you'll still have a tantrum on Reddit when someone tells you you're in the wrong. Have fun voting Republican, old timer. The world doesn't need you anymore.


J11WBG t1_j1r9xoz wrote

Judging by the OTC medicines & cough drops being sold out virtually everywhere I’d say everyone is sick.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1ra15o wrote

You are so wrong I’m dying laughing… 😂😂😂

Edit: All you trolls on here are the same. You think you make a mike-drop comeback and then block someone like a coward before you have to see a response.

So here it is: Seems like someone can’t look at a profile before making ad hominem attacks that prove how wrong they are😂


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rac1x wrote

Okay, Mr. Calls Me an Old White Republican… seems like you are super in touch with what Republicans have done to reproductive rights…😂😂😂 Or how biology works. But I guess you think birth control is foolproof and that everyone can get an abortion, or wants to. 😂😂😂😂


Roszo21 t1_j1rb9nx wrote

I agree with you. But I don't expect parents trying to put food on the table to solve an issue that is fundamentally a societal and political problem. All workers deserve generous guaranteed paid leave. Our government has continually let us all down by favoring corporate overlords. You're getting mad at the wrong people.

And if you think children are a choice that just requires sacrifices you a) don't understand the realities of life for truly low income people and b) are probably burnt out and in need of a new profession.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rbmyj wrote

> When they were young I didn’t work.

Do you see how lucky you were compared to everyone else?

>We had to survive on his paycheck and my savings.

You had savings? Do you know how many people WISH they had this, or the option to live on one paycheck? You had a partner to share the costs? Do you know how many single mothers there are?

>He doesn’t make enough for me to have stayed home but it’s what worked.

Except he did make enough. Because you DID stay home. So like you said, it worked.

You have so much financial privilege that you don’t even know how lucky you were to even be able to have four kids, never mind have ANY choice in staying home. With savings?!?!?

I’m happy you were able to do that! For real, no sarcasm! But you need to adjust your thinking quite a bit if you think you didn’t have it better than 80% of parents


LynnLizzy79 t1_j1rdbek wrote

Postponed our Christmas.... Covid, flu and pneumonia among different families 🤦‍♀️


Dirty-Hair-Yeet t1_j1refpn wrote

Oh yeah, I was hit hard last week, could barely get out of bed for a few days


Dirty-Hair-Yeet t1_j1rehl1 wrote

Oh yeah, I was hit hard last week, could barely get out of bed for a few days


funsk8mom t1_j1rel0e wrote

And I sacrificed everything. Years without a haircut so I could get my kids one. Years without new clothes so I could send my kids to school in properly fitted clothes. There was just enough dinner for the kids and husband, I didn’t have enough for me. Days of going to visit the grandparents during the day hiding the fact that we went there to stay warm because we ran out of oil and didn’t have the money to fill the tank. Phones turned off because bills weren’t paid (including landline). Dr appointments postponed because I didn’t have gas money, copay or parking money.


bb5199 t1_j1reyzx wrote

Correct. All kids have boogers and have runny noses either during a cold or when improving from an illness. So yes, Booger McGee should go to school. Do you have kids? Your comments seem incongruent with raising young children.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rgzk1 wrote

Yes, and you were still better off than most parents. Please think about that. You think you are the only one who sacrificed, when you’ve actually had to sacrifice so much less than other parents. Did you choose to have 4 kids? Because the majority of people don’t have that many children and struggle just as hard, even with two incomes. The people you are judging for sending their kids to school when they can’t take the time off are doing worse than you ever did. My point is that you chose to be a teacher, and you struggled but never struggled as hard as most people did, so you should stop being so judgmental towards people doing the best they can in crappy circumstances.

Schools have ALWAYS been where germs are spread. And during the pandemic, people like me were still out there providing public services in person. Currently, Waitresses, grocery store clerks, retail, pharmacy techs and clerks, bank tellers, realtors, ummm, everyone!, gets exposed to sick people regularly without their consent. Choosing to be a teacher is choosing to be exposed to childhood germs more frequently than most, just like choosing to work in public service Means I’m exposed too.

Teachers aren’t any more special than everyone else. And you are being super judgmental when your experiences should show you that if YOU had it rough, with a partner and savings, then you you should realize that other people without savings or partners have it worse. Try empathy. You’ll be a better teacher and parent. Says a former teacher and a parent.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rijhz wrote

Okay? That changes anything I said how? You still had it easier than most, and are still being judgmental and ignorant about how others live? The fact that you didn’t choose to have 4 children in 4 pregnancies completely backs up my point.

The point being that you should be able to emphasize since most people struggle just as bad without 4 children. And just like you may not have chosen to have four children in fewer than four pregnancies, plenty of parents didn’t choose to get pregnant in the first place, or to be a single parent. Try some empathy


pats-fan-till-death t1_j1rl82a wrote

Oh yeah, COVID + maybe something else. Finally tested negative this morning. I walked into a small, but crowded, barber shop about 10 days ago. Forgot my mask, car was several hundred feet away. Should’ve made the trip. I think COVID cases will explode this week.


Minnow_Minnow_Pea t1_j1rm6w9 wrote

Anecdotally, my flu shot seems to be holding up pretty well this year. I've had every other bug imaginable though. :/ My toddler doesn't want to share anything but whatever latest virus he's got.


Current-Weather-9561 t1_j1rmteh wrote

I had it about 2.5 weeks ago. Positive for influenza A. I had one bad day with chills, fever, cough. That was one day, and after that, just congestion and cough. I never get the flu shot, but also hardly ever get the flu. Maybe once every 3-4 years


KP8387 t1_j1rn686 wrote

What’s amusing about libs who constantly make excuses for inconsiderate and illegal behavior is that they always brake out the violin and lecture everyone about those hard working hourly employees who barely makes ends meet. Okay, I agree that those people have a difficult time keeping their sick kids home from school. Do you care to comment on everyone else who does it? How about the salaried employees who could afford to lose a day of work? Do they exist also or is that ignored by you because it doesn’t fit your political agenda?


jacobactual_ t1_j1rnpwy wrote

Literally everyone has the flu, covid, or RSV right now.


No_Rope6843 t1_j1rpc6l wrote

Everyone living with me caught it. I managed to avoid it.


CertifiedBlackGuy t1_j1ru91q wrote

Same. Haven't had a cold or been diagnosed with covid since the pandemic started.

Honestly I'm scared that it means my immune system is so far out of practice that when I do get sick, I'm gonna literally explodie or something.

Funny thing is, my roommate is currently sick with covid, and still nothing.


motherof16paws t1_j1rw6g6 wrote

Husband has influenza A. Between that and the upstate NY blizzard we canceled our xmas trip.


MOGicantbewitty t1_j1rxt36 wrote

First, I appreciate your respectful disagreement. And second, yes! Education is wonderful and vital to making the world a better place!

My point is that teachers aren’t any more special than all the other people who choose a career in public service, sacrifice for that public service career, and are put at risk in a variety of ways for that job. Or even more deserving of respect than anyone else in the world who are paid too little and have to be exposed to illness regularly. Like anyone in any public facing job.

Being a teacher is a wonderful calling, but it comes with certain downsides. The same as any other job. I will certainly say that they are more special than, say, someone who day trades for a living. They provide so much more to society! But not anymore than other public servants, and they shouldn’t be elevated to a position where they are both revered as making huge sacrifices while complaining about the sacrifices.

I say this as someone who has spent her entire career in government and nonprofit service. I work more hours and get paid the same, with tons of environmental risks. And NO ONE is happy to see a conservation agent show up at a job site or require a permit. But I chose this career. Public service comes with costs… I accept the costs in my career because I believe in its greater good.

But thank you for the reasonable and appropriate way you disagree with me! This is how good conversations happen. :)

Edit: “appropriate” was a weird word choice, but I can’t think of another better word right now


TheLyz t1_j1s08wf wrote

But seriously, my kids have been coughing and sneezing ever since I shut the windows and turned on the heat. If I kept them home for coughing they'd never go into school.

Surprisingly, knock on wood, we've been healthy so far, but I have older kids that wash their hands and don't put their mouth on everything.


KP8387 t1_j1s0l7h wrote

People’s illegal and immoral behavior is always justified if it fits a liberal’s political agenda. If the behavior does not, then it is unjustifiable. Examples where liberals support lawlessness and other immoral behavior include breaking immigration laws, adultery, Apple using low wage labor, liberals burning jet fuel while screaming about climate change, and sending kids to school to infect the elderly and vulnerable if they are an hourly employee.


KP8387 t1_j1s10ag wrote

You are welcome. MSNBC is broadcasting now if you would like to be fed your daily talking points. I hear that climate change is a crisis according to jet fuel burning politicians who own multiple homes is today’s message.


adietcokeaday t1_j1s15qt wrote

I caught strep and covid last spring. The doctor thinks the covid, even though it was a super mild case with not much more than a runny nose, weakened my immune system enough to let the strep take hold. Wishing you luck, friend! Strep is the worst


mari815 t1_j1s2csv wrote

I haven’t ever caught the flu in a way that makes me febrile, achy, and bedbound. But I’m just waiting for something to hit me after Xmas….it’s a numbers game at this point!


onceuponatime55 t1_j1s30eq wrote

Influenza A, my son has Covid. I didn’t know you could take tamiflu at the start of flu symptoms to reduce severity. I’m already on day 3 so it’s too late.


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_j1s7gg9 wrote

Don’t know what it is…like a bad cold that will not leave…but no fever. 10 days now. 😢


sauteed_opinions t1_j1s8376 wrote

Flu shots work, not 100% but significantly better than 0% - get em if you can!


Shelburnite t1_j1shnpa wrote

Just had covid here get tested. It's everywhere.


TB12thegreatest t1_j1sjw5r wrote

I have the flu now- whole family has it. It is kicking our butts. Luckily we didn’t go anywhere for Christmas


zaxo3000 t1_j1svz5x wrote

Got diagnosis of the flu on's been a shitty Xmas.


dvdquikrewinder t1_j1t3b5a wrote

I don't have it and my family don't either. Guess I'm lucky.


RacketyMonkeyMan t1_j1t5t1h wrote

But not normally a cold, from what I've been told. I never ever get fever from a cold. What I had was multi-day fever, really really really bad sore throat, bad headaches and body ache, still fighting chest congestion. Tested five times home Covid test all negative. Doctor over phone consult thought it was the flu. Wife said she's never seen me sicker. I think I'm ok to call it the flu.


Shnikes t1_j1t64rl wrote

If some one has kids and doesn’t expect them to get sick their literally living in a dream world. My kid has gotten sick from plenty of other kids and vice versa. It sounds like you haven’t ever had to deal with daycare during Covid.

We lost $4000 because our daughter went to daycare for 4 days but we paid for two months. But our daughter never went back to that daycare because we weee forced to move. Anytime a kid has any symptoms we were forced to pull them out until they were negative or cleared by a doctor. We’ve paid thousands of dollars for childcare that our kids were unable to attend.

Pre-Covid this wouldn’t have been as big of an issue. If our doctor clears are kid I’m sending them because regardless we are forced to pay for the day. Staying home too often eventually leads to unpaid sick days while still needing to pay for daycare. I’m sending my kid in if the doctor clears it every time.


Shnikes t1_j1t6t3o wrote

My son was tested for the flu because he was sick. If he tested positive then they would have prescribed him anti viral meds. They also would have prescribed my daughter preventive meds. There’s a difference and depending upon your health history a doctor would prescribe you the appropriate meds.

You may have had the flu but plenty of people call random virus the flu that are not actually the flu. My daughter had a high fever for 2 weeks right before my son was born. It was never the flu and they eventually found out it was an adenovirus.


RacketyMonkeyMan t1_j1ti6kb wrote

Ok, fair, I don't know all the random viruses out there. In my book it's cold vs. Covid-19 vs. flu vs. strep. Out of those four I think the flu is most likely. Unless I got tested, it's mostly academic.

> If he tested positive then they would have prescribed him anti viral meds.

Only if they catch it early enough. In my case it was too late by the time I did the consult.


Ornery-Cheesecake-45 t1_j1v3foq wrote

He had a fever and was throwing up! Are you saying you would take a kid that's throwing up and running a fever, along with a sore throat, to visit elderly family and family that are susceptible to illness?