Submitted by nebirah t3_zxqnbk in massachusetts
Unique-Public-8594 t1_j21r757 wrote
They went bankrupt once before trying to compete with Walmart, back when there was no Amazon. This will not go well.
HOARDING_STACKING t1_j21tlmi wrote
ManWithTheCats t1_j21um8m wrote
No_Historian718 t1_j21w4q7 wrote
No thanks
god_damn_bitch t1_j21x007 wrote
Prometheus357 t1_j21x3z6 wrote
Ollie’s is practically B19. Same dude and esthetic
rob691369 t1_j21xdaq wrote
Will be cool for nostalgia, but I don't think they will last...
cmcrich t1_j21xsbm wrote
I’d love to have Filene’s back.
Ill_Long5021 t1_j21xxuk wrote
Filene’s Basement
langjie t1_j21xzc8 wrote
NooStringsAttached t1_j21ywex wrote
ManWithTheCats t1_j21z20o wrote
Now I feel shame.
Ilikereddit15 t1_j21zk6s wrote
Give me back Benny’s 😢
LadyPaleRider t1_j2204ch wrote
HOARDING_STACKING t1_j2214ve wrote
Just seeing if you where paying attention!?
Nogodsnomasters t1_j2220hb wrote
Yes to Ames! Also Lechmere and Steiger's. Remember Steiger's?
Wanderiing_Star t1_j222cln wrote
Target and/or Walmart will most likely roflstomp Ames before they can ever get much of a toehold in the retail sector again, while Amazon cackles evilly in the distance...
SnooGiraffes8820 t1_j222jhb wrote
Bring back spags
orleansville t1_j222pe4 wrote
socialist_frzn_milk t1_j222uw9 wrote
yahabbibi t1_j2237ta wrote
Walmart was Amazon before there was Amazon. Still kinda is.
johnny_cash_money t1_j223r0c wrote
Sears was Amazon first. You could buy an entire house out of a catalog back in the day.
AbbreviationsFar7867 t1_j224i3z wrote
My mom worked at Steiger's in the late 1980s. There was one in the Eastfield Mall in Springfield. There was another across from what was then Baystate West in downtown Springfield.
garvierloon t1_j224wxt wrote
RH Stearns incoming
Hot-Cry920 t1_j226pqv wrote
Circuit city 🤷🏻♂️
chickadeedadee2185 t1_j227bb5 wrote
W.T. Grant
LadyPaleRider t1_j22a0s8 wrote
randilu t1_j22ajna wrote
But why? Who's asking for this?
cheerocc t1_j22bpqg wrote
.....and Bradlees!!!
chadwickipedia t1_j22br2j wrote
Ann & Hope next
cheerocc t1_j22bs8h wrote
Building 19 was awesome.
mskrabapel t1_j22bw59 wrote
Any hope for Windsor Button?
cheerocc t1_j22c09b wrote
I got caught shoplifting there as a 12 year old, you think they still have my files? If so, who's down to go get it?!?!
codeQueen t1_j22catx wrote
I stole a bunch of keychains from Ames in Fairhaven when I was like 7 years old. My mom made me bring them all back and had the security lady scare the shit out of me and tell me I was going to jail.
✨ Memories ✨
Valuable-Baked t1_j22cvg7 wrote
Nobody had a Paint Sale like Benny's ....
Valuable-Baked t1_j22cwn5 wrote
Service Merchandise confirmed
partybanana t1_j22ids0 wrote
"Yesterday? Yesterday you said you'd order it on Amazon."
"I'll order it today."
"You'll order it now."
"...I'll order it now."
sir_mrej t1_j22ltog wrote
Same dude??
CLS4L t1_j22ma4c wrote
ReeceysRun t1_j22md83 wrote
In pog form
TheTr7nity t1_j22nbyy wrote
Service Merchandise… we are patiently waiting!
shankthedog t1_j22p1iu wrote
Fayva, they only sell the right shoe
shankthedog t1_j22p7r1 wrote
My bike tires are still on lay-a-way
wheres_ur_up_dog t1_j22rlzt wrote
I bought a fishing lure and then went to the candy room while my dad bought a rug and my mom got stockings. Building 19 was like a whole yard sale with weird cartoon ads ...that I used to look forward to seeing in the paper for reasons I can't explain. Guy looked like John from Garfield maybe?
headrush46n2 t1_j22vibn wrote
In pog form?
headrush46n2 t1_j22vk2a wrote
God damnit. Every time
jamescobalt t1_j231iz4 wrote
But it was such a bland brand and utilitarian shopping experience. What’s their hook?
riefpirate t1_j2369h9 wrote
Yea there's not enough minimum wage jobs let's make more !!
riefpirate t1_j236bvb wrote
Bring back Childworld !!!
kw66 t1_j2375ql wrote
Filene’s Basement anyone?
masshole4life t1_j238tkv wrote
how much would you pay for a genuine zayre plastic bag circa 1988?
jaybee62 t1_j23cab3 wrote
Mammoth Mart
cokane_88 t1_j23dlxj wrote
Ocean State Job Lots, reminds me of Ames.
The house I bought from an old lady has an Ames branded water hose rack out back.
We had "The Fair" in Southbridge and Ames in Sturbridge 30 years ago. My buddy gifted me some old fishing stuff all had the fair stickers on em, nostalgia.
splendid-west t1_j23ftta wrote
Prometheus357 t1_j23fzwf wrote
liquidcarbohydrates t1_j23kzzf wrote
Radio shack!
YankeeClipper42 t1_j23lckz wrote
I want Benny's to return
dvdquikrewinder t1_j23lm3o wrote
Rip never forget
Outrageous-Pause6317 t1_j23n62w wrote
Cloud 9.
nocolon t1_j23npda wrote
Had to scroll too far to find Service Merchandise.
Elementium t1_j23o0tg wrote
Ames is my childhood. Walmart killed it and now it's a Job Lot. Still at the end of the day.. How will it compete any better now?
What I really miss is K Mart. Right until the end those mofos had VHS tapes for sale.
BlindBeard t1_j23p5l6 wrote
I won't rest until I can walk into Benny's again and buy generic motor oil and pool chlorine and a winter jacket all within 20 steps of each other
[deleted] t1_j23qsaz wrote
[deleted] t1_j23qtrl wrote
Cloudstar86 t1_j23rmmz wrote
The Ocean State Job Lot in my city used to be an Ames!
Gilgamesh72 t1_j23rqzw wrote
They kept it in the back with all the merchandise
m8k t1_j23rsog wrote
Yes please. Many hours were spent in the Danvers store across from Liberty Tree (back when they still had the tree and it was the “cool” mall). I loved that place.
fit_geek t1_j23rtkg wrote
as you should
BrendanBSharp t1_j23s3tu wrote
The Ames company that makes hoses and garden stuff is an entirely different company.
BrendanBSharp t1_j23stx6 wrote
Similar mascot dude. Same art designer. Ollie’s now owns the Building 19 trademarks.
justplayin729 t1_j23t7fj wrote
My thoughts exactly
ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_j23ucyt wrote
Cool! Next Bradlees!
fireball_jones t1_j23v1ft wrote
It ain't a recession until the only colors left in the world are brown, orange, and a particularly sad shade of off-white.
print_isnt_dead t1_j23w12n wrote
Sylvio_ t1_j23xiz6 wrote
or as grandma says "Fleens"
Sylvio_ t1_j23xlvf wrote
I knew they saved that one in Seabrook for a reason
Kodiak01 t1_j23xq8d wrote
Then Caldor, Service Merchandise and Steigers.
DMala t1_j23xrtl wrote
That’s funny, I remember enjoying the Building 19 ads, too. As I recall they had a sort of a Mad Magazine vibe.
Valuable-Baked t1_j23y2xr wrote
DMala t1_j23z5v2 wrote
Sears could have literally been Amazon. They had all the infrastructure and could have crushed Amazon the second they tried to be anything more than a bookstore. But they decided the internet was just a fad, and now they’re just a sad shell and won’t be around much longer.
JoshSidekick t1_j2403ym wrote
I'll put my vote in for The Fair to come back next.
DMala t1_j2412cc wrote
When I worked at the Walmart in Fairhaven, just before the Ames closed, a manager from there came into Walmart (with his kid!) and pitched a very public fit about how our shelf tagging was inaccurate and how we were ripping people off.
In the moment, I had no idea he was anything other than a crabby customer, but the manager who came to help me deal with this situation told me later who he was. I don’t know if he hoped to achieve something or was just venting his spleen. My manager filed a complaint against him with Ames, I never heard of anything more came of it.
DMala t1_j241cbn wrote
Yeah, I was gonna say, I have an Ames shovel that I bought at Home Depot.
cheerocc t1_j242wq9 wrote
I was fixing a broken wire the other day and was using solders that came from there.
Codspear t1_j2438oo wrote
The shadow of which is still around in North Dartmouth.
Hot-Cry920 t1_j2447cp wrote
Yes exactly haha
work-n-lurk t1_j244tyz wrote
oldcreaker t1_j248hez wrote
I can't remember the last time I was in a department store. I wonder how they will change up their model - clearly the previous one wasn't working.
nebirah OP t1_j24bxkk wrote
I don't know Danvers, but Child World was the reason my family went to the Dedham Mall. That and Toys r Us.
nebirah OP t1_j24c40s wrote
One of my friends worked at Caldors.
m8k t1_j24ct1n wrote
We never did a lot at Toys R Us because they were pricier so it was Childworld and a similar store that was in Newburyport for a while in the early 90s but is now a Marshalls.
Oiggamed t1_j24ctnh wrote
Good stuff cheap!!!
Oiggamed t1_j24d1q5 wrote
Remember Mrs. B???
a_white_american_guy t1_j24rmmo wrote
QueenCelis t1_j24vvbh wrote
My husband got his wedding band at Service Merchandise. That store really had everything. And the best catalog.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j250jcj wrote
Why not? Cheer up!
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j2512yn wrote
Funnily enough, there's still a Sears store in Braintree. I think it used to have three floors, but Primark bought out the third floor in 2015 and the Sears store has only had two levels ever since. At least it received a renovation, especially on the outside!
I'm also pretty sure it's the last Sears store in the entirety of New England. I have no clue how it has managed to last so long. Braintree was the town I grew up in, so it blows my mind that Sears is still there!
nick-j- t1_j251bs4 wrote
A cheaper Target but classier than Walmart?
nick-j- t1_j251h6i wrote
I taught my ex to learn how to drive in that parking lot, it’s still up?
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j252jfy wrote
A Goldilocks store? I like it!
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j252m1s wrote
Are you out of your mind?
jamescobalt t1_j252mtk wrote
Maybe, but our local Ames, at least, was not classier than Walmart. The Walmart that helped put it out of business was nicer in every respect expect maybe staff friendliness.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j252qsi wrote
Who knows? Maybe something nice will come out of their return. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j25336v wrote
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j253dy8 wrote
Nostalgia will probably help out a bit.
I will forever miss the Kmart store in Braintree. It closed for good in January 2016:
[deleted] t1_j253iuk wrote
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j2541pc wrote
Also, that's a great idea. I should've thought of that! There's an abandoned Kmart store near me that would make for an ideal place to learn how to drive.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j2544qy wrote
Sylvio_ t1_j254c05 wrote
Yeah I was kidding
Sylvio_ t1_j254e1d wrote
Newburyport? lol
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j254nuv wrote
Really? Have you ever exited your house by any chance?
They went bankrupt because they bought out a crap ton of competitors and took on a load of debt as a result. Their rapid expansion became an issue and it ultimately tanked the company. The "new" Ames likely won't have piss-poor management.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j254y0t wrote
The one in Acton.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j255128 wrote
Oh, okay. My bad...
Valuable-Baked t1_j259xam wrote
Many a memory of the Square One Mall Service Merchandise, now a mega TJ Maxx Home Goods
sir_mrej t1_j25asz8 wrote
Oooh similar-looking mascot. I gotcha. I thought you meant they had the same founder. They did not. I was just confused, I'm good now
coconutpete52 t1_j25bf30 wrote
Can we get a service merchandise too!!
HOARDING_STACKING t1_j25f3ea wrote
If we're going to do that, we might as well bring back Turn Style.
Crayonbreaking t1_j25g7go wrote
That explains so much. They are so similar in so many ways. Now I know why I thought Ollie’s was just copying building 19. They are.
Mr-Chewy-Biteums t1_j25g9e3 wrote
The KMart in my town was one of the last. It held out until just before COVID. It had just begun its going-out-of-business sale when COVID started to get big, so they just called it a day. I wonder how much stuff is still in there.
Thank you
yahabbibi t1_j25gi7w wrote
Absolutely! The more the merrier!
Crayonbreaking t1_j25gq3k wrote
Sears management has been terrible since the 70’s. They were already dying then and they were so amazing for so long it just took 40 years to kill them.
sightlab t1_j25i8fc wrote
Spag's and Railroad Salvage. Sigh.
sightlab t1_j25iir8 wrote
I never fully understood Service Merchandise's sales model. Was it cheaper to have a showroom in the mall and a big stockroom the mall?
sightlab t1_j25jo0e wrote
There was one in the Hampshire Mall when the Hampshire Mall was thriving and had a food court that looked like an old-timey town square (with Steigers as the big central feature store) and the adjacent West Mountain Farms mall (or, colloquially, the "DEAD MALL") was an empty husk with 1 chinese restaurant, 1 AMC muliplex, and a sunday flea market in the massive anchor space at the end. Now the West Farms area is the thriving (if awful) walmart/wholefoods/barnes & noble/old navy etc plaza and the Hampshire Mall is an increasingly empty anachronism that folks now refer to as the DEAD MALL.
sightlab t1_j25ko1s wrote
My sister assumed Mammoth Mart was where she had to buy her new parents once I was born, so she'd wander off and sidle up to young couples in the store. My parents couldn't figure out why they'd find her forlornly following mildly annoyed strangers around.
Kodiak01 t1_j25lemq wrote
Back then it was. The stockroom was not always in the building however, in some cases things were shipped direct to the customer. The Green Stamps redemption store was the same way.
My father actually belonged to a membership version of one of these clubs in the 90s. You would pay this huge membership fee, then go into a location that was nothing but hundreds of catalogs on the walls. You'd pick out what you wanted, filled out an order form, and it was shipped to you.
jamescobalt t1_j25n7km wrote
Nope. It was a green K-Mart.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j25n9sc wrote
You have no soul.
Nogodsnomasters t1_j25uydi wrote
Yes! I even remember the grand opening of Mountain Farms Mall. They were supposed to drop ping pong balls from a helicopter with prize codes on them, but it got called off due to a tornado warning or something, and some guy just threw handfuls off of the roof instead. Before the Hampshire Mall was built right next to it, Mountain Farms Mall was the big deal. I remember being highly impressed with the water wheel.
But Hampshire Mall with the old town theme and the Roller skating (Interskate 91) was so exciting back in the day.
Masshole1981 t1_j25ztpz wrote
SPAGS had no Bags! I remember having to say that to myself to remember to bring in one when I went. Kinda funny now.
BrendanBSharp t1_j263gef wrote
They coexisted for years (Ollie’s in Pennsylvania and Building 19 in Massachusetts) and must’ve gotten along good enough that it was ok to have the same freelance cartoonist doing the ads for both chains... their store locations never overlapped anyway. The cartoonist is Mat Brown; he’s from Scituate.
BrendanBSharp t1_j263luc wrote
Ames isn’t really coming back.
Snufflarious t1_j26js42 wrote
Ima pass on this one. Some investors bought the name. What is it about Ames that they even could resurrect?
Wanderiing_Star t1_j26t8c6 wrote
Ames killed Zayre, though. That was my childhood.
Wanderiing_Star t1_j26u0ml wrote
Mammoth Mart > King's > Ames > RIP
PWL9000 t1_j277afz wrote
There were also "hidden" (small print) jokes and riddles in the flyer.
wheres_ur_up_dog t1_j27c9az wrote
If I were more code literate I would have responded with this gif... but, contrary to what all of the boomers I worked with, I am not in fact able to code anything on any website or program. In reality I am just another millennial who only had 2 years of "computer" class in the early 2000's. Which was just the worst math teacher (who was given the choice of teaching "computers" or being fired), or the librarian who just lost their free period, listlessly making a bunch of 7th graders play mario typing or letting us play zoombinis or kidpix. We ended up learning to type cuz of AIM and rudimentary code from Myspace, and are competent with most technology/programs because we were curious enough to figure them out rather than like those wrinkly douches shake their fists and refuse to learn. ... Yeah, I'm still bitter that an exec made a scene about how I couldn't overlay what he was describing in realtime onto a projection of the architect's drawings.
CoffeeContingencies t1_j298hhv wrote
Last time I checked it had Lands End products and the mechanic & tools only
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j298tz5 wrote
Sears also has apparel, but they spun off Lands’ End in 2014.
CoffeeContingencies t1_j299h6h wrote
I’m calling it now- This is a giant prank. Every news outlet covering it has the same quote by this same woman who doesn’t have a phone number and there is no online presence for the parent company. #Amesgate2023
yahabbibi t1_j21r24q wrote
Now I want Lechmere and Building 19, too!