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ak47workaccnt t1_j0gvev1 wrote

>“You sick motherfs, you’re all gonna burn. There’s a group of people on their way to handle [victim]. You signed your own warrant, [victim]. Castrating our children. You’ve woken up enough people. And upset enough of us. And you signed your own ticket. Sleep well, you f****, c***,” Lindner allegedly said in the voicemail, according to U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins’s office.

This is what media is doing to dim-witted boomers. Turning them into terrorists.

>Lindner was charged with interstate transmission of threatening communication, which can lead to a sentence of up to five years in prison, up to three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $250,000, officials said.


BrockVegas t1_j0h79s9 wrote

>Matthew Jordan Lindner, 38, of Comfort, Texas was arrested on Dec. 2

38 is a boomer now?

Not justifying his actions at all but laying this on the boomers is patently false... the fucker was 38.

Do other boomers think like this? Yes.. of course, but let's keep the narrative reality based OK?


brufleth t1_j0h992n wrote

For anyone with a passing curiosity, they're a millennial.


inuvash255 t1_j0h9cpc wrote

'Boomer' is a state of mind.


MrRileyJr t1_j0htuwl wrote

No. Boomer is a name for a specific generation of people, it's not the same as calling someone a Karen. We already have names for people like this: domestic terrorists and bigots


SheeEttin t1_j0hvwwq wrote

The specific name for that generation is "baby boomer"


[deleted] t1_j0hlhqj wrote



meguin t1_j0ho5i2 wrote

No, he's a millennial.

Source: I'm the same age and a millennial. An easy way to remember is the age range is Chris Evans to Tom Holland lol


petertheo89 t1_j0hcfln wrote

Oh my friend how you are mistaken. Being a boomer isn't about your age.

Being a boomer is about not knowing if you should use "your" or "you're", typing in all caps locks, blaming today's problems on the younger generations, bragging about buying a house "back in their day" on a janitor's salary (no disrespect to janitors), and believing you are superior to other generations simply because you're older.


BrockVegas t1_j0hkimv wrote

Treating any generation as a monolith is fucking pants on head stupid...but using boomer in this context may in fact be a little dumber than that.

It wreaks of lashing out, and sadly dismisses an entire generation....

...but that won't happen to your generation though, it will be remembered only for the good parts and you won't be blamed for all of the current failures at all.

same as it ever was I guess.


bjanas t1_j0h10s6 wrote

It's really brutal how these issues have been so misrepresented, and how they've become 100% self fulfilling in so many people's minds. No matter what you say to this guy to try to convince him otherwise, he will be absolutely, completely convinced that the evil drag queens are out there actively indoctrinating toddlers to be trans and just straight up chop their dicks off at like 5 years old or whatever. Facts be damned.


MajorProblem50 t1_j0h2ghe wrote

Meanwhile they'll have no problem sending their children to an organization full of pedos, the church.


NativeMasshole t1_j0hbxux wrote

Not only that, but they haven't drawn universal condemnation from the right, despite repeatedly threatening violence. That goes beyond any politics of how you feel on these issues, the silence emboldens people to act on the rhetoric they're spreading. It's tacit support of terrorism.


SLEEyawnPY t1_j0jinaf wrote

Yes, the right plays to win. Sadly the Democrats seem to consider themselves above any behaviors that might be interpreted as wanting to really fight for anything.


Apprehensive-Hat-494 t1_j0hvgaj wrote

From Boston Children's Hospital:

>The center currently offers vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, chest reconstruction, breast augmentation, facial harmonization and other gender affirmation surgeries to eligible patients. We are guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards and other criteria to surgically treat people who are stable in their gender identity and have documentation of persistent gender dysphoria. You do not need to be a GeMS patient to have surgery at the center. All genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older.

So to set the record straight, these are adults deciding to "castrate" themselves. The party of personal freedom, liberty, and "don't tread on me" is awfully interested in the genitals of adults (who they claim are children, making it a bit weird). If someone can go to Texas at age 18 and buy an AR-15 without a license, they should be able to come to Massachusetts and get their own vagina or penis if they want one. I doubt Texas man has ever been to MA.

If anyone is doing harm to children, it is the Texas police who made up numerous stories to explain why they didn't have the courage to shoot Salvador Ramos. No to trans health, yes to letting kids bleed out in school. Make it make sense.


gravitas-deficiency t1_j0hsr3g wrote

I like how we’re focused on treating the symptoms (propagandized gullible people driven to action by wildly inaccurate propaganda) instead of the cause (the wildly inaccurate propaganda).