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petertheo89 t1_j0hcfln wrote

Oh my friend how you are mistaken. Being a boomer isn't about your age.

Being a boomer is about not knowing if you should use "your" or "you're", typing in all caps locks, blaming today's problems on the younger generations, bragging about buying a house "back in their day" on a janitor's salary (no disrespect to janitors), and believing you are superior to other generations simply because you're older.


BrockVegas t1_j0hkimv wrote

Treating any generation as a monolith is fucking pants on head stupid...but using boomer in this context may in fact be a little dumber than that.

It wreaks of lashing out, and sadly dismisses an entire generation....

...but that won't happen to your generation though, it will be remembered only for the good parts and you won't be blamed for all of the current failures at all.

same as it ever was I guess.