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Simon_Jester88 t1_j2956g7 wrote

According to some, we have become a woke, oppressive, communist police state.

In reality probably just higher costs of living.


DickRausch t1_j2aod9j wrote

HCOL + abundant full remote jobs + early retirements (and subsequent moves to Florida etc) during covid


gregkel22 t1_j2au6ny wrote

we have become a woke, oppressive, communist police state.

I'll say it. We have. How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?

But I can afford to live here. Here and established. Many of the young coming up... Pack yo shit! Move somewhere they won't mandate jabs, masks. Go somewhere that the incoming Govenor doesn't scissor her inferiors on the job.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j2av2rd wrote

Wasn't to hard, she was running against an absolute clown.

Healey can peg me and call me her inferior all night long. While wearing a mask.


gregkel22 t1_j2avser wrote

>How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?

Don't know what you are into dude, but read this again...

"How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?"


I don't care if she was running against a fucking log. She got "volume to 11" votes. Above and beyond. We know the volume went to 10, but somehow she found it to 113% Hmmmmm...


And bullshit if it's ok for her to be fucking 3 of her inferiors. Media covered that up well.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j2aya39 wrote

Your source is your buddy down at the station?


gregkel22 t1_j2d60oy wrote

Yes. Jim at the station. He asked me to tell you to go fuck yourself. All set, Jim. Done.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j2dgv6k wrote

I'm just here hoping Healey pays for my mandatory sex change so that she can scissor me.


NowakFoxie t1_j2b50sk wrote


god i wish

>I'll say it. We have. How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?

This page has the results by town. Please say where Healey got 113% of the vote, because the highest for Healey is Cambridge, at... 91% of the vote.

Also, I dunno why you're so obsessed with the sex life of someone else. That's kinda creepy, honestly.


gregkel22 t1_j2d5tgn wrote

It's the whole legal part of the sex thing... You wouldn't understand. Big words, legal stuff..


NowakFoxie t1_j2epy7l wrote

I can't find any references to this happening outside of conservative rags, and having been a conservative before (unfortunate) I'm well aware that they're even more divorced from reality than most other liberals. The veracity of this is doubtful.