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Simon_Jester88 t1_j2av2rd wrote

Wasn't to hard, she was running against an absolute clown.

Healey can peg me and call me her inferior all night long. While wearing a mask.


gregkel22 t1_j2avser wrote

>How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?

Don't know what you are into dude, but read this again...

"How the fuck did healey get 113% of votes in some districts?"


I don't care if she was running against a fucking log. She got "volume to 11" votes. Above and beyond. We know the volume went to 10, but somehow she found it to 113% Hmmmmm...


And bullshit if it's ok for her to be fucking 3 of her inferiors. Media covered that up well.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j2aya39 wrote

Your source is your buddy down at the station?


gregkel22 t1_j2d60oy wrote

Yes. Jim at the station. He asked me to tell you to go fuck yourself. All set, Jim. Done.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j2dgv6k wrote

I'm just here hoping Healey pays for my mandatory sex change so that she can scissor me.