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Wyrmslayer t1_j0mm6vk wrote

Don’t forget our lost territory of Maine


notanotheramber t1_j0mu5nj wrote

That's how far "apart" western ma and Boston are financially


swatlord t1_j0muftg wrote

Even if this came true, people would still consider “western Mass” as anything west of Worcester.


theycallmeyango t1_j0mv6a7 wrote

That's pretty crazy I went to college in Boston and now live almost exactly in that spot in California


seh0872 t1_j0mvf94 wrote

Interesting… Chicago, MA… Denver, MA… Los Angeles, MA. We would be the most powerful state!


tsujxd t1_j0mx9mn wrote

Maybe we'll finally see high speed rail across the US, even if it just spans MA


MeEvilBob t1_j0n1lsw wrote

In Boston, 495 is the western edge of society, there's nothing between there and Chicago. West of 128 is kind of a no-man's land, there's stuff out there but it's dark and scary out that way so it's best to stay closer to the village where the dark creatures of the western woods will be too afraid of all the bright lights of the city.


ScarletOK t1_j0n5xlo wrote

Sort of works the other way around,also... I was in Spokane, Washington for a meeting a few years ago and at one point my local friend drove onto I-90E and i said, "oh, let's just stay on this--it goes to Massachusetts" (never mind everything in-between!)


gofigure85 t1_j0n8fmh wrote

Dimmadone dimmassachusetts


es_cl t1_j0n9am0 wrote

Can we cut through Syracuse, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago instead of going through western NY, western Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana?

We really don’t want any part of Indiana, especially northern Indiana.


DroidChargers t1_j0n9f4r wrote

If this were to actually happen, how would this work with states being split?


Giving_Cat t1_j0n9o8b wrote

OMG. I moved from western Massachusetts to West Coastal Massachusetts.


thee-mjb t1_j0naz2l wrote

That should be a new state with a direct highway


DEWOuch t1_j0ndk4f wrote

Western Pa has a high number of folks that are Mayflower descendants. I am one of them. As land opened up for the taking, the OG colonists migrated west to Pa. That’s why the area around Cleveland was designated as the Western Reserve.


Borner791 t1_j0neu1c wrote

Suck it Santa Barbara...


Xcmaster2 t1_j0nhszn wrote



AverageJoe-707 t1_j0nmpn3 wrote

If that were true, eventually we could take the T to Los Angeles.


TheScrantonStrangler t1_j0npbzk wrote

They'd have to pay three tolls and get flicked off in traffic for an hour to travel to the other part of their state then complain when all the Megachusetts residents go to their states only for cheaper booze and cigarettes.


Tameg t1_j0nwsld wrote

The seatbelt state of America. Keepin us all safe.


TheDestroyer72 OP t1_j0nyea5 wrote

You can see a lot of states with these. I guess the solutions are:

  1. Engulf them into Massachusetts: We have conquered the little “islands” too.

  2. Let the states keep them: They have to travel through Megachusetts for the most basic of tasks.

  3. Make them their own states: Tiny areas are their own states. Small populations, though. Barely city size.

  4. Engulf them into their nearest neighbor: Just let the next nearest state take them in.


lucascorso21 t1_j0nysti wrote

Lol, okay. Try to find one with small words. I’d hate for you to continue to not understand how bills pass in this country.

But hey, being super aggressive to a stranger over <checks notes> nothing is totally normal behavior. Not at all making you look like an angry cunt.


Tameg t1_j0nz3e6 wrote

Making them independent would be a bitch for voting/electoral legislation. Conquering seems plausible, if our state can achieve manifest destiny just think of what else we could do. Mass would be unstoppable.


sabrefudge t1_j0o3qfg wrote

Aw, if this were real, I’d still be considered home in Massachusetts. But alas, California (which is awesome in its own way, but I miss my home state).


wickaboaggroove t1_j0o67ny wrote

Megachusetts… resistance is futile, join us, or be assimilated.


Ksevio t1_j0o6git wrote

The problem with this is if you view it on other map projections, MA ends up looking a little flaccid so we'd be like Florida


S1ntag t1_j0o6uql wrote




DanHassler0 t1_j0oag0y wrote

Is this accurate? Shouldn't it consider that the earth is indeed not flat?


DarePatient2262 t1_j0oi2l6 wrote

Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.


MeEvilBob t1_j0ojcjy wrote

I've heard tales from the elders of uncontacted tribes living as far west as Pittsfield, but I assume that's just a myth, nobody could survive that far from the hub.


Objective-Ad4009 t1_j0ope4c wrote

That line needs to take a right fork at Albuquerque, cause we want some PNW, Mass.


losergeekorwhatver t1_j0otr8q wrote

What’s crazy is that no matter where in Megachusetts someone is from, they’ll still say they’re from Boston.


Elibrius t1_j0ovlfg wrote

this is what we could have been


semiconodon t1_j0p0ir8 wrote

… which is still just a subset of Virginia.


jcowurm t1_j0p3dh1 wrote

How could I ever forget Massivechussetts! That and Haramabe are in my heart forever.


aaronmackenzie3 t1_j0pd3ql wrote

Sheltered Eastern MA residents living in a bubble. Little do they know in Western Mass you can make the same salary as out in Boston area but cost of living is way less. But shhh 🤫


thedude2024 t1_j0pggfe wrote

I agree- Worcester is central Mass. Anything west of Worcester is Western Mass. The 413 area code is a myth 🤣


el_toille t1_j0pgh2i wrote

is that MASSIVEchusetts?


stoplightrave t1_j0pj464 wrote

Whoever made this doesn't understand map projections. Ventura, CA is not directly west of Boston.


ThatDudeThatWrites t1_j0psq3g wrote

Now I want to read a book that takes place in this version of the United States. The interstate politics would almost be as fascinating as the in-state politics.


FAHQRudy t1_j0qfwpl wrote

That’s why L.A. consistently has the Blue Sox.


MayaIngenue t1_j0qpn2c wrote

I was at a party in Westford once and a girl from Cambridge flat out asked me "Why should I ever go west of 495?" and I replied "well, you could go see where your drinking water comes from, plus you know, the rest of the country."


jmcflynn33 t1_j0qrku6 wrote

can’t wait for the green line extension


wyoung377 t1_j0rv8ep wrote

Am I the only one who watched Good Will Hunting?