fountain19 OP t1_j0tzg3f wrote
Reply to comment by bubalusarnee in I93 south between Stoneham and Winchester. wtf. Why did we give 3 billion back to tax payers when we can't pave our highways correctly. Let's fix this problem by fountain19
My point is no one needed the 100 or 200 or even even a thousand. We should have put it on the ballot like a question. Do we want the 3 billion returned or should we fix our infrastructure. This state is fiscally sound, and our infrastructure is bad. Not just 93 but the whole state.
TheBetterMan8984 t1_j0u2p90 wrote
No one needed it? lol ok
fountain19 OP t1_j0u323w wrote
Really? Its food for a few days. Or fix the infrastructure for everyone. Don't see the lol but everyone gotta add their 2 cents. Its literally a waste of money. Im not saying it doesn't help. But big picture waste of money.
TheBetterMan8984 t1_j0u666h wrote
Be mad at the gov’t not spending the current tax dollars properly and efficiently.
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j0vtkmz wrote
When looking at the big picture I do agree with you
user72230 t1_j0u3zwv wrote
Sounds like you should start a voter initiative cause that is one way to make this happen. Good luck
fountain19 OP t1_j0u434e wrote
Too late. They already gave it back.
user72230 t1_j0u7d4a wrote
Amazing, so we will never have a surplus again and you know this somehow?
Budget-Celebration-1 t1_j0ulv1r wrote
The biggest issue is the cost of maintaining the roads here. We are literally in the top 5 states for the cost per mile, if not the top 2. Thank the unions and state. It does amaze me how much we pay and just how crappy the worksmanship is.
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j0vt68s wrote
Woah there Mr. Money Bags! Many people needed that and much more.
fountain19 OP t1_j0wc3y6 wrote
I get it but is a couple hundred really going to make ot brake people? 3billion for roads can help all of us. Big picture. Stop thinking small.
stinkopinko22 t1_j13pqok wrote
Yes it does actually. It seems you are the one thinking small for blaming the average citizen for gov misspending.
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