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MrRileyJr t1_j0va6hw wrote

Isn't that literally almost everyone in this state? They want to help those struggling while in the same breath condemning them and wanting them 5 states away. Some of the same people here that are saying they love this and can't understand why anyone would be against will be those same people within a year or so. The problem is getting worse because nobody is willing to do what needs to be done to move things along.

There's little downsides to these sort of things, the research says it works. People need to stop clutching those pearls.


HebrewHammer14 t1_j0vbc69 wrote

It should really be simple. The residents are assuming everyone who is homeless is a drug addict or criminal which isn’t the case. Allow this to happen, make a requirement of no drugs or arrests while a resident and having to keep your own space clean. If they can’t follow those simple rules then they get booted out. Sometimes it’s just a family who’s living on a couch or out of their car but need to be in the city.