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RedPandaActual t1_j2i4rrz wrote

What nobody here is telling you is Northampton is a very high cost of living town in an already high cost of living state. Make sure to have income of some sort though if you’re going to smith you’re probably fine already.

Big Y an Stop an Shop are nearby and the most reasonable.


UniWheel t1_j2ndjhv wrote

>What nobody here is telling you is Northampton is a very high cost of living town in an already high cost of living state.

On a more practical level, the difference between prices in downtown Northampton vs. the actual grocery stores in Northampton and Hadley (reachable by bike or in the case of stop and shop even walking from campus) is larger than regional price differences.

It's buying things at what are essentially convenience stores, prepared meals, etc. that are actually going to kill a budget.