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t1_j4v8zng wrote

As someone who spends a lot of time running/cycling outside and hates shoveling snow, this has been a great winter so far. Enough snow for the kids to appreciate (and one snowball fight), zero shoveling.


t1_j4voeoq wrote

Snow sucks for: running, cycling, walking, pushing a stroller, using a wheelchair, driving a vehicle...the list goes on. Then on course theres the heart attacks and back pain caused by shoveling, the millions spent on snow removal. But but but it looks kinda pretty when it falls?!? Not worth it.


t1_j4vp2ux wrote

We live in a snowy climate. Not having snow means something is seriously wrong. If you don't want the snow, then this area isn't for you. We will get snow whether you like it or not.


t1_j4vypn2 wrote

Seriously wrong. While it's nice to not be chilly, our climate relies on regular snow / frost and a natural freezing & thawing process. It supplies lots of fresh water, it sustains our plants & wildlife, and even keeps our insect population at bay.

Expect continued droughts which means soaring food prices. Say goodbye to our beautiful scenery as we lose our foliage. Say hello to more mosquitos and ticks which means more chemicals being sprayed and leeching into our food & water supply. Mmm, delicious!


t1_j4vzzo3 wrote

Exactly. There's much more to winter than. Snow looks pretty


t1_j4vtw0i wrote

It’s not about whether it’s “worth it” - it’s that we live in a part of the country where our ecology depends on snowfall, and we’ve irreversibly changed the climate such that the future for that system will be worse.


t1_j4vuue4 wrote

Nah, I love running in the snow. Put sheet metal screws in an old pair of running shoes and it's like having studded snow tires.


t1_j4w46t4 wrote

I actually have snowtreads for my runners that stretch on over the shoe and provide great traction on packed snow and ice. But they feel like shit running on bare asphalt so I only use them if I know the entire run will be on that kind of surface, which is tough cause normally there's a mix of snow and no snow on the sidewalks and roadways depending on how snow removal has gone


t1_j4wc9xq wrote

Yeah, they're great for trail running but lousy for roads. I either use screw shoes or studded running shoes (Icebugs). The studs compress up into the soles like on snow tires.