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nixiedust t1_j4xko8p wrote

>The wildlife will be better off without the resort.

Of course, except even a temp change of a few degrees changes ecosystems enough to make them extinct.

As for staff, I'm talking about anyone who works for the slope/resort. Quality of the jobs aside, people do rely on that income. A handful of companies own most of the resorts so this includes staff that work remote.


somegridplayer t1_j4zq80b wrote

"Please be grateful for the minimum wage overworked slave labor jobs we give you." You sound like you work for Vail Resorts.

What's the average tenure of a resort employee? Where are the majority of seasonal workers from again?

Given the locals who traditionally have worked the resort jobs have been priced out from ever living anywhere near the resorts and more each day are moving on to greener pastures, I'm not sure you understand who needs who.


nixiedust t1_j500agm wrote

I don't work for Vail, or even ski. I've done some marketing as a contractor. As shitty as the jobs may be, until there are better options, people rely on those wages. Knowing we need better alternatives doesn't mean we can wrench away what people have now.

Anyway, fuck every corporate ski slope owner if...I care about saving the land and the using it wisely to help the people who love and need it. I'm not sure how anyone got supporting Vail out of supporting their workers.


somegridplayer t1_j500o17 wrote

If you compare what the big resort towns rely on from the mountain twenty years ago to what they rely on now, you'd find everything you claim to be patently false. Every single town has diversified well in advance of the resorts slowly becoming less of a thing.

Lets also address that those jobs were never guaranteed and the resorts outsource as many of them as they can to seasonal foreign workers that don't "need" them. Those jobs are rapidly becoming obsolete for the towns and the people to survive. And towns that solely exist due to the mountains will move on like many others have.

Those locals will be fine, their resume is longer than you can ever imagine.


nixiedust t1_j50a5ji wrote

'kay, good luck with that. Guess what I've heard from industry leaders is meaningless and all. Great if you know resourceful people, but your thinking is still narrow and unsustainable. No job is guaranteed and whatever toilet your folks are cleaning now will pay less and less as the ski money dries up.

Do you really think the $2billion colorado lost in ski revenue last year hasn't affected anyone? I guess they're all cleaning my weed for big bucks now? lol...yes, I'm sure someone who grooms snow for a living has many, many lucrative career options.


somegridplayer t1_j50babz wrote

Are those the same "industry leaders" that continually gut operations and make the customer experience worse every year while jacking prices through the roof?

Oh wait, those are the "operational improvements" and price of a "world class experience" that you're paid to shill. You don't have to show your hand so hard. Or do you actually believe them?

Those towns will be fine without the "industry leaders" and you. Not that you've ever been to any of them by your own admission.