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EnoughIdeas t1_j5ar14c wrote

It's a weekend for only one segment of the population. My last weekends were Thursday, fri,sat.


BossCrabMeat t1_j5bo4zk wrote

My kids have Saturday and Sunday off from school.

It is the only 2 days I can interact with them before they fly off the coop. Can you put a price on fishing with your kids a day a week?

How many schools in this state offer Thu-Mon schedule so kids can have Tue-Wed off to go fishing with you?


Ill_Afternoon_8532 t1_j5e0upy wrote

@bosscrabmeat you hit the nail on the head. I fully understand it’s not 1900 religion and old school dominated society anymore, but without family there really isn’t much of a worthwhile society to any extent in my opinion. If the structure we set for our kids schooling makes them available sat/sun for family time, then family should be able to be there during that time. And if an employer requires otherwise, there really is no adequate compensation however extra $ or time off for vacations would be a bare bones starting point offer.


Vaiiki t1_j5d8a34 wrote

You're missing his point.


Roadglide72 t1_j5ate58 wrote

If you work both those days which would be your weekend, I’d say it should be 1.5 for one of them at minimum. The reason for Sunday is, too me, basically the same as why 3rd shift people get payed a little more. Incentive, most do not want to work it


EnoughIdeas t1_j5aw8ec wrote

Yeah it was overtime those days. I was working the 4 hour shift schedule


[deleted] t1_j5asw6p wrote



EnoughIdeas t1_j5aui11 wrote

Yes, it's people with m-f jobs that are. Retail isn't, industry isn't, Amazon is 4 on 3 off for people who are above a floor associate, most logistics companies aren't.....