Submitted by No_Rope6843 t3_10phli0 in massachusetts
No_Rope6843 OP t1_j6kkaj1 wrote
It starts in Boston.
Comfortable_Plant667 t1_j6kl89k wrote
Did you love seeing a cameo from Cumberland Farms? So glad it wasn't a Dunkin
OriginalObscurity t1_j6kladi wrote
horrific screeching
“Oh god it’s the fungal horde!”
“Nah chill that’s just the green line”
No_Rope6843 OP t1_j6klnid wrote
I haven't actually seen that episode yet. I will soon.
sporky211 t1_j6kltsl wrote
It's even cooler to see it in the live action series
NativeMasshole t1_j6ldesu wrote
It starts in Texas.
t_11 t1_j6lfv3p wrote
Are we doing this shit now every time there’s a new episode?
No_Rope6843 OP t1_j6lg73k wrote
OldWrangler9033 t1_j6ll8ut wrote
So the Subway entrance thing is fake or they just randomly adding stuff in the show with no reason where it really located.
Vaiiki t1_j6llfcg wrote
The story's almost advanced to the same point in the game you have to fight Myrtle at the Aquarium.
Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_j6lql4c wrote
How cool would this be, instead of grime, piss smell & homeless people.
Oblivious-abe-69 t1_j6lzctx wrote
Cumbies 4 life
Oblivious-abe-69 t1_j6lzf6y wrote
Shhhh it starts in Boston
Oblivious-abe-69 t1_j6lzheu wrote
It’s a city. You ever see what downtown used to be like?
Sayoria t1_j6mc8w9 wrote
I never played the game but if it is like the real thing, this is probably the scariest part of the game.
SpyCats t1_j6mfxa8 wrote
It was filmed in Canada, so yes it’s fake.
Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_j6mlk9w wrote
Yes, I'm from Southie.
Edit: Downvoted because of where I was born?
NativeMasshole t1_j6mlnvz wrote
Or there's an intro in Texas.
No_Rope6843 OP t1_j6mtbil wrote
This was in the game, not the show.
GrimmRetails t1_j6mvbys wrote
I'm glad they cleaned it up for the game.
brufleth t1_j6mw4tb wrote
People really seem to love the show. So maybe.
I couldn't make it through the first episode.
chevalier716 t1_j6mw6kd wrote
And the flag was still therrrrrreeeeeeee
sneakylyric t1_j6mz6ok wrote
Guess so.
[deleted] t1_j6n5zlt wrote
tjean5377 t1_j6n8bxk wrote
Wawa is pale in comparison, you can keep your 7 Elevensies. Cumbies 4 eva.
tjean5377 t1_j6n8tku wrote
OOOHHH. I've never played the game, but the Aquariums really a level above dank IRL with its concrete and lighting...that must be a creepy level.
morninggirth t1_j6nd1hn wrote
If you’re from Southie then I truly do not understand your comment
Ferfuxache t1_j6niuxg wrote
Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_j6nkmfo wrote
I meant it would be nice if park st actually smelled like a park... pine trees, fresh air. Instead of a train station.
morninggirth t1_j6ny4ja wrote
No way you’re from Southie
Past-Adhesiveness150 t1_j6o19of wrote
Lol. Why's that? It's hardly a badge of honor.
devilthedankdawg t1_j6o9v8q wrote
Actual gameplay starts in Boston
[deleted] t1_j6ocj1t wrote
No_Rope6843 OP t1_j6odcc6 wrote
The New England Aquarium isn't in the game nor the show.
Cabinet_Juice t1_j6kjp74 wrote
I had no idea this game took place in MA