Submitted by QwertyPuffz t3_104ceig in massachusetts
[deleted] t1_j345aji wrote
Vitamin D deficiency gang
EggAcrobatic2066 t1_j345u2j wrote
Because it's winter and we all have death wishes... or it's because fuck you it's Massachusetts and we are all sickos lol
RagnarBaratheon1998 t1_j346sro wrote
Because we are inconsiderate pieces of shit
SouthShoreSerenade t1_j347avs wrote
I think you're looking for r/RhodeIsland
Cheap_Coffee t1_j34ceua wrote
Oh, come on. You want to tell us your story. Who peed in your cereal?
Quincyperson t1_j34fn1e wrote
Not everyone knows everything
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j34ib8z wrote
Oh you know... Just a row of accidents along both shoulders of the highway and watching people cut each other off more than 5 consecutive times within the same minute. 😃👍👍👍👍
kayarisme t1_j34in2s wrote
In other words, business as usual.
SliceProfessional461 t1_j34iqkh wrote
Hahaha hit the nail on the head. The days and days of rain aren’t helping either.
noodle-face t1_j34k08k wrote
I always tell everyone Rhode Island actually has the worst drivers in the country but no one believes me. They SUCK
[deleted] t1_j34k4hp wrote
A_Man_Who_Writes t1_j34m0vj wrote
I’m not sure why we keep separating drivers by state. I’ve been up and down the east coast and driving is the same everywhere; hectic.
MyDogSmellsLikeMyCat t1_j34nsym wrote
We’re called Massholes for a reason.
AbbreviationsFar7867 t1_j34xjq0 wrote
Come to Nebraska. These jokers can't drive sensibly to save their lives, especially in Omaha.
Opposite_Match5303 t1_j353r8i wrote
Doesn't mass have the lowest rate of driving fatalities in the country? My experience is that driving in Florida or Seattle is way worse.
psycosquirrel789 t1_j3541rd wrote
I've been commuting about 35 min on RT24 for the last 15 years. Coming close to dying every morning is a great way to wake up. Beats the rush of Dunks any day.
TheSkiGeek t1_j358ik5 wrote
RI drivers do weird things all the time.
CT and NJ drivers are actively suicidal.
MA drivers are fast and aggressive but they’re predictably fast and aggressive. (Usually.)
bonanzapineapple t1_j35miuy wrote
Accurate 🤣
beachwhistles t1_j36cwmo wrote
It’s not me, must be you.
BF1shY t1_j36mvhb wrote
I blame phone addition and the desperate need for instant gratification. No one has patience any more.
People see a roadside accident and they don't think "oh how awful, let me move over so the cops and EMS are safe" they think "oh good any other speeder got what he deserved, hope this don't cause traffic for me".
I hope we get more pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to inconvenience drivers and force them to slow down.
Only highway driving should be convenient for the drivers, towns and cities should be inconvenient for drivers and convenient and safe for pedestrians. Safer pedestrians will eventually lead to safer drivers and safer driving.
Driving is insanely worse in any state I visit in the last 10ish years. It has gotten way worse since COVID because driving safety is directly linked to mental health wellbeing.
But this is America, SO CARS GOTTA GO FAST!
Coggs362 t1_j36qbrw wrote
I tell my kids, you see that guy? He forgot to use the bathroom before he left his house. Don't be like that guy.
Beck316 t1_j36qxot wrote
Where else have you driven?
jjohn684 t1_j36r7bs wrote
Ironically I can think of so many different reasons why you deserve that nickname other than your driving..
sydiko t1_j3723ii wrote
It's the knuckleheads from Rhode Island causing problems on MA roads.
For me, nine times out of ten if someone's doing something stupid on the highway, check the plate, and I can guarantee they are from Rhode Island.
If you're on the pike? Usually Connecticut and New York drivers causing problems.
Hithere7733 t1_j372b0g wrote
I moved from mass to FL a few months ago and the amount of really really bad accidents I’ve seen is unbelievable. I swear it’s like once a week I see a wreck where I think “someone probably died”
CLS4L t1_j37dp6k wrote
You dont like the way we drive get off the side walk! End of story
tokhar t1_j37gy4i wrote
Why must you post blanket statements with poor grammar? The answers to some questions will forever remain hidden behind a veil of miscommunication… ;)
PersistNevertheless t1_j37ni34 wrote
Or Connecticut!
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j37rpdn wrote
Why must you nitpick every little detail. I got the point across didn't I? You sound fun.
Daily_the_Project21 t1_j37zpj5 wrote
They aren't required driving lessons and the test is extremely easy. Any moron can get a license down there.
Abject-Rich t1_j380d91 wrote
Love for oneself is lacking.
tesky02 t1_j383d5j wrote
Cause I’m reading this thread while driving. That’s why.
MediumDrink t1_j388v96 wrote
As someone who drives in Boston all day for work it’s not that everyone here is a bad driver. The problem is a handful of people out there drive like the world’s biggest assholes, weaving in and out of traffic, running lights and stop signs, blocking turn lanes, tailgating everyone, honking their stupid horns the split second every traffic light turns green, honking their stupid horns in traffic jams as though the problem is that people are doing it on purpose, double and triple parking leaving no room to get around them, and just generally making the activity of driving near them completely exhausting.
One of these assholes can, and does, ruin the afternoon of several other people every single time they sit their anti-social ass behind the wheel of their car (and by car I mean giant pickup truck that they will never do anything in that they couldn’t do in a sedan.
Sloth_are_great t1_j38tf5q wrote
Yes OP you are the only one in this god forsaken state that can drive. Why don’t you give the rest of us lessons?
ladywiththestarlight t1_j38ua5p wrote
My biggest problem is the all the ding dongs who camp out in the passing lane with no awareness of the traffic around them. Move the fuck over!
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j398lxa wrote
Almost the entire east coast, and mass seems to be the most egregious to drive around in.
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j398o9t wrote
I take that back Rhode island is by far the worst
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j398rxc wrote
List them I'm curious
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j399dkw wrote
Yeah that's one thing I really noticed, it was consistent. Not way too unpredictable, but still horribly terrifying.
jjohn684 t1_j39f004 wrote
Grab a chair Friend
- The bike people in Boston. They have a lane yet will ride directly in the middle of the street
- The entitlement of walking across the street without looking or caring about traffic. Almost daring you to hit them (just happened to me in Sudbury)
- Lawrence (everything and everyone there)
- Boston police that turns on their sirens late at night just to run the red lights.
To name a few..
QwertyPuffz OP t1_j39t68t wrote
Sounds good. My rates start at $20 an hour for the basic course, $25 an hour for the intermediate course, $30 an hour for the advanced course + 1 free bonus lesson on how to get your boating license and finally if you pay $50 an hour I'll just teach you how to rally, and we can take on the world together.
Klutzer_Munitions t1_j3453t2 wrote
To answer the latter, it's winter and we all have seasonal depression.