Submitted by Linux-Is-Best t3_10n22eq in massachusetts

Hello everyone,

In the interest of transparency and to better manage the community, these are the newly defined rules as of January 27, 2023.

  • Be Civil & No trolling

We welcome your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and ideas, provided you do so respectfully and politely. Additionally, any form of trolling, including concern-trolling, sea-lioning, flaming, or baiting other users will not be tolerated.

  • No hate speech or discrimination

Hate speech or attempt of discrimination directed towards groups of people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, age, or disability is not allowed on the sub.

  • No personal attacks.

Attacks on users will not be tolerated.

  • No false information

Do not spread false information. This includes posting any falsified information, photos, video, or audio.

  • No paywalls

It is the opinion of our Subreddit that paywalls constitute as unsolicited spam. They depend on people freely sharing their links in order to generate paid subscriptions. For this reason, they are not welcome here.

  • No spam

The moderation team is not without sympathy for local businesses, but Reddit has rules concerning marketing and advertising. You can learn more from this URL: here

  • Respect Reddit's global rules

Submissions that contain content that does not follow Reddit's content policy or follow Reddiquette guidelines will be removed.



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ak47workaccnt t1_j66gqby wrote

What the heck is "sea-lioning"?

Nvm. It's like the brother of the gish gallop. Instead of giving an overwhelming number of arguments, they overwhelm you with requests for debate and "evidence".


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j66h29j wrote

Define respectfully and politely. -- Think PG-13.

Yes, sometimes it's OK to talk like an adult and cuss a little within reason.


  • The new menu at my local restaurant fucking sucks. -- That's fine.
  • John, go fuck yourself, you are a fucking tool. -- Not fine.

Obviously, things will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.


Cost_Additional t1_j66k4o2 wrote

No disrespect but I have to ask out of curiosity. Why mod 7 AOC subs?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j66oa50 wrote

> You can't change the rules just because you don't like how I'm doing it.

All jokes aside, if the moderating team was as power-hungry, which we're not, we would not have better defined the rules publically and been transparent about anything.

Honestly, I can understand change for people is not easy. I also understand that not all communities are the same. There are some, where the mods are heavy-handed with everything and everyone. And a limited, short-lived few where anarchy rains until the admins shut those down.

Well, we are most certainly not anarchists here, but we also have no plans on instituting a police state either.


SheeEttin t1_j66vly1 wrote

In the interest of transparency, will you be placing comments when a comment or post is removed, explaining why?


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j66wniv wrote

> In the interest of transparency, will you be placing comments when a comment or post is removed, explaining why?

If you check my post history, I have mostly been doing that for threads since I first join the moderating team on January 1, 2023.

I obviously, cannot comment on every, single, individual reply. Some threads need more moderation than others, and a follow-up on everything would be a time restraint.

But if I have to intervene on a thread level, I feel I owe it to everyone within that thread to know what has happened and why. So far, I have been able to commit to that.


biddily t1_j673lbe wrote

"Be Civil & No trolling"

I don't know if my thick as fuck Boston accent can abide by this. The amount of 'Fuck You's", and "The Brockton Papa-Gino's" That just come out of my mouth on a daily basis is just obscene.

Im a fucking DORCHESTER TOWNIE. You can't expect me to not be an obscene troll. I look at your Western MA tag, and understand you might be a little confused by what that means, but it means insulting people is my love language. Saying 'John - go fuck yourself - you fucking tool'. is how we say 'I love you'. I can't help it.

I use 'fuckin' as a thought placeholder instead of 'umm' or 'like'. Thats how obscene I am.


Hoosac_Love t1_j67p9m9 wrote

What is concern trolling?

And what in the Lords green acre is "sea lioning" never heard that one LOL


[deleted] t1_j6876v0 wrote

Uh oh, I give myself a few weeks


wkomorow t1_j68djsx wrote

I do not understand the no paywall site rule. Although some information is really available through government sites, etc., the reality is much of the information about Massachusetts can be found in the Boston Globe or local newspapers, such as the Berkshire Eagle. The dissemination of information from these sources is important in discussions in a free and open society. Dissemination of information that not everyone may have immediate access to but is verifiable is important for keeping us all informed. I would also point out that everyone in Massachusetts does has access to a version of many of these newspapers, such as the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the Sun, The Sentinel etc. through the Boston Public Library e-newspaper collections, or through the Boston Public Library access to press reader, although it is not as easy to get to the information as the direct link paywalled link. I agree that random paywalled sitd should not be cited here, but I would really like you to reconsider the ability to cite and link to Massachusetts newspapers and major newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal, York Times and Washington Post.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j68evnl wrote

Arguably, everything can be abused. You can arguably use a harmless-looking spoon to cause someone harm. The lone argument that something can be abused is not necessarily valid, since arguably anything and everything can be abused if you put your mind to something.

That said, it will be more aimed toward people asking to prove double negatives and the like.

For example, if you told someone you experienced a sneezing fit as a child, you can neither prove nor disprove that experience. And someone repeatedly baiting someone to prove it and then using the lack of evidence in that experience as their "proof" that it didn't happen, would be trolling.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j68fugy wrote

If the information is not easily accessible and is exclusive, it's not welcome here. The year is 2023 and whatever The Boston Globe is reporting can be found from The BCC, NPR, and alike. The old days of 1 news source having the sole exclusive and everyone else not reporting on something to "respect" that exclusivity, ended nearly a century ago. Times have changed, and this is one of those for the better.


BoringAccountName78 t1_j68g9eb wrote

Whereas I agree that the example you've given would be frustrating, I feel like you're looking to micromanage conversations.

I'm an adult, and if I make a claim like you said, and someone insists on my giving proof when I cannot, I make the adult decision to discontinue the discussion.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j68hx5l wrote

Why are you now banned? I am glad you asked. Because you were attempting to paint a fictional picture as reality. You were wrongfully making untrue statements. And when I warned you to please knock it off, you persisted.

Since you were so determined to set an example, I guess you have achieved that goal by being a fine example of transparency. Most moderators would have dealt with you privately in secret and no one would be the wiser. You'd simply vanish into obscurity. I suppose that method of moderation has its advantages. You certainly do not have to deal with things like this publicly, drawn out, and it may be less drama. But I do value some level of transparency, so I rather call you out for all to see.

Bye-bye now.


wkomorow t1_j68lvol wrote

Thank you for replying and I am sorry for the negativity in this thread. As a moderator elsewhere I know it is not an easy job. I, of course, respect your decision. I would however like to point out that not all information is freely available even in 2023. I have been a librarian for over 35 years and the monetazation of information behind paywalls is stronger than ever and something we librarians struggle with every single day. In fact, the BBC news division (which you mention) is actually considering paywalling BBC news in the US.

Again, I respect your decision and will no longer cite to sources such as the New York Times or Boston Globe. I do hope that people use the curated free e-resources those provided by BPL and other libraries to broaden their understanding of the world by being exposed to wider viewpoints beyond Google's front page.


Linux-Is-Best OP t1_j68pjrv wrote

Thanks for your kind words, understanding, and feedback.

Thanks for your concern. I do this for a living, as I work full-time for another well-known social media company. Reddit is my escape from work and while I did volunteer to moderate this Subreddit, it's still a lot easier than what I deal with professionally. Trust me, the administrative side (which I don't deal with here, but elsewhere) is more demanding and the content more disturbing.

That said, this thread has gone about as well as can be expected. I knew the moment I posted it, that it would bring mostly silent observers, a few curious individuals (such as yourself) about both the policy and management, and lastly, it would double as a "honey pot" for the trolls I could nip in the bud. So I guess what I am saying is, I actually view this thread as a success.

Back on topic...

I would be disappointed if the BBC added a paywall. It would mean my primary source of news and information would escape me. I value the BBC because they offer real news. And by that I mean, they are not conservative, progressive, or moderate. The BBC does not attempt to sell you an opinion or cherry-pick, instead choosing to report everything (the wonderful, good, bad, and ugly), and then leaving things "as is" allowing you to form your own opinion without first hearing someone else's.

That's something I fear we have lost in America. The fact that you can argue that Fox News is not always honest and is conservative or that MSNBC may be more moderate or progressive, is a problem. News should be neither, and should stick to the facts (only).

In my opinion, paywalls have become a "thing" because people accept them. And I am thankful the bulk majority of new sources have not instituted them. News should be freely accessible and available to everyone. Thankfully, it seems to be limited to the old media press, which once depended on a subscription model (primarily newspapers). Rather than change and adapt, they've decided to cling to that old business model. Looking over their earning reports, it is not proving to be successful, and I do not believe it should.

People come to social media and Subreddits like this to dive right in. They do not want to sign up for yet another useless or costly service. Almost everyone I know dreads the idea of having to enter a username, e-mail, and password, verify their e-mail, etc... etc... Just to create 1 simple account. And then be told they need to pay on top of that? It is partly why old social media forums slowly died off.

As a librarian (thanks for serving your community), you already struggle just to keep people informed these days. I'd like to make it easier on people, and that means welcoming outlets that do not require a subscription membership. It means not supporting outlets that would hold the news as an exclusive entitlement. The news should be easy to access and freely available when possible.

But I digress. Thanks for your understanding, and thanks for informing me of the possible change with the BBC. That would be unfortunate.


tculli t1_j6f2osl wrote

I think it is sending Reddit a message that a user needs help. It has happened to me in the past. I received a messages front ‘Reddit’ that said a concerned user reported I was in distress. There’s an option somewhere, I can’t remember where off the top of my head, that you can anonymously report that someone on Reddit has expressed that they need help or that they are suicidal or depressed.


Hoosac_Love t1_j6jjizd wrote

The moderators said the banned "sea lioning" in several posts I made refferences to sea lions in attempt to be sarcastic.I was being wise ass ,I also posted photos of sea lions.I was poking fun at the moderators.