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SliceProfessional461 t1_j3ara3a wrote

Your electric bill was nearly $1700!?!? WTF. I was upset mine was $60 this month. Electric heating is a killer though. I have gas. $107 month for 800 sq ft. Thermostat set for 67 during the day. 63 at night.


Fuey500 OP t1_j3asfje wrote

Yeah, I set my theromostat slightly higher for my small office because I feel a bit colder naturally but other than that most rooms are 65 at night and the main rooms really the only other one I raise to about 70 during the day if its really cold. Only done that a few times.


jp_jellyroll t1_j3b2kx6 wrote

Jesus... I've got gas / forced air in a 1000sqft 2BR. We keep the temp locked at 72F night and day. Total for gas & electric last month was ~$300.

If that is an accurate bill, then I am never buying a home with electric heat.