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oneMadRssn t1_j3cf2n0 wrote

Are you serious with the tipping? The fact they don’t allow tipping is a HUGE plus for me.

In short, tipping culture is highly correlated to corrupt societies. The more tipping there is in a society, the more corrupt that society is in general.


wkomorow t1_j3cissa wrote

Yes but I grew up in the 60s and the culture I grew up in is very different than today. I grew up in a tipping culture. People today are surprised to get tips, but I have always tipped delivery people, on Christmas the trash collectors, paper deliverer, postal carrier etc. Never very much, just a couple/few dollars as a sign of appreciation, annual tips a bit more. Tips should never replace a liveable wage, but what is wrong with giving people basically a free coffee or soda or snack on me.


oneMadRssn t1_j3d2zkf wrote

> what is wrong with giving people basically a free coffee or soda or snack on me.'s-a-Tip_Torfason,Flynn,Kupor-Tipping-and-Bribery-6-6-12-SPPS.pdf

“We suggest that tips and bribes both emanate from similar norms of exchange—indeed, the timing of the gratuity may be the key distinguishing feature between these two acts. This subtle temporal distinction may help explain why tipping and bribery practices are positively correlated across countries even though many individuals perceive them as diametrically opposed from a moral standpoint.”