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fendent t1_j6bjplv wrote

Apologies if this is too presumptive of me but please be sure you get some professional help processing this. I’ve never quite got over being shot at and I hate seeing anybody thinking they are fine like I thought then one day a year later just hitting a brick wall of walking catatonia. I was a complete space case, dissociating constantly and probably avoidable if I got somebody to help pick through it with me. Be well, friend.


SpecterCody t1_j6bl7so wrote

Thank you for the concern. In the moment I wasn't too scared, just alarmed. Once I read the news in a restaurant confirming it was indeed a shooting, it started to sink in. Its a mix of emotions that's hard to process right now. I hope you were able to find some peace with the scary incident you went through.


fendent t1_j6bljkv wrote

Yeah at the time I was high anxiety but not too bad. Looked over my shoulder a bit more but nothing too bad then one day I just couldn’t stop thinking about it or about bad things happening. But yeah, I think I finally have reached some peace about it after a good bit of work. Wishing you the best as well.